Friday, 2007-03-02

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e-starmlinksva: let me find out00:00
mlinksvae-star, thx!00:11
mlinksvai'm going to go ahead and blog about the new "share" and "remix" icons and give FC.o (and hopefully the original creator, thus this) credit for the latter.00:12
mlinksvaif FC.o comes to an anti-cc-using-blocks-icon later we can change it00:12
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e-starmlinksva: it appears that it was "some peripheral figure"00:42
e-starmlinksva: i think it's fine00:43
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WillySillyhi guys02:20
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sylvinushi there.11:42
sylvinusis there a clean ccmixter logo somewhere?11:42
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e-starplease digg this16:37
e-stargotta love gaming the system16:37
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evanpromlinksva: so, what can I do to get you to support OpenID on the CC wiki?17:45
rejo1outline the steps of implementing and providing links17:49
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cchelpbotNew news from User:Evan <>17:50
mlinksvawhat version of mediawiki is required?17:59
mlinksvafor your extension17:59
evanproI started it with 1.6.x18:01
evanproI think it might work with 1.5.x18:01
evanproOh, you guys are at 1.6.x18:02
evanproShould be no problem.18:02
evanproI also forgot to ask if you'll be at SxSWi18:03
mlinksvayes i'll be there18:03
mlinksvaany problem with the extension and upgrading mw?18:04
mlinksvameaning doing the 1.6->1.7->1.8->1.9 upgrade18:04
mlinksvawill the extension survive in working fashion?18:04
mlinksvai'm planning to do that upgrade soon18:04
evanproIt's been fine with me18:10
evanproAre you going to do the upgrade step-by-step?18:11
cchelpbotNew news from Reading list <>18:22
mlinksvaevanpro, isn't that the only way?18:22
evanproeh, it's possible to do it all in one go18:22
evanproTheoretically it should work18:23
evanproBut most people do it version-by-version, just in case18:23
evanproEspecially if you're jumping three versions18:23
mlinksvain any case i'll install the openid extension before sxsw, or give me dirty looks18:24
evanproI will!|18:43
evanproFeel free to ping me if you need help18:43
evanproI've been knocking them down this month -- Wikevent, wikiHow, LQWiki18:43
evanproI'm going to bug the Mozilla guys, too18:43
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cchelpbotNew news from SXSW: Creative Commons, An Introduction <>20:04
cchelpbotNew news from Launches the Free Music Project <>20:14
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paulproteusbovinity, ping?21:53
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rejon_officefreejon.org22:25 would be 30someodd years too late, heh22:26, right22:28
aphidi think the free as in beer, free as in speech meme..  we need to add free as in the verb.  as in to liberate from unfair enclosure22:28
mlinksvafree as in the noun, eg, the negativland album22:29
paulproteusLand of the Freejon22:30
paulproteusAnd home of the rave.22:30
rejon_officeyes, I want that, I hope its not taken22:31
paulproteusrejon_office, It's totally available. (-:22:31 ?22:32
paulproteusThat, and
mlinksvapaulproteus, wondering, do anon uploads and licensing work well togehter?23:18
mlinksvarejon noticed an illegal track already23:18
paulproteusYay! (-:23:18
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rejon_officei think anon. commenting, reviews will work, but too difficult legally to allow anon. uploads23:19
rejon_officethere is no way to track down copyright holder23:19
rejon_officecc licenses without a copyright holder are kinda useless23:20
rejon_officeplus, everyone is uploading anon23:20
rejon_officeand, looks like the licenses on the site are not showing up23:20
paulproteus - rejon - yeah, some don't.  That's a shame.23:21
paulproteusI wonder if the DB is recording them correctly.23:22
paulproteusLuckily all URL uploads are generating a log message so we can reconstruct them if necessary.23:22
rejon_officethe anon thing needs to be dealt with though asap23:22
paulproteusMeaning, you think we should stop allowing anonymous uploads?23:22
paulproteusSJ( really wants anonymous uploads.23:22
paulproteusI'm going to go offline in a bit and do something other than watch a computer screen23:23
rejon_officewell, from wikipedian standpoint, they are operating mostly on tet23:23
rejon_officebut would they allow a media upload that is anon. without knowing the legal status?23:23
rejon_officenon-text is a bit diff. IMO23:23
rejon_officemlinksva: what do you think?23:24
rejon_officeok, I will follow-up with SJ and e-star23:27
paulproteusrejon_office, I think SJ would be much happier to leave anon upload enabled, even if just for the web link version.23:28
rejon_officeyou guys need to talk to a lawyer23:28
e-starpaulproteus, rejon_office: we have anon uploads, but we are requiring email addys23:40
e-starso not so anon23:40
e-starpaulproteus: we should have anon for all23:40
rejon_officefor all what?23:42
rejon_officethat is good to have email address23:42
rejon_officejust the enforceability of the license is unclear and/or how to give attribution23:42
e-starrejon_office: what's the diff btw requiring emails and having accounts? are you saying that we wouldn't be compliant w/ the DMCA repeat offender provisions?23:43
rejon_officeI hesitate to say talk to a lawyer, but there are issues23:43
e-starrejon_office: we have fields for artist URL23:43
e-starrejon_office: we will unfortunately probably have to verify licenses23:43
rejon_officeI think anon with email + url to original would be better than just pure anon23:43
e-starrejon_office: we were just afraid that people might be too lazy to register for an acct at the beginning..heh23:44
rejon_officealso, that coupled with great policing community + policy23:44
rejon_officeyah, I agree23:44
rejon_officeI like the idea of no account23:44
rejon_officeplus, mlinksva and I were discussing23:44
rejon_officesomeone could make a bogus account23:44
rejon_officepaulproteus: you need to make a first time page too23:46
rejon_officefor after ppl. register23:47
rejon_officeright now when someone registers, it goes back to the main page23:47
rejon_officeyou can set this up in the global settings23:47
rejon_officewould be good23:47
e-starrejon_office: any help would be greatly appreciated ;)23:49
bovinitydoes ccH send out an authentication email when you register?23:49
rejon_officeok, sure23:49
rejon_officeusername: rejon23:49
rejon_officeit should23:49
rejon_officethey might not have that turned on23:50
rejon_officegive me admin and I'll poke around23:50
rejon_officeok, gotta take a walk b4 no sun23:50
bovinitythe result page after hitting the auth link should link to a first time page too/instead23:50
rejon_officee-star paulproteus: email sent23:50
rejon_officethey also need an issue/task tracker + mailing list for community to dev. IMo23:50
WillySillyhi guys23:52
e-starrejon_office: got it23:52
e-starrejon_office: we still have the dmca though23:53
e-starrejon_office: those may have been test tracks?23:53
rejon_officeok, cool23:54
rejon_officejust trying to keep on point23:55
WillySillyrejon_office: know when the chinese new years parade is?23:55
rejon_officeok, going on nnice walk away...23:56
mlinksvae-star, though you do have the dmca, if fm.fc.o is going to be a site folks (including olpc) are going to pull music from, it probably needs to be more proactively policed23:57
e-starrejon_office: love the community ideas23:58
e-starrejon_office: part of the problem, though, is that we're students and we're flaky..haha23:58
e-starmlinksva: agreed23:58
rejon_officee-star: open advocate students...the double whammy23:58
e-starrejon_office: it's like, you'll work on a project until you have homework or a final or...a party? haha23:58
e-starrejon_office: this is one of the perpetual problems w/ fc.o23:59
rejon_officeyour comments aren't helping sell the idea to me ;)23:59
rejon_officewell, ok, here's the best way to overcome student-itis23:59
rejon_officepick one thing, and do it well23:59

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