Sunday, 2007-03-25

paulproteusHmm, maybe I like digikam more than F-Spot.00:46
paulproteusI'm such a sucker for programs with features.00:46
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cchelpbotNew news from Salon <>05:08
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cchelpbotNew news from User talk:Prestence <>10:43
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cchelpbotNew news from User:Leonido <> || Books <>14:36
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cchelpbotNew news from CcWiki talk:Community Portal <> || CcWiki:Community Portal <> || Special:Log/move <> || Special:Log/move <> || Special:Log/move <> || Special:Log/move <> || User:Prestence <> || User:Prestence <>18:47
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cchelpbotNew news from OpenOfficeOrg Addin <>19:27
cchelpbotNew news from User:Ksiomelo <> || Dream CC Tool <>19:47
* ksiomelo slaps ksiomelo around a bit with a large trout21:03
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ksiomelohi there21:33
ksiomelocan anyone review my SoC application?21:33
ksiomeloAn application for Google Summer of Code 2007, Creative Commons project21:34 Writer add-in for publishing CC licensed documents21:34
ksiomeloCassio Melo <>21:34
ksiomeloIP issues are becoming critical in all areas. Adobe has recognized that by developing XMP platform. Creative Commons is an important way of adding IP licensing information to a document's metadata. Although there are some open issues in development ( and few was done. We can't wait anymore.21:34
ksiomeloThe goal of this project is to provide a tool for supporting the process of licensing documents. Microsoft Office has Creative Commons plug-in to put IP metadata in its documents. I propose a similar Creative Commons add-in for that would allow license information to be embedded in documents. Having a simple way to add Creative Commons licenses will help to spread those licenses much more broadly.21:34
ksiomeloMy vision is to encourage the use of CC licenses in documents. Authors can express their intentions regarding how their works may be used by others. Implemented suitable interface will make easy the licensing process. This feature is very important for OO.o end-users. Moreover, implementation of such add-in will increase CC licensed documents proportion that machines could process and work from. Of course, this metadata inserted only prov21:34
ksiomeloI will not start this project from scratch, some works were done and I intend to work on them.21:35
ksiomeloDevelopment will consist of 3 main parts:21:35
ksiomelo1. Accessing web services information21:35
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ksiomeloany suggestion? (sorry for the flood)21:36
mlinksvayou post to cc-devel was more concrete, i like it better, or combine the two21:55
mlinksvaksiomelo, nevermind, i only read your first cc-devel post, reading your second now21:55
ksiomelook mike21:56
mlinksvaksiomelo, it looks great to me21:57
mlinksva"Make license text available as Auto Text" is pretty important, more important than license info in meta.xml in fact, as few people ever inspect document metadata.  i'm assuming you mean making an appropriate license notice/link available as AutoText once the user has chosen a license21:59
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ksiomeloyes, it will be available only if the document was already licensed22:02
rejonwhy are you only focusing on the writer module?22:46
rejon(I think good to do one thing solid)22:46
rejonBut, I also wonder how you can make this extension open enough for addition to the other pieces of OO.o22:46
* rejon is getting lots of errors on the gsoc web app22:46
mlinksvarejon, post to the list and complain! :)22:47
rejonyah right22:49
ksiomeloyou're right jon, i'm planning to do it more extensible22:51
ksiomelobut i was afraid of proposal being too long22:56
rejonthe main thing is the attribution that everyone can see, like mlinksva said23:01
rejonthe visible statement23:01
rejonif you can get visible statement into all output, would be great...then get metadata into after that23:02
ksiomeloyes, i was talking about it with mike, i decided to make this the main feature to be implemented23:04
cchelpbotNew news from License statistics <>23:18
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