Saturday, 2007-03-24

rejondown to 15 emails now!00:05
cchelpbotNew news from User:Jon Phillips <>00:10
bovinityrejon, mlinksva: with the cclabs design -> design conversion would it make sense to replace License Your Work wiht a link to the wiki?00:12
rejon(I don't know enough about the redesign to respond)00:13
mlinksvabovinity, that sounds like a good idea00:13
mlinksvayou mean in the header?00:13
mlinksvaor maybe keep it in the header but have it point to a page on the wiki that describes the two labs experiments + the
cchelpbotNew news from Volunteer <>00:20
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cchelpbotNew news from Summer of Code application deadline extended <>00:35
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cchelpbotNew news from Making CC explicit <>06:48
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xeehi everyone, I have a question about CC's SoC projects.14:09
xeewhere can I find more details about the MozCC modifications needed? I'm already familiar with XPCOM and Mozilla, but I don't know why is a new XPCOM component needed.14:10
cchelpbotNew news from Category:Artist <>15:03
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cchelpbotNew news from Special:Log/block <> || Special:Log/delete <>16:36
paulproteusxee, You should email the cc-devel email list.16:38
paulproteusThe developer of MozCC isn't around right now; that's Nathan Yergler, if I recall correctly.16:38
xeeok, I'll do... thanks paulproteus16:39
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paulproteusxee, Sure thing.  Good luck!17:46
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rejonwe need more soc apps19:27
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cchelpbotNew news from NC considered harmful <>21:02
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