Thursday, 2007-04-05

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][pey0tewhy do i get a warning when i write this: while((fgets(toSMessage, MAX_LEN, stdin)) != EOF)00:53
][pey0tethe compiler says: comparison between pointer and integer00:54
][pey0tei tried with a char array and it is the same..00:54
][pey0tei want to end the while loop when EOF is read....00:54
][pey0teoops, i am not in the right channel ;)00:55
mlinksva][pey0te, i think you want != NULL, but check in the right channel :) :)01:17
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WillySillyhi Luke02:32
][pey0tethx, i solved the problem in the meantime ;)02:55
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skyfallerI don't guarantee that anyone will be paying attention, but the channel does exist :)03:27
ThePerturbatorok cool03:27
skyfallerThePerturbator: you could call CC headquarters during business hours and tell them you're from the Columbia FC chapter03:38
ThePerturbatorthat's my plan03:38
skyfallerthey know who Free Culture is :)03:38
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tannewtrejon, do you know if any other technical interns have been chosen?  how bout the community intern?07:14
rejonall the community interns have been selected07:15
rejon3 of them07:15
rejonwaiting on confirmation of tech intern07:15
rejontannewt is scott shawcroft07:16
rejonask mike on the tech side07:17
tannewtrejon, nice three community folk!?07:18
tannewtI just figured you might know.  Thanks though.07:19
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tannewtmlinksva, have you chosen any more tech interns?19:36
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mlinksvatannewt, one more, we have a third pending acceptance19:38
tannewtmlinksva, nice, I'm excited to be down there19:39
tannewtwhere is the second person from?19:39
tannewtany idea what projects we'll be working on?19:40
mlinksvajennifer will send a mass intro to all the interns once we have the final one nailed down19:40
tannewtalright, cool19:40
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mlinksvasome ideas, yes, but rejon and i are meeting about intern projects in the next couple weeks, so i don't have specifics yet19:41
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cchelpbotNew news from Talk:DiscussionDraftNonCommercial Guidelines <>23:13
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