Saturday, 2007-04-07

JosefAssadoh wow, there's a CC office in Europe...00:08
cameoWould this be a good place to ask about the boundries of a cc license?00:30
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mlinksvacameo, you can ask...00:50
cameoIf I am re-typesetting a 15th century document00:59
cameodo I posess any copyright over it's reproduction of my copyright?00:59
rejony if you are actually pulling from the source01:01
cameoHOw do you mean?01:02
rejonmake sure, sometimes reproductions of old works, ie with dover books, have a thin copyright over the reproduction01:02
cameoI have photographs of a 1570 document that I am retypesetting into a readable document.01:02
cameoI don't want a company (like dover) to take my PDF and sell it01:02
cameosince the only currently available version ofmy source are photos or a horrible pdf scan.01:02
cameoand I've spent about 300 hours retypesetting it.01:03
rejonwell, anyone can take photo of original 15th century work and then copyright that01:07
rejonbut they can't take yours and do that01:07
rejonso cheers01:07
rejon(going idle)01:08
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WillySillyhi Luke02:49
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_kehi! i have some questions about cc-licensing, but i think this is the wrong channel. is there a channel where i can ask?11:45
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paulproteus_ke, Actually, it's the right channel.14:23
paulproteusIt's not a great time, though - the weekdays are usually better.14:23
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