Thursday, 2007-03-01

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sylvinusI think the "CC challenges community" headline is a bit awkward00:41
sylvinuswell, it doesn't seem to be the usual fundraising language. seems more "agressive" here. anyway, i'm not a native speaker :)00:50
rejonYah, I see what you mean00:51
rejonYah, maybe you can recommend a better one to our dev. dir00:52
rejondev. coordinator00:52
sylvinusI'm really not the right person to ask for english grammar ;)00:52
rejonI'll relay the sentiment...only good intentions though00:53
sylvinusok thanks00:53
rejonI mean, she has...00:53
sylvinusI'm finishing our new page00:53
rejonjamendo rules00:53
sylvinusI felt so guilty to copy it from flickr, I linked them :)00:53
rejonI think its a great thing to copy00:53
paulproteusHah, what a nice copy of Flickr indeed! (-:00:57
WillySillyLooks cool indeed00:57
WillySillyrejon: Looking at backup solutions too?01:01
sylvinuscool that you like it !01:02
sylvinusit's going live right now01:02
WillySillyI like Rhythmbox's Jamendo interface01:03
rejonon all things01:04
rejonits easiest to ask into the web01:04
WillySillyI have been looking for a solution to backup all my photos from my laptop to my server01:05
WillySilly24 gigs of photos01:05
WillySillyI dont really want to loose them01:05
rejonyah, we need more importer scripts01:05
rejonI think I will just install cchost onto my hosting account and import all my media onto that01:06
rejonhonestly, its so hard to sort through all of em01:06
WillySillyLightroom takes for of organizing for me01:06
sylvinusI didn't try the rythmbox plugin yet actually :/01:07
WillySillyI have to figure out how to easily embed copyright into all of them01:07
sylvinusI've been told it works great01:07
WillySillysylvinus: Yeah, it does01:08
rejonyah, a cc rhythmbox plugin would be nice01:09
sylvinusjamendo is 99% cc :)01:15
WillySillySo far all my photos are cc licensed01:16
bovinityyeah, he's licensing the album under CC too01:25
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cchelpbotNew news from Jamendo CC music portal <>02:32
paulproteusmlinksva, We've been chatting about that here. (-:02:38
mlinksvaoh, i was chatting about it on #jamendo :)02:42
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cchelpbotNew news from Tech Policy Summit Silicon Valley <>04:12
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cchelpbotNew news from Applications Using CC <>05:33
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sylvinusOK !16:21
sylvinuscan you try that?16:21
paulproteussylvinus, it works fine, only do you really want to allow the sampling license?16:23
sylvinusIt's a plain copy for the flash one16:23
paulproteusAlso, it's sad that it's missing the explanation text, which makes it hard to understand what you mean.16:23
sylvinus( challenge was
paulproteusOh, this is pure DHTML?  Nice!16:25
paulproteusTested in IE?16:25
sylvinusI can't test on konqueror16:26
paulproteusOh, I'll do that!16:27
paulproteusWorks great. (-:16:27
paulproteusIt's a teensy bit slower than the Flash one, but doesn't bother me.16:28
sylvinusslower, you mean when you click?16:30
sylvinusor to load?16:30
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paulproteusI mean, when I click.16:59
sylvinusok. maybe there's some improvement margin performance-wise.17:00
sylvinusI didn't focused on it at all for now17:01
sylvinusdidn't seem to be a problem as it's instantaneous for me17:01
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sylvinuspaulproteus, can you try again now to see if it's a bit faster?17:11
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paulproteussylvinus, Er, I think that broke it in Konqueror.17:16
paulproteusAnd Firefox feels about the same.17:16
sylvinusbroke konqueror ? :(17:16
sylvinuskonqueror is a piece of crap17:16
paulproteusMeaning, clicking the jigsaw pieces no longer does anything in Konqueror.17:17
sylvinusoops, left a firebug debug17:18
sylvinusnot konqueror's fault at all, still... :)17:18
paulproteusFYI mlinksva, we're chatting aobut .17:19
sylvinuspaulproteus, refresh in k?17:20
paulproteussylvinus, Doesn't seem much faster, but it feels like 0.2 seconds or something and most of the time is spent redrawing the other images.17:21
sylvinusyou actually see the redraw?17:22
paulproteusYeah, but I was playing with my xorg.conf lately, so who knows. (-:17:23
sylvinuslol :)17:23
paulproteusIt's a fair bit faster in Firefox.17:23
sylvinusI could save time not iterating over the items that didn't chage17:23
