Friday, 2007-03-09

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cchelpbotNew news from Science Commons News: An Open Data project from Google? <>15:37
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cchelpbotNew news from London Salon <>16:24
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nathanyrejon: mike around today?18:02
bovinitynathany: mike's off until sxsw18:03
nathanyis he going to sxsw?18:03
nathanyso do you know when he'll be back online?18:03
bovinitytomorrow probably18:04
nathanyok, thx18:04
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KjetilKI'm looking for John Wilbanks of Science Commons19:45
KjetilKanyone know if he tends to hand around here?19:45
rejonyou can email him though19:45
rejonat creativecommons.org19:46
KjetilKok, thanks19:49
KjetilKI found a CSAIL address for him too19:49
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bovinityrejon: i just made the dhtml license engine look 100x better. it's still purely in mockup stage though.19:53
rejoni wanna see19:53
rejonoh yah, that is much better19:57
bovinitygotta figure out a clean way to handle the advanced options19:58
rejonI think just make them hidden by default19:58
rejonthen click to roll them out19:58
rejoni had that b419:58
rejonso the code is setup for it19:58
bovinityi'm not so sure people would be bothered to use them if they couldnt see them19:58
bovinitythese mockups look way better than the puzzle. imo.20:36
bovinityeven with the extra info it looks sharp20:36
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cchelpbotNew news from Ground Report Empowers Citizen Journalism with CC Attribution License <>22:29
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