Thursday, 2007-03-22

cchelpbotNew news from Kompoz <>00:07
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rejon_officehi bobchao00:52
BobChaorejon_office: hi :)00:53
rejon_officeyah, i'll reply to your emails shortly ;)00:53
BobChaorejon_office: ok, thank you :)00:54
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paulproteusrejon, BTW, have you heard of "gshrooms"?  It sounds very cool.01:18
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WillySillybeen undeveloped for sometime01:53
WillySillyI was trying it out when raphael was working on it at the near of SoC01:53
paulproteusThat's sad.01:54
paulproteusI wonder, rejon, if it would be a good SoC project to maintain it, bring it up to speed with Rhythmbox and gaim and gstreamer, and get packages into Debian and Ubuntu, and integrate CC support. (-:01:54
WillySillyintegration with Telepathy would be cool01:55
WillySillyor making it so its player independent01:56
WillySillyor player agnostic with dbus01:56
WillySillylots of possiblities01:59
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cchelpbotNew news from Scholars Copyright Integration <>13:47
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alankelonhello! I'm considering apply to CC's Google SoC project, but I would like to get some feedback before.17:39
alankelonthe project I choose is "Extend the CcNutch codebase to support RDFa and image, audio, or video search (using scoped metadata, not image/audio/video analysis!)"17:39
alankeloncould  anybody give me ccnuth status?17:39
rejon_homeHmmm...I dunno off top of my head17:40
rejon_homemlinksva or nathany are best to ask17:40
rejon_homeI think best to email questions to the mailing list at present17:40
alankelonrejon, thank you :)17:44
alankelonrejon, I'm looking the archives right now17:44
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Zabahey guys..18:34
tannewthi Zaba18:34
Zabais there any channel for license discussion?18:34
Zabanot dev channel18:34
Zabacause i got a problem with people mistaking creative commons and copyright..18:35
Zabathey've never heard of CC, and hardly know what copyright is..18:35
tannewtwhat are you licnesing?18:36
Zabait's not me, but it's a text work18:36
tannewtah, hmm18:36
Zabaso they think, that can't copy/modify the work, but the license allows it (share alike)18:38
tannewtyou could point them to the CC movies18:39
Zabai see18:40
rejon_homethis is ok to discuss all cc issues18:42
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cchelpbotNew news from Eduserv Foundation <>21:35
tannewthi mlinksva21:36
tannewtmlinksva, I'm excited for this summer.21:55
mlinksvacool, me too21:55
cchelpbotNew news from NetSquared Conference 2007: Innovation Awards <>21:55
tannewtmlinksva, how many technical interns are there?21:57
rejontwo gajillion emails21:58
mlinksvatannewt, still being decided, yr the first one we made an offer to.  there are a couple other good ones but we are working out office arrangements and such (we are moving about a block in two weeks)21:58
rejoni'm curious too21:58
tannewtmlinksva, awesome, your offices now were pretty nice21:59
rejonyah, the new one is diff. but our own22:01
tannewtnice, no more dogs then?22:01
mlinksvano more dogs22:02
mlinksvai can hear one barking right now :)22:03
rejonthat reminds me, I forgot to do my conference call tasklist filibuster yesterday22:04
cchelpbotNew news from OPENSTUDIO: Open art project, open art community, both? <>22:45
paulproteustannewt, Hey, you got the internship offer?  Congrats. (-:22:50
paulproteusWe should have distro flame wars in the office if you come.22:50
paulproteusI don't mean a flame war with text, either.22:50
tannewtpaulproteus, yeah22:50
tannewtI better make a flame proof suit22:50
* tannewt grins22:50
paulproteusYou'll have a month or so; I won't be there until July.22:50
tannewtso you'll be there?  any tips on finding a place to stay?22:51
paulproteusI Craigslisted for a place that was $650 a month.22:51
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paulproteusWhat's the date range on the internship this year?  Mine was only the first week of August, so I managed talk my renter into letting me crash without paying rent. (-:22:51
tannewtpaulproteus, you have roommates?22:51
paulproteusHouse sharing is what I'd recommend, and if possible, bike to work rather than e.g. bussing it.22:51
tannewtI was thinking of taking the bart22:52
paulproteusI stayed in a house with four people (including me).  No roommates, but housemates.22:52
rejonlive in the mission or closer22:52
rejondon't live far away22:52
rejontoo crazy22:52
bovinityavoid living in the east bay22:52
TectonicCould someone guide me to where I should be looking to read about how to integrate CC licensing onto a website I'm developing? I'm not quite sure what software I need in order to implement CC on the site...22:52
rejonbit the bullet, live close22:52
paulproteusrejon++ # close++22:53
rejonno car, near office, fastpass + quick transportation22:53
rejonTectonic: what are you trying to do?22:53
rejon for feeds22:53
rejon shows how you can use our metadata for your site22:54
rejonthat openstudio project .... hmmmm....22:54
rejontypical mit ;)22:54
TectonicI'm wanting to use CC licensing in order to allow developers that upload content on my site...I want them to be able to sign a contract with me, basically, saying that my site can earn money on their submission in the form of providing their content with a donation link where they will recieve donations, but I will skim some percent off of the donations.22:54
