Wednesday, 2007-04-04

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cchelpbotNew news from User:Batteryfans <>02:43
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JosefAssadI'm going to be licensing a book under a CC license, and I was wondering if I can ask my banal and underinformed questions in here?08:00
* JosefAssad skims through the FAQ08:01
JosefAssadIf I am not a member of a collecting society, is there any other reason for me to consider which jurisdiction shall apply when selecting license?08:04
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cchelpbotNew news from Videoblogging Week Report: Video Bumpers for Your CC Licensed Content <>21:29
rejonmlinksva and others:21:35
rejonare there any projects you guys know of ppl. trying to make payments to rights holders to distribute popular content in dev. nations?21:36
rejonthat's what I thought21:39
aphidheh, copyright infringement is your best entertainment value :D21:51
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mlinksvarejon, bovinity paulproteus please "star" if you haven't yet. thx22:17
mlinksvarejon, i bet there are collecting societies in many dev nations that make a weak attempt a la that russian one and allofmp322:19
rejon(responding to a larry contact)22:19
rejonwanting to pay money to companies to get rights22:20
rejonfor devnations22:20
rejonI just said, dude where's the love?22:20
rejonand guy asked about security for content22:20
rejonI said, just translate into arcane languages and only make physical copies22:21
rejondid anyone just get bugs from through cc-devel?22:42
rejonI removed the support tracker tracker22:42
rejonon cctools and made bugs and other niceties go to cc-devel22:43
rejonwe keep missing additions to the trackers22:43
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cchelpbotNew news from Work@CC: web developer/sysadmin <>23:00
rejonlets see if we get some planetplanet hits23:10
cchelpbotNew news from Business <>23:40
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