Tuesday, 2007-02-27

mlinksvagigi is talking about macrovision's jobs response00:00
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paulproteusOoh, this does sound like fun, mlinksva.00:08
aphidmacrovision: "the solution to everything is more DRM"00:11
aphidbeyond broadcast was weird.  i heard the term "monetization" more times in that one day than I have over the coarse of my whole life up to that point.00:12
rejonyah, just go anti-conference00:13
aphidhow to monetize your users' participation.  how to monetize online video.00:13
rejonit should be: monet-ize00:13
rejonmake the painters happy00:13
aphidapart from that, and some totally off the wall quotes by the MTV's digital media guy ("I think that ultimately most people are joiners..."), it was pretty rad00:14
aphidrandomish question, but do any of you know who would be a good contact w/r/t IP issues (in particular those around Public Domain) in Canada?00:45
rejonyou can always try any cc affiliate00:46
rejonCC Canada00:46
rejondoctorow is from canada00:46
WillySillyI got my copy of Community Created Content today00:48
aphidoh? ok, rad.  a few canadian public radio people were asking me about feasibility of metavid-like things in canada, but not every western-style democracy has "government works = public domain"00:50
aphidaustralian house of representatives claims © on their video proceedings and allows "no political use; no parody" :P00:50
paulproteusmlinksva, rejon, BTW, gavinbaker on #freeculture filed http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=142238 .00:53
mlinksvapaulproteus, the fun was short, now it's about as exciting as a guy from Sybase talking about the ins and outs of doing business in China00:53
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mlinksvabut the guy from MPAA was wonderful.  just repeat that "drm is supposed to enable you to do whatever you want", and variations thereof00:54
mlinksvai saw the bug, he spammed @cc emails with it :)00:55
paulproteusOh, good. (-:00:55
mlinksvathis guy is pissed http://www.thenewfreedom.net/wp/2007/02/05/fuck-creative-commons/00:58
mlinksvaand mislead about cc and fair use http://www.thenewfreedom.net/wp/2007/02/26/not-dead-a-few-things/00:58
rejonthat is a pretty cool fui logo01:01
paulproteusrejon, I *know*. (-:01:01
aphidwell (C) is pretty much (FU) when it comes down to it. :P01:01
rejonYah, we should roll out that license01:01
rejonCC FU01:02
rejonCC BY-FU01:02
rejonJUST KIDDING01:02
WillySillySounds like a good April Fools joke01:02
paulproteusCC BY-FU-SA01:02
paulproteusI *really* think Share-Alike has to be part of the April Fool's joke if we do it.01:02
rejonthat drug video is awesome01:03
rejonthat is super cool01:03
aphidit could look something like " Author does not permit the following uses: Duplication licenses (ask about bulk copies fees); Any posting or streaming from an Internet site; Airing on public access or local cable television channels; Fundraising Use; Commercial/Advertising; Public Performances (Showing in a group or unrelated individuals with or without a fee); Documentaries, films or television programs; Multimedia applications; Corporate video uses01:04
rejonThe FU license is the most closed condition you can possibly have.01:04
paulproteusrejon, Right, but if you use this work, then FU, too!01:04
aphidhm.. maybe so closed that the author has no rights to it either..  the flip side of public domain01:05
aphidnobody can copy this, not even me.01:05
aphidor would that be Fme01:05
* bryce snorts01:06
aphid(F urself)01:06
rejonI would rather see that full drug video than just this remix01:06
paulproteusI would rather do the full drugs than this remix.01:08
mlinksvai would rather remix the drugs and sell them to you01:08
aphidi tried 'remixed drinks' once.. got one of those paper diner placemats with all the drinks on them and randomly selected ones to mix together.  i ended up mixing a harvy wallbanger (!) with a gimlet and ... let's just say I won't be playing that game ever again.01:09
rejonyah, my gf did that the first time I met her01:10
rejonshe took my beer and mixed it with her gin and tonic01:10
rejonI just stared in disbelief01:10
rejonshe was like: "Look, less to carry..."01:10
aphidpotluck mashup, bring your own blender...01:11
aphidanda  cassarole01:11
aphid..and a bucket.01:11
brycemy dad always said, "Well, it ends up mixed up anyway... why not?"01:13
aphidthe Romans understood the value of food remixology, they even had a special room for it :P01:20
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paulproteusaphid, Casserole and barbie in a blender?02:37
aphidenchilada barbie is my favorite, but sure!02:37
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* poningru wishes lessig hung out here09:38
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cchelpbotNew news from http://creativecommons.org/weblog/rss: xlr8r tv debuts on revision3 <http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/7254>18:24
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rejon_officei'm fixing that labs feedback script19:18
mlinksvaso it doesn't send if there's no data? :)19:19
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rejon_officerpmbuild sux22:32
rejon_officeracking my brain on build rpm for cchost-4.022:33
rejon_officewhy does it break with their upgrade, why!22:33
rejon_officerpmbuild upgrade22:33
bovinitybecause rpms are horrible horrible things?22:36
* bovinity shrugs22:36
rejon_officeyes, they are22:36
bovinityi'm just bitter.22:36
poningrupbuilder ftw22:36
rejon_officejust trying to keep up the hope of getting cchost into distros22:36
poningrudo you want me to ask around? I know couple of fc people22:37
poningrunot sure if they are available right now22:37
poningrubut I can leave a msg22:37
rejon_officeall is well22:37
rejon_officei think I found22:38
rejon_officeit was choking on a file edited in windows!22:39
rejon_officeAUTHORS (a damned text file)22:39
poningruah lamezorz22:41
rejon_officeyah, suct to find that...whoa I dont have ftp on my laptop22:43
poningruoh blargh?22:44
poningrutftp ftw22:44
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