Thursday, 2007-05-31

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metade_hi - i'd like to ask a question about the 'No Derivative Works' aspect of creative commons20:06
metade_is this the right place to ask?20:06
paulproteusmetade_, Yes, but we can't guarantee an answer.20:23
paulproteusI do urge you to look at the huge FAQ at .20:23
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IlonaGarlandgood evening/day :)22:57
kristallpirat1:00 am cest22:57
IlonaGarlandyeah, that sounds about right..22:58
IlonaGarlandI came here to learn a bit about you lot and maybe even apply to become a helping hand )23:00
IlonaGarlandso I'd like to stick around for a few days if that's ok. not sure if this channel is mostly idle tho.23:03
rejonwhat do you want to help with?23:04
IlonaGarlandI'm not sure yet. skill wise I earn money with PHP/MYSQL (since ~8 years I believe)23:05
rejonhave you heard of ccHost?23:05
IlonaGarlandI'm browsing the cc-wiki atm...23:06
rejonthat is php+mysql and powers and some other sites23:06
rejonthat would be brilliant to get your help with adding features23:06
IlonaGarlandI think I'll dl ccHost and checkout what it exactly does.23:10
IlonaGarlandI know ccmixter from userside so far.23:10
rejonI would recommend checking out from svn23:10
bovinitycchost could do with some fresh blood23:11
rejonyes, from the cchost link would recommend to look at the feature request list and seeing if anything piques your interested23:11
IlonaGarlandhow active are the (official) cc projects?23:16
rejoncchost is the most active23:16
rejonwe need more developers always23:17
rejonmost cctools projects are test of concepts mostly23:17
rejonuntil companies and other open * projects adopt the concepts, etc23:17
IlonaGarlandbugs/feature wise it looks very clear.23:17
rejonI think its the project with most possibilities at this point23:18
*** rejon changes topic to "Creative Commons Developer Community (CCDC) :: :: help us develop ccHost ( and other cctools!"23:18
rejoncheck out the code documentation on ccHost23:22
*** rejon changes topic to "Creative Commons Developer Community (CCDC) :: :: help us develop ccHost ( and code doc: and other cctools!"23:23
rejonccHost hacking is fun!23:23
IlonaGarlandhehe "Slightly Longer Description"23:23
IlonaGarland(still reading the wiki :(23:23
IlonaGarland* :)23:23
rejonok, cool23:24
IlonaGarlandvery clean code! I like this.23:31
rejonyes, totally23:31

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