Friday, 2007-06-01

IlonaGarlandis it possible that the SVN version doesn't install the whole db? I seem to lack cc_tbl_collab_users, cc_tbl_cart and maybe others.00:04
rejonthat is possible00:06
rejonoh, you need to do: ?update=100:06
rejonat end of query string00:06
rejontry that00:06
rejonshould update00:06
rejonmight be a bug00:06
rejonthat is new feature00:06
IlonaGarland?update=1 does run the update but it seems skips to create the tables.00:09
IlonaGarlandI ran the queries in and _v5_collab manually. then everything seems to work fine.00:10
rejonok, cool00:10
IlonaGarlandguess I'll start with this one :D00:10
rejonyah, join up on the cctools-cchost list00:11
rejontoo...good to intro yourself any questions, etc00:12
rejonalso, submit 1 good patch for review, and then will give you complete svn commit access to our cctools repository00:12
*** rejon changes topic to "Creative Commons Developer Community (CCDC) :: :: Patch First, Discuss Later :: Submit 1 good patch and then ask for full SVN commit access :: help us develop ccHost ( and code doc: and other cctools!"00:13
IlonaGarlandthanks for all the pointers.00:14
IlonaGarlandI'll send a few days with the code and see what I can do. then introduce myself properly :)00:14
IlonaGarlandlaters! time for bed.00:37
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skyfallerbovinity: howdy Alex!  This is Nelson from ... rejon said that you might be able to help us squash a few IE bugs in our new website design?17:08
bovinityskyfaller: hey, sure i can help out17:09
skyfallerawesome :D17:09
skyfallerbovinity: check out in IE17:09
rejonwhoa, cool...I'm glad you guys are stripping it down17:10
rejonto wp17:10
skyfallerthe big bug that is keeping us from releasing the new website is the one where all the content gets pushed below the sidebar...
bovinityi was just thinking yesterday that someone needs to make fc.o look better17:10
skyfallerrejon: yeah, it will be a lot easier to update both the content and the look of fc.o once we finish this transition to WP17:11
rejonmass agreement17:11
bovinitywhy is your sidebar display:inline?17:11
skyfallerbovinity: I'm afraid I couldn't say!  I'm not the most experienced web designer, and most of this isn't my work17:12
bovinityah, ok17:13
skyfallerbovinity: if you want to edit the stuff for us, I can give you shell access to the FC server, or just access to WP to edit the theme if you like...17:13
bovinitysure, eitehr works, i can tinker with it later :)17:13
skyfallerbovinity: PM17:18
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