Thursday, 2007-04-12

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paulproteusSalaam, and good evening to you, my underscored friend.01:38
alankelonApplication accepted!!! =D02:18
alankelonlet's do a great job!!02:19
alankelonmany thanks for you all!02:20
* alankelon is very happy!02:20
alankelonparabéns, ksiomelo!02:21
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mlinksvaalankelon, congratulations!  it looks like ksiomelo's is also accepted ("slotted" is what it says in the mentor interface)02:47
alankelonmlinksva, yep! :-)02:47
alankelonmlinksva, I'm very happy!02:48
mlinksvagood night all02:48
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ksiomelohi there13:50
ksiomelocongratulations for all students accepted in soc program!13:51
ksiomelothank you all for the suggestions about my application13:52
ksiomeloyou will receive regular feedback about it progress13:53
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cchelpbotNew news from CCi Blogs <>15:07
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