Wednesday, 2007-05-30

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cchelpbotNew news from ((c)urve)music Remix Contest <>09:22
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paulproteusrejon, Good!16:58
paulproteus'Bout time.16:58
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rejonpaulproteus: bout time for you to reply to my emails more like it ;)17:51
rejonsend those patches up17:51
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cchelpbotNew news from Sidecar Metadata <>22:44
rejonpaulproteus: give me code23:13
rejonor I'm getting you pre-fired23:14
* paulproteus gulps23:14
paulproteusBut, but...23:14
paulproteusI ended up hacking at some stuff at Victor's suggestion, but in the end VS wrote just about everything we went with.23:14
rejonyah, exactly23:14
rejonthat is his way23:15
* paulproteus chuckles23:15
paulproteusI think he wrote them as extensions, so they probably won't be patches so much as new .incs.23:15
rejonjust do an svn up on it, and fix any breakages and hit commit23:15
rejonfuck it23:15
paulproteusI forgot, I have the power....23:15
rejonok, cool...just attach them to an email and send them to me and the list23:15
rejonI need them23:15
rejonjust do23:15
rejon5 min23:15
paulproteusHow about in 90m?23:15
rejonho about now23:16
paulproteusYargh, I'm hungry, and I was cleaning out duplicate photos.  How about I'll go get myself a slice of pizza and come back in 30m and do it?23:16
bovinityrewrite it in LOLCODE while you're at it23:16
paulproteusI'm laughing, but I guess it's cliche to write "lol"....23:17
rejonjust do it and then get pizza23:17
rejon5 minutes, litterally23:17
paulproteusOkay, fine, I'll just email you the suckers.23:17
rejonsvn diff > patch_for_jon.patch23:17
rejonoh wait, if not in svn, just attach23:17
rejonyou might need diff too23:18
* paulproteus nods23:18
paulproteusHonest to God file in the patches I was preparing:23:18
paulproteusIndex: cc-reviews.php23:18
paulproteus--- cc-reviews.php      (revision 5284)23:18
paulproteus+++ cc-reviews.php      (working copy)23:18
paulproteus@@ -218,6 +218,7 @@23:18
cchelpbotpaulproteus: Error: "@" is not a valid command.23:18
paulproteus     function _can_review($row_or_id)23:19
rejonno attach23:19
paulproteus     {23:19
rejonsend attachments23:19
paulproteus+       return true; // lol23:19
paulproteus         if( CCUser::IsLoggedIn() )23:19
paulproteus         {23:19
paulproteus             if( is_array($row_or_id) )23:19
paulproteusrejon, I'll attach it, I just thought I'd show bovinity that lol was already part of my plan back when we put the site up.23:19
paulproteusrejon, ccimages/ includes some extra graphics on our side; you don't want those, do you?23:25
rejonif needed for the extensions, otherwise no23:25
paulproteusfrom aol import youve_got_mail; youve_got_mail()23:26
paulproteusI'm going to get my pizza now, tty in a bit.23:27
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