Tuesday, 2007-04-17

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cchelpbotNew news from http://creativecommons.org/weblog/rss: CC search archive.org and more with SpinXpress <http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/7392>02:58
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cchelpbotNew news from http://creativecommons.org/weblog/rss: Our Virtual Make Over <http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/7393>04:08
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cchelpbotNew news from http://creativecommons.org/weblog/rss: CC Salon on WED in SF: Added Technorati, Interplast.org film, and Music by Doublefish (CN) <http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/7400>06:39
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tannewtmlinksva, no more news from the third possible intern?17:06
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mlinksvatannewt, you left... ping me next time :)17:15
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tekonivelhello all17:27
tekoniveli would like to ask about the CC-licenses and libraries17:27
tekoniveli wonder if you lot are around17:27
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tekonivelto me it seems the CC licenses allow use in a library17:29
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tekonivelhowever, some sites (f.ex. thinner.cc) say that the material is free for private, but not for commercial use.  libraries are naturally /not/ commerial, but they're not private either17:30
tekoniveltheoretically a library could print a CC book, catalog it and add it to the collection and borrow it to patrons just like any book, right?17:31
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rejoncheck that out18:08
rejonugc commercials18:08
mlinksvatekonivel, it seems that a non-profit library would be ok even if the CC license says noncommercial, but i am not a lawyer18:11
tekonivelyeah, i agree18:12
tekonivelmlinksva: a lot of sites only mention a) private use and b) commercial use.  libraries, archives etc. are often not mentioned at all18:13
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tekonivelmlinksva: but i shouldn't mind the texts on the sites, only the license18:14
mlinksvatekonivel, well, if they're using a CC license, that is about public use18:14
tekonivelmlinksva: exactly18:14
mlinksvaprivate use is fair use anyhow, so if they say they are allowing private use, they aren't telling you anything :)18:14
tekonivelmlinksva: some site (i don't rememer which) has material, but seems to claim i'm allowed to redistribute only in electronic form... i've sent them email, asking for clarification18:15
tekonivelmlinksva: :)18:15
tekonivelmlinksva: of course the local law has an impact, but the finnish librarylaw excludes all sorts of e-material18:16
tekonivelmlinksva: well, it doesn't exactly exclude them, it just doesn't mention them at all18:16
cchelpbotNew news from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=special:recentchanges&feed=rss: Media Hosting Wishlist <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Media_Hosting_Wishlist> || Business <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Business>18:23
cchelpbotNew news from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=special:recentchanges&feed=rss: CcHost <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/CcHost>18:33
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rejonanyone want to review my handiwork?19:04
rejonmlinksva: could you add content for the 3 incomplete sections plz19:04
rejonI just hashed out the documen19:04
rejonok, emailed the list about it19:10
rejonat the salon on wed: http://www.archive.org/download/doublefishandiloopliveinbj/format=flash+video19:13
rejonbovinity: http://www.archive.org/details/doublefishdoublefishxx19:17
bovinityha, rad19:24
bovinityi'm sure alec empire would be proud of this.19:25
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bovinitydid they CC license that rammstein sample?19:26
rejonfair use19:27
bovinityi suppose it should be.19:28
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mlinksvarejon, what you think of http://apcmag.com/5876/intel_gives_red_flag_the_green_light20:56
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rejonmlinksva: I think it will sell well21:37
rejonchinese folks are way into tiny computers21:38
rejonlast time I was there, many ppl. wanted umpcs21:38
rejonso, I think that means many ppl. will get them and the cheapest clones possible21:38
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brycerejon, abouts?21:41
rejonwhats up21:43
bryceheya, I have new blog software and want to update planet.inkscape.org21:43
rejonok...do I own that?21:44
rejonbrb...1 sec door21:44
brycecan you point me at where the file is?21:44
bryceah found it:  freedesktop.org: /srv/create.freedesktop.org/www_rejon/planet_inkscape21:44
brycecan you please change http://wwww.bryceharrington.org/blosxom.cgi to http://www.bryceharrington.org/drupal/21:45
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rejonbryce: you should move your whole site to it21:52
brycethe feed is here:  http://bryceharrington.org/drupal/blog/1/feed21:53
rejonoh yeah, its on fd.o21:53
bryceyeah I plan to if I have time21:53
brycemost of my site currently is photos, and while I really like drupal, I kind of prefer what I put together over what drupal can do21:54
bryce(as far as photo albums go)21:55
rejonman, I have to say, it so much easier to manage my site now that I converted it to wordpress21:55
brycerealistically, a lot of the stuff I put on my site is random once-off things like screenshots, patches, php experiments, etc21:55
rejonYah, I thought of that too...just decided better to make all those posts with tags21:56
rejontakes care of making it searchable, etc21:56
rejonbryce: your feed is giving error21:56
rejonI mean, I loaded int FF and it says the feed is not validating21:56
rejonbryce: i'm running the cron to see if it chokes on it21:58
rejonok, lets see21:58
rejonok, it worked21:58
bryceexcellent, thanks!22:00
rejonmlinksva: are you going to go to the swivel drinkx at 522:01
rejonI dunno...think I might just head to the dinner...they will be at the salon, right22:01
mlinksvarejon, i think i will just head to dinner22:02
rejonyah, can't get burnt out too early22:03
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rejonmlinksva: I'm about to send a massive brain dump from meeting with redhat...fyi...not all parseable, but FYI22:09
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aphidrejon: ping22:24
rejonaphid: pong22:24
aphidmm.. pong22:25
rejonbovinity: does CC have Adobe CS322:25
aphidlooks like mike and i will be doing metavid full time for a year22:25
rejonaphid: excellent!!!!22:25
rejonI heard some rumblings about this last week in DC22:25
rejonaphid: who is funding you guys?22:25
aphidsunlight foundation22:25
aphidvia UCSC.. (eg, university salaries, etc)22:25
aphidwhy, what did you hear? hehe22:26
rejonI can't remember...someone mentioned to me at this conf on UGC22:26
rejonThis is great for you guys! Perfect!22:26
rejona great place for you guys to dock and connect up action...22:27
aphidyeh, their otherprojects will be a good fit22:27
rejonI think will be key to get your guys' footage and content embedded in their projects and around the web22:29
bovinityrejon: no, we don't22:29
rejon(esp. for longevity)22:29
rejonbovinity: what version?22:29
bovinityrejon: yet?22:29
bovinitywe have CS222:29
rejonok, just seeing...does it come with adobe bridge?22:31
aphidrejon: yeah, theora's funkiness has been kind of an obstacle to that.  the coming integration in firefox and opera will help a lot22:32
aphid(funkiness in-browser)22:32
rejonaphid: would it be evil to encode to flash and/or work with a site like blip.tv to convert to FLV and link to the original content?22:35
aphidclick.tv has been doing that w/our content.. or trying to22:35
aphidwe're hoping to stay patent-free/nonproprietary but it could happen :D22:36
rejonaphid: that is true, but at the end of the day, what will help mass proliferation of the content IMO...and provide both22:36
rejonwhoa, this is cool! http://click.tv/22:38
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rejonaphid: is there a format as compressed and as easy to use as FLV?22:42
rejonand/or what would you recommend?22:42
aphidwe've been pretty happy with theora, at least when we don't have to use java to play it :D22:43
aphidand we're able to serve portions of much longer files (like 35 seconds out of a 7 hour proceeding) as distinct saveable streams22:43
aphidwhich makes creative re(/mis)use much easier22:44
rejonok, keep me posted...I have to step out for a sec22:46
aphidsure thing.. was hoping to get up to the salon tomorrow but something came up.  hopefully next month22:46
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