Tuesday, 2007-04-03

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alankelonmlinksva, hi!00:14
alankelonmlinksva, independently from google soc results, I am playing a bit with ccnuth and soon I'll have some thing to update the wiki. I refer to nutch plug-in as CCNutch. Should I stick to this naming or should I use ccNutch/CcNutch? Yes, I know it's a stupid question00:17
mlinksvai think CcNutch is an artifact of mediawiki naming requirements (must start with capital letter)00:23
mlinksvaccNutch is probably a better name to use generally00:23
mlinksva(we also use ccHost, ccPublisher, ccLookup)00:23
rejondouble preferably00:24
rejon(dbl dutch bus)00:24
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rejon_officedesktop feedback22:48
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cchelpbotNew news from http://creativecommons.org/weblog/rss: ccSearch updated <http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/7310>23:08

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