Tuesday, 2007-04-10

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bashusrdoes CC-NC-SA protect PHP code?00:06
bashusri have heard some weird things like people can use the PHP code as much as they want as long as they are not selling it or something like that00:06
bashusrand i'm very confused over the matter...00:06
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mlinksvabashusr, cc does not recommend using cc licenses for code00:37
bashusrmlinksva: what is recommended then?00:38
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mlinksvaany of the licenses found on http://opensource.org00:46
bashusrgot any suggestion for a license that would allow me to use the code commercially, but allow non-commercial use for free?00:50
bashusror do i have to do something complicated like dual-license?00:50
mlinksvabashusr, read up on how mysql does that with GPL01:03
bashusrmlinksva: but it's so complicated!01:03
paulproteusbashusr, It's actually not so bad.01:03
paulproteusThe key is that if you're the only copyright holder you can do whatever you want.01:03
bashusrmlinksva: i just have a relatively small PHP program01:03
paulproteusEven "violate the GPL".01:03
paulproteusBecause you're not bound to the terms of the GPL for your own use of the program.01:04
bashusrpaulproteus: but is there any way i can keep others from using my product commercially?01:04
paulproteusThe GPL does give *other people* certain rights, but it doesn't restrict you - do you see what I mean?01:04
bashusryeah, i understand that...01:04
paulproteusOkay, right.01:05
bashusrpaulproteus: but i want to require companies to pay for this product if they are using it commercially01:05
bashusrpaulproteus: GPL would allow anyone anywhere to use the product01:07
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paulproteusI guess you'll have to find a non-open-source license to use.01:08
paulproteusI've seen people use a CC license for code, but we don't recommend it.01:09
bashusrpaulproteus: may i ask why?01:09
paulproteusbashusr, I actually have to run.01:12
paulproteusI think software was just never part of the considerations in the licenses.01:12
paulproteusIf you want open source or Free Software, go that route - those licenses are well-tested.01:12
paulproteusFreedoms for software are the realm of a different group, and have been though about much more by those groups.01:13
* paulproteus vanishes01:13
bashusrpaulproteus: you think it's "wrong" to want to allow my code to be used non-commercially for a fee?01:13
bashusrfor free and commercially for a fee*?01:13
mlinksvabashusr, i have to run too, but there are people who do what you're thinking (eg "freeware" often is like that) but no public licenses that handle it, at least not widely used.01:24
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alankelonhi! I didn't received any comment on my google soc proposal... Is this ok?16:47
mlinksvaalankelon, yes it is.16:51
mlinksvaas currently ranked it should get accepted but there's always a chance google will give us fewer than expected, so we'll see for sure tomorrow16:52
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alankelonmlinksva, hmmm. I got it... Google should give us better status messages...17:09
alankelonmlinksva, do you have any information about the number of available slots this year?17:11
cchelpbotNew news from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=special:recentchanges&feed=rss: Microsoft Office Addin <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Microsoft_Office_Addin>17:19
mlinksvaalankelon, google provides a mentor indicator that probably have 5, but we'll see how many they actually give us.17:25
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rejo1whoa 28 ppl in here18:14
paulproteusWe're all eagerly awaiting the SoC news!18:14
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* rejon_conference is sitting in conference with 70% lawyers on UGC18:15
paulproteusUniversity of Google Corporation?18:15
paulproteusUbuntu General Counsel?18:15
paulproteusUnified Globular Cluster?18:15
rejon_conferencepretty much18:17
rejon_conferenceits all being discussed18:17
rejon_conferencei'm just trying to talk to heavys18:17
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alankelon`codingrejon, how CC works?18:29
alankelon`codingdo you attend to audio/video conferences very often?18:30
alankelon`codingyou = all CC members18:30
alankelon`codingI asked to rejon, but of course any CC board member may answer  ;-)18:32
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alankelon`codinghey soc guys. what did you proposed?18:34
rejon_conferencealankelon`coding: yes...at conference right now18:36
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alankelonrejon, http://wiki.creativecommons.org/CCPA?18:37
rejon_conferencealankelon: sorry, I'm a bit idle at the moment at this conf...18:39
cchelpbotNew news from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=special:recentchanges&feed=rss: Developer <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Developer>18:39
alankelonrejon_conference, don't worry :-) see you latter...18:41
bovinitygmail is really flaky today18:44
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cchelpbotNew news from http://creativecommons.org/weblog/rss: Science Commons News: EU Commissioner calls for emphasis on knowledge <http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/7381>18:56
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cchelpbotNew news from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/index.php?title=special:recentchanges&feed=rss: Books <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Books>19:00
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rejon_conf"DRM in music is dead" -- fred von lohman (5 seconds ago)21:49
rejon_conf"going the way of the dodo"21:50
paulproteusI <3 Fred Von Lohman21:53
rejon_confeff vs nbc21:59
rejon_confgreat to watch21:59
paulproteusDid you see this gaim -> pidgin rename nonsense?21:59
bovinitythey could have at least called it pigeon.21:59
bovinitypidgin sounds like tehy can't spell.21:59
rejon_confyah totally22:00
rejon_confsounds racist22:00
paulproteusI wish wish wish they had talked to EFF.22:00
rejon_confbut it explains why they've been doing that lame gaim 2.0.0 beta 1-----1000 bs22:00
paulproteusrejon, Yeah, that's what I was thinking too.22:00
rejon_confwell, they prolly had google behind them22:01
paulproteusOh, huh.22:01
rejon_confsince the goog employs many of the key gaim/pidgin developers22:01
paulproteusI forgot about that.22:01
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aphidpidgin makes a lot more sense than pigeon22:12
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bovinitydoes pidgin have some secondary meaning?22:13
aphidbeyond spontaneously synthesized language?22:13
bovinityi see, that does make more sense then22:15
bovinitythey do mix the meaning up by calling the text based client Finch, though.22:15
paulproteusThe problem is now I'm going to have to explain how to spell pidgin22:17
paulproteusI'm thinking of having an "autofork" that just changes strings and binary name.22:17
paulproteusAnd hosting it at gaim.makesad.us.22:17
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paulproteusI'm trying get a feel for exactly how bad an idea this is.22:18
aphidnot sure what the difference between a pidgin and a patois is.  maybe patois is a set of particular geocentric pidgins22:18
aphidmy cousin studies linguistics, i'll ask him22:18
bovinitysee also, creole.22:19
aphid"Patois" is a French term referring to regional languages of France, which include some creole languages, but in Jamaica it refers to Jamaican Creole22:24
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