Sunday, 2007-03-04

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cchelpbotNew news from CC Marketplace <>07:09
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cchelpbotNew news from Launches the Free Music Project <> || SXSW: Creative Commons, An Introduction <> || CC music on Dutch public radio <> || DHTML wizard challenge met! <> || Tech Policy Summit Silicon Valley <> || Jamendo CC music portal <> || CC challenges community <> || xlr8r tv debuts on revision3 <> || March 1st Deadline for Technology and Community+Media Internship <> || Get 3.0 at ccLabs <>21:16
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cchelpbotNew news from Embedded Metadata <> || CC Marketplace <> || Nonweb Tagging <> || Embedded Metadata <> || Special:Log/delete <> || Special:Log/block <> || Special:Log/upload <> || Content curators <> || Special:Log/delete <> || Special:Log/block <> || Reading list <> || Reading list <> || Reading list <> || Content curators <> || Reading list <> || User:Evan <> || Special:Log/upload <> || Marking Works Technical <>22:04
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