Saturday, 2007-03-03

rejon_officeotherwise always be flaky00:00
e-starrejon_office: we're trying :)00:00
rejon_officee-star: also, I'd just make it its own thing00:00
rejon_officefc.o provides the url00:00
e-starrejon_office: basically, what i mean, though, is we don't have the time to work on projects full time00:00
rejon_officebut, the community is/can be diff.00:00
rejon_officethan why do at all?00:00
e-starrejon_office: we're students!00:00
rejon_officeok, well, students can start, but I think wise to make it much larger than students00:01
rejon_officesame with fc.o00:01
rejon_officeonce you all graduate, you want to ditch the student thing as fast as you can00:01
e-starrejon_office: that's an interesting issue00:01
e-starrejon_office: ideally we would have people working fulltime on fc stuff00:01
rejon_officeyah, anyway, olpc is more than student project00:01
e-starrejon_office: we'd have to have money for that though00:02
e-starrejon_office: oh yes, olpc is a whole different ball game00:02
rejon_officeok, well, don't rely on grants or funding00:02
rejon_officecan do all this for free00:02
rejon_officelike all the other things00:02
e-starrejon_office: oh really?00:02
rejon_officeme 2...gtg00:02
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e-starrejon_office: still there?02:02
e-starrejon_office: if so, do you think it's worth it to try to go to sxsw?02:02
rejon_officeif you have some extra $$$ sitting around ;)02:10
rejon_officeits interesting...lots of parties, etc02:11
rejon_officesame ole ppll02:11
bryceheya rejon02:19
mlinksvae-star, there's still hotels available in waco02:52
rejon_officeyo yo02:53
rejon_officehi bryce02:53
rejon_officeso secondlife ppl. are trying to delete my speakers again02:54
rejon_officeso I guess cc sl ppl. are lobbying to erase the SL land02:57
rejon_officeI said that doing that is equal to software projects starting from scratch, aka, don't do it!02:57
rejon_officeso they can start over and build a marketplace02:57
e-starmlinksva: haha!02:58
rejon_officeon wikipedia, we should just erase it and start over with what we learned02:58
e-starrejon_office: yeah i'd have to crash w/ people or something02:58
rejon_officemy rule is if I'm not speaking, I'm not going02:58
rejon_officeor if work makes me go02:58
e-starrejon_office: right, heh02:59
rejon_officei'm speaking at a community event02:59
mlinksvamia has left the office :(02:59
e-staridea was to talk about OLPC free music02:59
aphidi dont go to things i have to pay admission for :D02:59
e-staraphid: hello!02:59
aphidhi e-star!02:59
e-staraphid: agreed!02:59
e-staraphid: unless it's a show02:59
mlinksvai don't pay admission to things i don't need to go to02:59
rejon_officemlinksva: was it low key :(02:59
e-staraphid: sorry we didn't get to hang out!03:00
rejon_officeYah, I try not to go to things at all03:00
mlinksvayr hangin' now!03:00
e-staraphid: next time notify the HFC folks and we'll throw you a party!03:00
aphidit was kinda hectic03:00
e-staraphid: but i did put you on my blog03:00
e-staraphid: yeah, totally03:00
e-staraphid: suuuuuper hectic03:00
aphidwe didnt have the travel come through until like 3 daysbefore03:00
e-staroh whoa03:00
aphidand we were sleep deprived from the red eye.. heh03:02
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aphidanyway was cool meeting you, however brief it was03:05
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