Wednesday, 2007-04-11

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alankelonany soc mentor here?01:08
paulproteusalankelon, rejon is a mentor, though he may not be around.01:14
alankelonpapyromancer, yep. he is alway01:14
paulproteusOh, you're wondering if you've been accepted we don't know yet.01:17
paulproteusThe nice guys who are actually mentoring decided to let me see our mentoring interface.01:19
paulproteusIt's up to Google now, as I understand it.01:19
cchelpbotNew news from Second Life <>01:31
alankelonpaulproteus, I'm sorry, Asheesh. I was on phone...01:36
paulproteusalankelon, That's okay.  Glad you actually noticed my real name. (-:01:36
alankelonpaulproteus, I saw the discussion at #duplicate-resolution...01:37
alankelonit seems the names of students were defined there.01:37
alankelondespite soc result, rejon was in a conference this afternoon... how CC works? do you all have voice and video conference very often?01:38
paulproteusI've only ever really been an intern; I'll be a real employee come the summer.  I only really interacted with the tech people who are in the San Francisco office, so I didn't see much voice/video conferencing.01:40
alankelonpaulproteus, I saw it on CC site right now ;-)01:41
cchelpbotNew news from User:Deborah <>01:41
alankelonso, could you please talk about the CC org?01:41
alankelonpapyromancer, let me see the about01:42
alankelonI know about CC mission at all, but I didn't ever researched about its internals...01:43
paulproteusalankelon, I'm not the most qualified; I suggest poking around - that's as good a summary as any.01:44
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paulproteusI have to talk to my mom a little more; I'm visiting home right now. (-:01:44
alankelonpaulproteus, thanks for the link :)01:44
alankelonpapyromancer, :-D01:44
alankelonops... paulproteus :D01:45
paulproteusalankelon, No problem. (-:01:45
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alankelonksiomelo, are you from CIn-UFPE?02:07
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alankelongood night02:16
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WillySillyhi Luke03:02
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Nerd42hey i got some questions about creative commons vs copyrights n stuff16:17
Nerd42When a band does a cover of a song, they don't have to pay for the rights to the song, do they?16:18
Nerd42guess this is more of a ccmixter question but they dont have an irc16:19
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Nerd42do u kno anything about the legalities of doing cover songs, bovinity?16:20
bovinityianal, but look up mechanical license.16:23
Nerd42well .... i was thinking: couldnt people just record their own voice singing any song they can think of and release that sound under a cc liscense?16:25
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Nerd42o well nobody talks here i guess16:35
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cchelpbotNew news from Make Internet TV <>18:51
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ksiomeloalankelon, sorry, yesterday i was out when you asked me if i'm from cin19:25
ksiomelobut yes, i'm from cin-ufpe and i know you19:25
ksiomelowe've talked before!19:26
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rillianso, a license-lawyer question19:37
rillianwe're collecting content for a hypothetical compression codec tuning project19:37
rilliancan we use CC-NC licensed images and video to tune a piece of software that can itself be used commercially by other parties?19:38
rillianor is the NC (-SA or not) viral across that interface?19:38
alankelonksiomelo, :) don't worry19:39
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