rejonwell, you need a dual license it seems22:55
paulproteusYou've confused me; I don't know of any CC license that says precisely that.22:55
rejonbasically, you want to use a cc license and then a separate agreement for doing what you want22:55
Tectonicone for licensing between me and the developer, and one for between users and the content?22:55
rejonno, dual licensing the user-submitted-content22:55
tannewtpaulproteus, ah, no commute?  I was thinking of being there mid june through august22:56
rejoni moved right to downtown to avoid commute22:56
rejoni walk to work now22:56
rejon(when there is no sickness in the office)22:57
Tectonicso the separate agreement would just be something I make up? or is that something I can do using CC?22:57
rejonseparate agreement22:57
Tectonicand then where does CC come into play?22:57
paulproteusI was downtown, and just either biked (15 minutes or so) or took a bus (20m or so).22:57
bovinitypaulproteus: where did you live?22:57
bovinitythose sound like times that it takes me to bus/bike22:57
rejonTectonic: cc license empowers others to use the UGC without having to ask, depending on license22:57
rejonTectonic: check out and
* paulproteus loads a map because I can't remember22:58
paulproteusGrove and soemthing...22:58
bovinitythat's near me22:58
tannewtpaulproteus, ah, okay,  I will have a car down there but I'm definitely not going to use it to go downtown22:58
rejonmagnatune uses a restrictive license and then sells the content for other uses to people (hence, dual license)22:58
paulproteustannewt, bovinity, I lived at .22:58
rejonCC BY-NC-ND I believe22:58
tannewtI was thinking that the advantage of looking in berkeley would be that some students would go home or elsewhere for the summer22:59
rejonthere are campuses in the city22:59
rejontannewt: live in the mission or nob hill22:59
rejonlots of places22:59
paulproteusAnd there are also lots of dudes moving in and out and having spare rooms for all sorts of reasons.22:59
rejonmission is good if you are below 30 years of age22:59
bovinitypaulproteus: 7 blocks from my house.23:00
rejonyah, just do it (period)23:00
tannewtand then just bike?23:00
paulproteusOh, this reminds me, I need to find somewhere to live starting in July.23:00
paulproteustannewt, Biking was great, and you can always cheat and ride the bus.23:00
paulproteus(Or even put your bike on the front of the bus.)23:00
paulproteus(Just don't leave it there once you get to your destination (oops)....)23:01
tannewthehe,I'll have to use my dads road bike or something23:01
tannewtI only have a mountain bike23:01
Tectonicwhy did you tell me about magnatune? now i'm just wasting time listening to music :)23:02
paulproteuslol, Tectonic!23:02
paulproteusLet me know if something strikes you as really good. (-:23:02
Tectonici had to click on "Brad sucks" because it's my name, and it was on the front page :o23:02
Tectonici like it...reminds me a lot of Beck23:02
paulproteusI think I heard good things about them, actually.23:02
tannewtpaulproteus, on craigslist is that the san fran filter or peninsula?23:03
paulproteustannewt, I used the SF filter.23:03
paulproteusAnd it was definitely in SF. (-:23:03
bovinityavoid the tenderloin23:03
bovinitycheap.. but stabby.23:03
paulproteus(only for clarity's sake)23:04
tannewtso nob hill or mission district?23:04
bovinitypanhandle is good, but starts getting pricy23:05
cchelpbotNew news from A swarm of angels progresses <>23:05
TectonicSo on magnatune, there's an agreement the artists sign when they submit their music...allowing magnatune to distribute and earn revenue from selling it, basically - is this done with CC or is this a separate contract? I'm a bit confused about this23:05
* paulproteus vanishes23:07
Tectonicmaybe i'm just a poor listener :(23:14
Tectonic*tries to read some sites*23:14
mlinksvaTectonic, magnatune has a separate contract with each artist23:45
mlinksvabut you wouldn't necessarily have to do it that way, depending on what your goal is23:45
mlinksvai'd look at several of the sites in and see what others are doing23:45
Tectonici'd like each developer to have the same contract with us...and have it done right on the site with a checkbox or that possible?23:47
Tectoniclooking at that link23:47
Tectonicis it a problem that the files that users can upload on my site will come in all different formats? none of them are audio or video...they're levels for computer games23:49
mlinksvatannewt, you must get a track bike
mlinksvaor not23:49
mlinksvaTectonic, nobody here is a lawyer and cc can't give legal advice anyway, you might want to talk to a lawyer ... but basically if what you want to do on the site is outside the scope of what the CC license(s) your users will be using already allow, you probably need a separate agreement with them, whether individual contracts or website ToS.  Beyond that you'll have to look at what other similar sites are doing and talk to a lawyer. :)23:51
tannewtmlinksva, no thanks, I like breaks23:52
mlinksvaok, if you don't want to be cool, whatever23:53
tannewtmlinksva, I can stand up to peer pressure :-P23:53
Tectonicok, thanks mlinksva23:54

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