Thursday, 2007-03-08

WillySillypaulproteus: I havent seen that show in a very long time00:27
* paulproteus grins00:29
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e-starrejon: yo02:22
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paulproteusWell, I wonder what's up with C-SPAN.06:47
rejon_laptopyah, they didn't get back06:48
paulproteus"Mr. Kennedy said that C-Span would be fairly expansive in what it considers noncommercial — even use on blogs or Web sites with advertising would qualify." - I wonder if the hubbub against CC's NC stuff encouraged them to have their own license.06:50
paulproteusOr they could just choose to interpret NC the way they want to.06:50
paulproteusAs far as I can tell no one has any actual information on what license they're using.06:50
rejon_laptopthis is true06:51
rejon_laptopappears that they have just copied some cc language and added their own IMO06:51
rejon_laptopbut, show us your code c-span!06:51
paulproteusAs if people actually like reading legal code....06:52
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cchelpbotNew news from Content curators <> || NonCommercial use cases <> || User:Iamigo <>16:19
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e-starrejon_office: yo18:25
e-starrejon_office: talking to the scribd guys right now18:25
e-starrejon_office: glad that they have CC support18:27
e-starrejon_office: and i just told them to change their terms18:29
cchelpbotNew news from RDFa <> || RdfaDict <>18:33
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e-star_rejon: there?20:11
cchelpbotNew news from Science Commons News: Elsevier, HHMI and Open Access <>20:30
cchelpbotNew news from Summer of Code <>21:06
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aphidrejon: ping22:26
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rejon_officeaphid: so, how hard would it be to get a feed of the video from governmental proceedings?22:39
aphidRight now it looks like this.. There's 6 cameras on the floor remote controlled by gov't employees 3 floors down.  They mix it, the NCI does the closed captions, and these are put together as a 'clean signal' to the press gallery.22:40
aphidif you have press gallery membership (and the accreditation process isn't easy), you have access to a hub room, from which you can get a deal with verizon (3 year contract) for AVOC to pipe the signal to wherever22:41
aphidc-span picks it up here, drops their trademark on it, and airs it.22:41
aphidcongressional hearings (in contradistinction to proceedings) are a different situation22:42
aphid describes the above22:43
rejon_officehave you guys thought about this?22:46
rejon_officehave you blogged that?22:46
rejon_officeyou should22:46
rejon_officesome cc folk are going to have meeting with them, just want to know about22:46
aphidwe've thought about it a lot.  we're working on getting some funding so we can do this full time22:46
aphidat the moment i can hardly keep up with the transcode queue22:47
rejon_officeI bet...22:49
rejon_officehave you guys talked with the congress 2.0 ppl22:51
rejon_officeaphid: It would be cool though for you guys to blog about this with how to make this possible, a public domain feed...ideally, the government should provide this feed22:53
aphidI'm on the Open House Project - we'll be bring a set of proposals and recommendations to Speaker Pelosi22:54
rejon_officecool...keep me in the loop about there a url for that?22:55
aphidyou (or someone at CC anyway) should get on the listserv.. fascinating stuff22:58
aphiddo we know what license c-span is using yet?22:58
rejon_officethey haven't decided...22:58
rejon_officei'm serious22:58
rejon_officeso, pushing for more discussion about it now22:59
rejon_officewhich they are open too22:59
aphidbe unreasonable, demand the impossible23:00
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rejon_officeok, well, just wanted to touch base with you about it23:00
rejon_officeotherwise, keep me in mind about open gov't stuff23:00
rejon_officei'm handling biz/community dev. for cc now, soooo...i'm your portal ;)23:00
aphidok, the status quo is they claim © over everything but floor proceedings23:00
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aphidcarl malamud (who's on our advisory board) has been streamripping some of the commitees' realmedia streams and posting them on video.google23:01
rejon_officethis seems like a good project for google to get involved with23:03
aphiddid you see that opera/mozilla are developing native ogg/theora support in browser?23:03
rejon_officeto get gov't content and post online directly through gootube, pre-license addition23:03
aphid<video src="house_proceeding_03-07-07.HQ.ogg" onclick="play()"> :D23:04
rejon_officevery cool23:06
aphidrejon: are you still teaching at sfai?23:20
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