paulproteusI don't like how this license generator makes CC-by seem "incomplete" because puzzles pieces are missing.17:24
paulproteusLike I feel it would be nicer to have a different metaphor.17:24
mlinksvasylvinus, paulproteus the dhtml seems as fast as the flash on FF17:29
mlinksvahas anyone tried in IE?17:32
mlinksvapaulproteus, what did you mean by "doesn't feel much faster"?17:32
mlinksvathan what?17:32
paulproteusmlinksva, Than a previous revision I was using.17:33
mlinksvaprevious version of the puzzle chooser or of a browser?17:33
mlinksvasylvinus, paulproteus i'm about to post this text, see anything wrong?:17:34
mlinksvaA few days ago we announced a new version implemented in Flash of the ccLabs experimental Freedoms License Generator and issued a challenge to DHTML developers to equal the performance and visual improvements of the Flash version, using DHTML.17:34
mlinksvaThat didn’t take long. Sylvain Zimmer of Jamendo (see our most recent post about Jamendo’s CC music portal) whipped up a DHTML version of the puzzle pieces interface used in the Freedoms License Generator that is just as slick and fast as our Flash version.17:34
mlinksvaThe implementation is not complete — it doesn’t provide copy & paste license HTML — but it proves the point that Flash is unnecessary for this application. The next iteration of the ccLabs project will integrate Sylvain’s code with HTML and metadata generation.17:34
mlinksvaThanks Sylvain!17:34
paulproteusOoh, an honest-to-God em dash!17:34
paulproteusHow could I say no?17:34
sylvinushehe mlinksva :) you're welcome17:35
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sylvinusmlinksva, I tested the code in ie/ff/safari/opera, paul did in konqueror17:36
sylvinusshould be quite OK with prototype inside.17:36
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sylvinusanyway, always glad to help CC :) I'm still willing to volunteer for a few months mlinksva, when jamendo will give me more time :)17:43
bovinitysylvinus: that's some fancy javascript, very cool17:44
sylvinusthanks bovinity :)17:44
cchelpbotNew news from DHMTL wizard challenge met! <>17:45
bovinitysylvinus: i like the extra checks to handle the oversized button areas, hadn't thought of that17:47
sylvinus;) yeah it's a bit messy but not really another option imho17:47
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sylvinusadded a pngfix to the license image for ie17:58
rejon_officesylvinus: excellent on the license chooser17:59
rejon_officesylvinus: now just connect it up with the code generator and then great!17:59
sylvinusthanks! hey, excellent work on CC itself ;)18:00
rejon_officedo you have account access on our project?18:00
sylvinusmy username is "sylvinus" on sf18:00
sylvinusshould be pretty trivial.18:00
sylvinus(is that even an english word...?)18:01
rejon_officeyep...connect up the code generation and I'll hook you up with svn access18:01
sylvinusyou want a patched version of the html here :
rejon_officeprolly best to just create another page for the one you created18:02
mlinksvayeah, patched version of /freedomslicense/index.php18:12
rejon_officeok, great18:12
rejon_officesylvinus: for that, you'd do best to check out svn for the patch18:12
rejon_officeto make the patch18:12
sylvinusit's not the cctools svn?18:13
rejon_officeinside cctools18:13
rejon_officesvn co cclabs18:14
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sylvinusmlinksva/ rejon_office : do I have to keep the myspace/youtube code?18:34
rejon_officeits not on the freedoms currently18:35
sylvinusit's in the code18:36
rejon_officeoh...sure...keep for time being18:36
rejon_officeor rather, ignore ;)18:36
sylvinusok, anyway I have to go. will continue that later18:37
sylvinussee you18:37 rule18:38
sylvinushm. actually the patch is really simple18:42
cchelpbotNew news from Awards <>18:47
sylvinusshould be something like that:18:55
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mlinksvasylvinus, looks ok, but just sending a replacement index.php would be fine too19:25
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jamendo_mlinksva,  DHMTL wizard challenge met! => "DHTML" :)20:06
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mlinksvajamendo_, oops, corrected20:35
cchelpbotNew news from CC music on Dutch public radio <> || DHTML wizard challenge met! <>20:38
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mlinksvapaulproteus, e-star_ or other person, do you know who created the FC.o lego block logo?23:03
cchelpbotNew news from Marking Works Technical <>23:10
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