Wednesday, 2007-06-20

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cchelpbotNew news from Lessig@iSummit on the next 10 years <>01:08
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Spamiclesto offset cost associated with providing open source documents for free, is it against the CC to post advertisements in the documents or on the website where the documents are hosted?05:21
luisvdepends on what you mean by 'the CC'05:21
luisvthere are many CCs05:21
luisvCC-BY, CC-SA, CC-NC, etc.05:21
Spamiclesi see05:22
Spamicleswhich ones prohibit advertising? :o05:22
luisvyou might google CC NC and advertising05:22
luisvthe rest probably do not05:22
luisvbut IANAL05:22
Spamiclesthanks :D05:23
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cchelpbotNew news from Where are the Joneses? <>20:58
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cchelpbotNew news from Main Page <>22:47
cchelpbotNew news from FOSS + Creative Commons LiveContent for libraries <>22:49
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rejontannewt: what'up23:32
tannewtrejon, you realize I'm Scott, the intern?23:34
rejonbut of course23:36
tannewtjust checking :-D23:39
paulproteustannewt, Dude, how's SF?23:40
rejonhow's hell?23:41
rejonok, not hell...23:41
tannewtpaulproteus, its good23:42
paulproteusrejon, I'm back in Rochester.23:42
paulproteusJust want to be clear on what place you're calling Hell. (-:23:42
rejonnot hell...hell if you want to get online23:43
tannewtrejon, I've had no problem getting online23:44
rejonah man, this guy from south africa showed me this cool GSM/HSPDA dongle that allows broadband speeds on computer23:44
rejontannewt: talking about dbc23:44
rejonanyway ;)23:44
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rejonif only isummit could bring in these guys:
luisvevening, rejon23:59
rejonheya luisv!23:59
rejonhow's redhat'ing going?23:59
luisvpretty good23:59
luisvworking me hard23:59

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