Wednesday, 2007-03-21

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rejon_officecool to watch the webcast of spacex00:57
rejon_officeI'm watching through mplayer00:57
rejon_officet minus 14 min00:57
dmpaytonrejon_office: May I PM you?01:03
rejon_officePM ?01:03
dmpaytonrejon_work: Private Message01:05
rejon_officeof course01:05
rejon_officet-minus 1 minute on spacex rocket launch!01:10
rejon_officefunny, i have some cheesy house music playing behind it01:10
dmpaytonrejon_office: Did you get my PM?01:10
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rejon_officeI am there01:17
rejon_officejust ask here01:17
dmpaytonI was wondering if you could read my application and give me your thoughts on the idea.01:19
dmpaytonLook for "Copyleft" :)01:19
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cchelpbotNew news from Derivative music, then and now <>02:48
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jakinhey, i'm looking for a SoC project... I was considering writing/extending file analyzers in KDE4 to display CC licenses05:55
rejo1would be great to figure out cross-desktop solution05:57
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jakinseems like that would require everyone agreeing on one method of extracting metadata :-/06:00
rejon_bedyes, xmp06:00
rejon_bedthat is in the works06:00
rejon_bedwell, I think the proper way to deal with this is through the indexers/search projects06:00
rejon_bedspecifically tracker and wasabi/xesam06:01
jakinhmm... i was just looking at strigi06:02
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jakinkde's going to use it, but it does seem to not depend on kde06:03
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jakinwhere do you think i should go to look into this more?06:10
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jakinlooks like tracker and strigi do exactly the same thing... i'll look into more.  but first, some sleep06:34
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rejon_bedjakin: tracker is desktop-agnostic, based on c, blessed by FDO06:47
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cchelpbotNew news from Show your support for Open Access <>19:46
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