Wednesday, 2007-03-07

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cchelpbotNew news from CC is hiring for a new educational division <>18:37
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cchelpbotNew news from CC and SXSW round-up <>20:17
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aphidc-span is going creative commons with their congressional/federal video :O21:46
paulproteusNot so fast, aphid... (-:21:52
rejo1aphid: what?21:52
aphid"C-SPAN is introducing a liberalized copyright policy for current, future, and past coverage of any official events sponsored by Congress and any federal agency-- about half of all programming offered on the C-SPAN television networks--which will allow non-commercial copying, sharing, and posting of C-SPAN video on the Internet, with attribution."21:52
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aphidwell, nc-attr-share alike is better for the alito hearings than © until 2101...21:53
rejo1do you guys have a link21:53
rejo1link is down21:53
paulproteusrejo1, Uh, no it's not?21:54
bovinityyes it is21:54
bovinityASP is freaking out21:54
paulproteusOh, yeah, just got that.21:54
paulproteus too.21:55
bovinity"Creative Commons"21:55
paulproteus'citizen journalists'21:55
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bovinity"legitimacy issues"21:55
aphid"borrows from [...] creative commons"21:56
aphidwhy borrow and not adopt? :P21:56
rejon_officeyah, sounds like they f'd it up21:56
rejon_officecc ppl are trying to track down contacts at cspan21:57
aphidi'm looking for the fine print21:57
aphidwell, i'm going to go put the alito hearings up they made us take down last year21:58
bovinityrejon_office: is it time to rock some interior design?22:00
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paulproteusI'm curious, too.22:16
paulproteusWhat exactly is C-SPAN doing?22:16
paulproteusAnd what will the office look like when rejon_office is back online?22:17
rejon_officeyah, waiting on their lawyer to call fran back22:21
rejon_officethe new office is looking pretty cool22:21
rejon_officewe are making decisions right now22:21
aphidIf you find out, pass it along :D22:34
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paulproteus"It's blog, it's blog, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood..."22:39
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