Monday, 2007-03-26

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paulproteusCouldn't help but laugh at a book called "Open Content Licensing: Cultivating the Creative Commons" that's by-nc-nd.05:14
mlinksvapaulproteus, no kidding05:59
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mlinksvathough i yawned and shook my head rather than laughed06:00
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alankelonhi there!06:33
tannewthi alankelon06:34
alankeloncould anybody take a look at my proposal?
alankelonhi tannewt :)06:34
tannewtalankelon, I'll look at it but I'm not that affiliated with CC06:34
alankelontannewt, don't worry :)06:35
alankelontannewt, every input is very important!06:35
tannewtskimmed it and it looks useful06:37
tannewthow many organizations and websites use nutch?06:37
tannewtor is it for single users?06:37
alankelonthere are a few sites using nuth06:38
alankelontake a look at
alankelonRDFa would be nice to be included in Nutch at all...06:39
alankelonbut I'll target the development to cover CC content06:39
mlinksvaalankelon, as i just said on cc-devel it looks great, please submit06:40
alankelonmlinksva, thank you for your every support. I very proud of :)06:40
alankelonI will review the English, add any missing detail this morning and submit it06:42
alankelonI'm very happy to see Cassio Melo on cc-devel. I know him. HE is from the sabe university06:44
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mlinksvahe stopped by here several hours ago too06:49
alankelonhere is 3:52 AM ;)06:50
alankelonI need to sleep for a while. When I wake up, I will try to polish the proposal. Good night :)06:50
paulproteusalankelon, Just a quick note that there are a few typos.07:12
paulproteusIt looks pretty reasonable and thought-out though.07:12
* paulproteus falls asleep07:12
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alankelon`what is the most current RDFa primer? or
rejonlooks like the first from the version stamp17:22
rejonbut its a working draft17:22
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alankelon`rejon, I thought the same... Where can I find the W3C process/workflow ?17:50
rejonmlinksva: ?17:50
alankelon`rejon, looking at RDF in XHTML Taskforce  (, seems to be the most up to date17:54
rejonok, not that much diff. ;)17:57
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mlinksvaalankelon`, the one with 2006 in the url18:25
mlinksvaalankelon`, no i'm crazy, it is
alankelon`mlinksva, LOL18:26
mlinksvathere is another older version out there somewhere18:26
mlinksvai thought that was it18:26
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rejonwhoa cool, we have a lot of apps now19:02
cchelpbotNew news from User:PSBennett <>19:04
bovinitythis syed bloke really lieks posting irrelevant applications19:05
rejonanybody on this list that has applied and not communicated with us, best speak up19:05
rejonyah, spampplications19:05
brycealso spammentors apparently19:08
brycenot sure what the upside is there19:08
rejonyah, that is interesting...wannabe mentors19:10
rejongetting a ton of errors on the webapp19:11
rejon(and no, I'm not emailing the admin list)19:12
bryceI was getting a lot of timeouts19:14
brycemust be slashdotted19:14
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alankelon`I applied right now.19:45
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alankelon`you can see it at
aphidrejon: ping19:47
aphidrejon: on conf. call, need 10-1520:17
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rejonmlinksva: is there a ccnutch test page up still?21:21
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aphidrejon: back.. have you gotten any of the particulars on c-span's license du jour?21:23
rejonnot that I can announce publicly21:24
rejonbut its looking good21:24
rejonI'm flying to DC in a couple of weeks and hopefully will meet with them21:24
rejonlessig has been dealing with them, so waiting on him to get back to me21:25
rejonaphid: how are things for you guys?21:25
aphidrejon: good.  starting to look at workflows for capturing their committee coverage21:26
aphidand some other stuff I can't announce publicly either :D21:27
rejonwill CC BY-NC work for you guys if they go that way...21:27
aphidit should21:27
aphidthere's a "no backsies" in cc by-nc, yeah?21:28
aphidi think there's a bit of concern about them changing their minds21:31
rejonwell, the licenses are non-revocable21:32
rejonbut I guess, they could at some point in the future, stop licensing, if they choose too21:32
rejonbut, I would say that makes it all the more important to scale it up and pat them on the back if they go that way21:32
rejonfor relicensing:
rejonbovinity: the license isn't showing up for me on the freedoms21:35
rejon(in the middle box on test for labs)21:35
rejon(nm....reload fixed)21:36
mlinksvarejon, no21:43
rejonwould that be something possibly to add to labs and/or somewhere else (yes, I know priorities)21:44
rejon(I wonder if nutch supports opensearch)21:45
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mlinksvarejon, yes21:46
mlinksvai mean "supports opensearch", not sure what previous line means21:46
rejonI mean, to have labs test demoing ccnutch21:47
mlinksvamaybe if the soc project is completed successfully. not worthwhile in current state.21:47
rejonlead guy on google open source (founder of opensearch)21:48
mlinksvai subscribe :)21:48
rejon(emailing him right now)21:48
rejongoogle got back today on the various questions, cc awards, etc21:49 updated to 3.0 licenses21:49
rejon(and I updated inkscape to 3.0 licenses)21:50
mlinksvawell that ( really makes my day. hah. :)21:50
aphidrejon: we're currently masking C-span's trademark on proceeding footage with a block of text that reads 'public domain'.. we should just leave the ® on committees, then.21:56
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cchelpbotNew news from CC Marketplace <>23:25
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