Monday, 2007-04-09

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nathany_ bryyce: you around?18:22
cchelpbotNew news from CC Kubrick <>19:19
bovinityi'm just about done with my cc-kubrick port19:21
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nathany_bovinity: is that in subversion?19:22
nathany_i'm not sure ML is aware of that, since we were talking about passing some of that off to a contractor19:22
paulproteusbovinity, Noo, use Lyecum instead!19:23
bovinitynathany_: no, i was going to commit it today19:23
paulproteusre: WP MU for CCi19:23
nathany_paulproteus: why lyceum?19:24
paulproteusnathany_, For one thing, it doesn't make as big a mess in the DB.19:24
paulproteusI just get a much better impression from its developers than I do from the WP MU people.19:25
paulproteusFor ages and ages, WP MU was broken out of the box, which disappointed me.19:25
nathany_well, it's not broken out of the box now19:25
nathany_and it seemed that it would be more likely to track core WP development closer than Lyceum19:25
paulproteusYeah, I don't have all that many good reasons, except that (and soon the chapter blogs) runs it.19:25
nathany_since it doesn't change all the table structures, and the core developers are using it for now19:26
nathany_there didn't seem to be really strong reasons for either side -- i just decided on mu based on that small advantage19:26
bovinityMU does appear to be better suited for doing urls, vs but that may just be a config option.19:27
nathany_i think it's just a config opt19:27
paulproteusIn Lyceum, that's a config option; I don't know about MU.19:27
bovinityah. nm then.19:27
nathany_it is an opt in MU19:27
paulproteusnathany_, re: evaluation: Yeah, makes enough sense.  I was mostly hoping selfishly CC would use the thing I use elsewhere so it would grow. (-:19:28
nathany_bovinity: is there anything on that you're not doing? (above the line)19:28
nathany_lol... well i'm sure you'll have plenty of opportunities to selfishly influence evaluations in the future :)19:28
paulproteusOh, the fact that Lyceum uses one set of tables means that aggregating posts between blogs is much easier in Lyceum.19:29
paulproteusAnd it more cleanly separates users from blogs, iirc.19:29
nathany_that seems like it used to be the case19:29
nathany_my limited eval seemed to indicate mu had fixed that (the old "each user has [at least] their own blog" problem)19:30
bovinitynathany_: i've done everythign above the line except jurisdiction flag; and sharing main style.css19:30
nathany_ML & I also decided that aggregation wasn't a very important feature19:30
paulproteusOkay, cool.  That covers everything I can think of right now then. (-:19:30
nathany_well if you come up with other things, i'd be interested in hearing about them19:30
nathany_bovinity: any change that'll be in SVN by 7p PDT?  I have a call with the contractor then, don't want to pay for work twice, of course19:31
cchelpbotNew news from Vote: NetSquared Innovation Awards <>19:31
bovinitynathany_: i'll push it in this afternoon and let you know19:31
nathany_bovinity: thanks much!19:31
bovinity95% of my changes are directly to the default stylesheet; and a couple template files for personal taste19:32
nathany_ok, sounds good... if we have that i can just have him write a sidebar widget or something to do the flag for cci blogs19:33
cchelpbotNew news from Job: Administrative Assistant <>19:51
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mlinksvabryyce, is there a reason has "private:" in the title?22:29
bovinityhmm, may have done that after i changed the email address earlier22:31
mlinksvabovinity, (and nathany) sorry for the confusion, i didn't know you were so far along on a cci theme, cool!22:32
bovinityjust for clarification, what post status should worldwide entries be? published?22:33
mlinksvaif there are any bits on that make sense for someone else to tackle please talk to nathany about it asap so he can figure out what bryyce should do22:33
mlinksvai think that's a question for bryyce22:34
nathanybovinity: they should be published, i believe22:34
nathanythey were private before so they wouldn't show up on the front page (sigh)22:34
nathanymoving the worldwide category out from under weblog seems to have corrected that22:35
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bovinitynathany: ok, my theme changes are committed to cckubrick23:34
nathanybovinity: thanks much!23:34
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