Wednesday, 2007-02-28

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cchelpbotNew news from Where to Release Software <>00:23
rejon_officeok, cchost 4.0 is out in the wild00:27
rejon_officeall PR done00:27
rejon_officeexcept for blog post00:27
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rejon_officeMan, does anybody know how to across the board get gnome to tell evolution, gaim, etc, that you are offline01:16
rejon_officeI would like my laptop to disconnect when the lid closes01:16
rejon_officeso lame01:16
bovinitymost laptops send a lid close signal.. someone should add a D-BUS hook for it01:17
rejon_officeyah, I can hack that01:17
rejon_officejust figured there might be a solution01:17
rejon_officeI don't think the apps read this01:17
rejon_officealso, just want all internet apps to know when there isn't a net connection to disconnect01:18
rejon_officeI think the galago project is trying to do this01:18
bovinitygnome power manager has an option for doing things on lid close, like sleep/hibernate01:18
rejon_officeyah, gnome-power-manager only handles suspend/hibernate01:20
rejon_office(it looks like)01:20
poningrurejon_office: waah?01:20
poningrurejon_office: hmm nm is supposed to tell dbus you are going offline and dbus is supposed to tell everything that you are offline01:21
poningruoh thats network manager01:23
poningrunot never mind01:23
bovinitya lid close should tell nm you're offline, wich in turn should tell everything else01:23
rejon_officeok, testing it out01:26
poningrurejon_office: can you document that out somewhere?01:33
rejon_officeyah, I will on my blog01:36
rejon_officeinstalling networkmanager which is now in unstable portage for gentoo01:37
rejon_officeI really want my system to know my presence and react accordingly...pathetic how we have to maintain our status in gaim, evo, skype, blah01:38
poningruyeah true that01:43
poningrurejon_office: ubuntu will have that working in feisty+1 iirc01:43
poningruatleast it was speced for feisty and defered till +1 iirc01:44
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rejon_officeok, nm is not the solution01:45
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poningruoh blargh?01:46
poningruwhat happened?01:46
rejo1ok, this is a bigger problem than me01:47
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rejon_officethis is a perfect situation for me to blog and get answers01:50
WillySillyGalago is something to look at01:50
WillySillyits a presence daemon01:50
rejon_officeits still up to those apps to do something with the dbus info01:50
bovinitylazyweb to the rescue01:51
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WillySillyLooks like Christian has put the project on hold01:53
WillySillyOr so it seems01:53
rejon_officewhich one?01:53
rejon_officeoh, galago01:54
rejon_officetoo bad01:54
rejon_officethat is a great project01:54
WillySillyThe project would probably pick up steam if their was more integration in the various apps that could benefit from using it01:55
poningrubah no worries there is telepathy for that01:55
WillySillyI know about telepathy01:56
WillySillyWho doesnt by now anyway?01:56
WillySillyI still want one of those Telepathy tshirts01:56
WillySillyThere also hasnt been a telepathy-feed release since Sept01:57
WillySillyman, its snowing at My Diablo02:02
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sylvinusis someone currently rewriting the freedomslicense generator in DHTML ? what's the main reason that made it switch to flash?16:41
rejonyou can sylvinus ;)16:43
sylvinusI definately want to :)16:43
rejonit was breaking on diff. browsers16:43
rejonok, the code is online16:44
sylvinuswhat browser?16:44
rejonnot sure16:44
rejonask mlinksva16:44
mlinksvai think there were minor problems on ie6, bovinity might have more to say when he's online16:45
mlinksvabut the real issue was that the dhtml version was slow and clunky16:45
mlinksvathe code would be in cctools sf svn under 'labs'16:46
mlinksvaand they don't even mention flash16:47
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sylvinusI think he makes a point.16:49
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rejonresponses from yesterday:
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cchelpbotNew news from Special:Log/delete <> || Special:Log/block <>23:48
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