Friday, 2007-04-06

cchelpbotNew news from To build upon <>00:59
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nathanyhey bryyce, gotta second21:34
nathanyi was looking for the scripts to re-generate the SQL for deploying /worldwide21:34
nathany(an additional post was made since you generated them)21:35
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mlinksvaJosefAssad, hi21:56
JosefAssadhi there21:59
* JosefAssad is looking at CC licenses for his book21:59
JosefAssadthought I'd come in here and bug you people with an endless stream of banal questions22:00
nathanybryyce: what text is missing from /worldwide?22:00
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cchelpbotNew news from Translating Animations <> || Worldwide Overview <>22:04
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cchelpbotNew news from More Information <> || Upcoming Launch Dates <>22:26
bovinityi believe the wp-rss2.php file needs to be modified to only render entries from the weblog category.22:29
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cchelpbotNew news from Come Out and Make CC Video Trailers @ SuperHappyVlogHouse this Saturday, March 31 starting at 4 PM in SF <> || For the myspace generation, Vivaldi lives <>22:36
cchelpbotNew news from CCi <> || Category:CCi <>22:50
JosefAssadIf I understand this right, can I just stick this  into my book and thereby apply that license, nothing further required?22:54
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mlinksvaJosefAssad, you should include some kind of statement like "this book is licensed under [license name], see copy of license in appendix" or something, so people know you aren't just printing the license for the heck of it :)23:10
mlinksvabtw you don't have to include the license text if you don't want to; you can just include the license URL.  either way or both works23:11
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JosefAssadThat looks like what Cory doctorow is doing also, which makes sense. Thank you mlinksva23:14
JosefAssadOkay, so it is the non-exclusivity bit which basically means that I can run off and strike a deal with Penguin Books for ten million prints and become rich, all while having CC-licensed my work. Is that correct?23:48
mlinksvaJosefAssad, exactly23:54
JosefAssadwith any luck, I can get this bloody book off my hard disk (where it's been for 3 or 4 years now) this month23:55

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