Sunday, 2007-04-08

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cchelpbotNew news from Creating permissions <>11:12
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cchelpbotNew news from Talk:Frequently Asked Questions <> || Talk:License HTML Code <> || License HTML Code <>21:28
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zwnjseems the weblog is down...
zwnjthere's no content on the page22:45
paulproteuszwnj, Oh, huh.22:48
paulproteusMaybe I can investigate...22:48
rejonmaybe nathan is moving bryyce's worldwide changes over22:49
paulproteusrejon, FWIW he's not logged in or anything.22:51
rejonyah, he doesn't come into chat that often22:51
paulproteusI mean logged into a3 (the web server).22:52
zwnjbtw, does Eva join this channel at all?22:52
paulproteusHe was on for five minutes yesterday.22:52
paulproteus(on a3)22:52
paulproteusI just restarted Squid and all seems well.22:56
paulproteusOh, wait, everything's not well.22:57
paulproteusWell, I emailed mlinksva and nathan and bovinity, so hopefully it'll get fixed soon.23:00
paulproteuszwnj, Thanks for the note!23:00
zwnjnp :)23:01
zwnjin fact, i like to participate in isummit07 and i need to get a simple invitation letter to my uni (for "exit permission" and 1 week absence)  any body can help me?23:02
paulproteusDo you really need exit permission?23:02
paulproteusCan't you just, like, not go to classes? (-:23:02
paulproteusThat's what us slacker Americans would do, anyway.23:03
paulproteuszwnj, You may want to email one of the iCommons event organizers, or maybe rejon here has some better advice.23:03
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paulproteuszwnj, Turns out you shouldn't have seen 7319 at all in the blog; there was a brief bug on Friday that may have made it appear, but that was a mistake anyway.23:06
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