Friday, 2007-03-23

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paulproteusmlinksva, Good idea! re: track bike01:54
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mlinksvapaulproteus, nice pointing out the hypocrisy of holy-rolling-exchange-users02:40
paulproteusmlinksva, Heh, glad someone appreciated it.02:41
mlinksvaoh, that was two weeks ago02:41
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BobChaoanyone's here?03:42
BobChaoI have a question: we can't embed cc metadata right in image files (yet), can we?03:44
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jakin_jkivlighnBobChao: XMP can be embedded in images, which CC has specs for describing licenses04:55
BobChaojakin_jkivlighn: thanks, I'll try. :)04:58
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rejonhow can I add mentors to gsoc22:26
rejonI added nathan22:26
rejonits weird, there are several other people listed as mentors22:27
rejonmlinksva: can you go to the page and see if you can signup as a mentor22:27
rejonbovinity: you too could try...if mlinksva is awol22:27
rejoncool...newsforge is going to write article about XMp22:31
rejonand new moves to make XMP apps, and cc's push22:31
mlinksvaargj, too many google accts,22:42
paulproteusIt's important to keep a couple hundred Google accounts to maintain some semblance of anonymity.22:43
mlinksvauh, i'm logged in as, do i need to be logged in as mlinksva@gmail?  is that what is registered?  i'm gettng a signup form for mentoinr now22:43
rejonyah, try that22:43
paulproteusI heard they stop tracking you if you use more than 150, but the truth is it goes up just like the space on Gmail.22:43
mlinksvanevermind, looks like you can approve me, i'll have applied in a sec22:44
rejonok, so that is what to do22:44
rejonthere are like 6-7 ppl. who have applied to be mentors for cc (and I don't know who they are, except nathan)22:45
paulproteusHave I?22:45
paulproteusAnyway, if I have, you should know who I am.22:45
mlinksvarejon, i applied22:47
paulproteusI hope you get in!22:47
mlinksvarejon, when is that newsforge article coming out?  lots of ppl are asking about xmp lately, would be great to have a popular article to refer to22:48
rejonyes, nathan willis is working on it....prolly in next couple of weeks22:48
rejonyou want to work with him on it?22:48
rejonwould be good to set str822:48
rejonthere are a few xmp apps getting developed now that are notable in OSS22:49
mlinksvai probably don't have time to do real work on an article but feel free to have him email me or call if he has questions, or i could review22:50
rejonYah, that is what he wants22:50
rejonquestions answered, interview22:51
mlinksvaok, send an intro22:51
mlinksvathx for approving me, we have proposals!22:51
mlinksvanow lets see if they are any good :)22:51
mlinksvacopyleft, -122:52
rejonyah, man, i'm slacking22:55
mlinksvaassigning the load balancing thing to google22:57
rejonfor web services?22:57
mlinksvait had nothing to do w/cc at all22:59
rejonyah -2 too23:00
mlinksvalooks like there are two reasonable projects, though nathan needs to eval the mozcc one23:00
mlinksvanathan is approved as mentor?23:00
bovinityrejon: zing. i signed up.23:02
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rejonhow shall we deal with the tracker/cc integration app23:09
rejoni need to +4 it23:09
rejon(doing work I want done gets it a +4_23:09
rejonshould I just get jamie added as a mentor23:09
rejonhe is the tracker core lead23:09
rejonhe is cool and solid23:09
rejon(works for redhat I believe)23:09
rejonor, should I take and forward onto him...23:10
mlinksvai guess fwd to him and see what he's up for23:13
rejonok, done23:13
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rejoncool, up to five mentors23:44
rejonso, we will have 7 total with alan and jonathan23:44
rejonneed to put out the feelers for more apps23:44

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