Wednesday, 2007-04-18

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cchelpbotNew news from Before Licensing <>07:36
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cchelpbotNew news from CcWiki:Protected page <>14:46
cchelpbotNew news from User:Crios <>14:56
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aarkerioHi! I am looking for advice17:36
aarkerioI made some HOWTOS17:37
aarkeriomany sites are taking this materials17:37
aarkerioand ask for email and other data to let see the documents17:38
aarkeriocan they do this?17:38
aarkerioneed I change my license?17:38
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aarkeriowhat license forced to show the documents ?17:38
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aarkerioHi! I am looking for advice17:52
paulproteusAs far as I know, they are allowed to do that under any of the main CC licenses.17:56
paulproteusrejon, Maybe you know better?17:56
paulproteusaarkerio, So long as when they actually display the documents they show the license clearly and attribute you, I think they're okay.17:57
paulproteusMaybe the non-commercial license would restrict this if they forced the viewer to see advertisements.17:57
paulproteusI'm by no means an expert, though; you should hope someone more knowledgeable comes by.17:58
aarkeriothis is the page:17:59
aarkeriothe users can't access to "Manual/FAQ Debian" because there is not reference to the document18:00
aarkeriothe license:18:04
aarkerio"You may Use the Work only under the terms of this Licence, and You must include a copy of, or the Uniform Resource Identifier for"18:04
aarkerioand there is not Uniform Resource Identifier18:05
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aarkerioHi! I am looking for advice18:27
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cchelpbotNew news from CC Salon SF Tonite! Free Live Music, Presentations and Relaxing Post-Work Time <>21:53
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