Monday, 2007-04-02

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cchelpbotNew news from Open Content Licensing - Cultivating the Creative Commons <>11:29
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nuloophi, i'm wondering if using a cc21:49
nuloopCreative Commons Attribution-NonComercial-ShareAlike 2.5 licensed product in a comercial offer but which only sell service (and not a product) is a license violation ? by service i mean consultancy time to install and operate the licensed product21:51
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mlinksvanuloop, you're probably going to have to provide more details.  you should join and ask on cc-community22:09
cchelpbotNew news from The sharing economy in Japanese <>22:11
nuloopmlinksva: is that an irc channel ?22:16
mlinksvano, a mailing list,22:23
mlinksvagoogle for the info22:23
mlinksva :)22:23
cchelpbotNew news from Your open source toolset <>23:21
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