Thursday, 2007-04-19

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cchelpbotNew news from Books <>14:02
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rejoninternet is better out here18:48
papyromanceryou at the conference?18:53
rejonwhich one?18:56
rejonno, at new cc office18:56
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BjornWhe rejon did you get my email?18:57
rejonyah, I'm on major lag18:59
rejonwe are moving to new office18:59
rejonor, are moved + salon and more ish18:59
rejontrying to whittle down today :)18:59
BjornWrejon: ok, I know the feeling. Just moved twice. Once at home and once with my office. The result: a really badly screwed up back. Anyway, enjoy the salon and good luck settling down in the new office.19:16
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tannewtpaulproteus, about when did you find a place to stay in san fran for the summer.  I'm eager to find a place to live.19:40
tannewtmlinksva, any more news about the third intern?  I'd like to talk with the others about where they are staying.19:43
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mlinksvatannewt, yes, finally have the third tech intern nailed down20:08
mlinksvahe will be starting a little later than everyone else, and staying a little bit later20:09
mlinksvajennifer will be sending an intro email to all six tech + free culture interns asap so you can coordinate on things like housing if you want20:09
tannewtalright cool20:10
tannewtI'm just getting nervous about having a place20:10
tannewtto stay20:10
rejontannewt: don't worry20:15
rejonyou can always just sleep on the streets20:15
rejonthere are a lot of ppl who do that in SF20:15
tannewttoo bad there are no close camp grounds20:15
rejondon't worry...just get on craigslist20:15
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rejonnah, sublet20:15
tannewtyeah, I've been watching it20:15
tannewtand there is tons of berkeley stuff but little in the mission district or nob hill20:16
aphidberkeley is a fast bart ride20:16
tannewti know20:16
aphidand then you're close to zacchary's pizza20:17
tannewtwell, I've got to go teach so I'll talk with you all later20:17
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dionyzizhi guys22:38
dionyzizcan I use a CC-style license for code?22:38
dionyzizand how?22:38
dionyzizthanks anyway :)22:41
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paulproteusmlinksva, Oh my GOD six interns!?23:45
paulproteusThat's amazing!23:45
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