Thursday, 2007-02-22

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bovinityl. o. l.18:10
rejon_officetons of functionality18:11
rejon_officeovermundo is using cchost btw18:11
rejon_office(that is foreshadowing)18:11
e-starrejon_office: they are?18:11
e-starrejon_office: i thought they built their own CMS18:11
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mlinksvai think sharing is really important too18:28
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e-star_rejon_office: wait, i'm confused18:44
rejon_officeits ok...we are in the same room18:45
rejon_officedisregard my comments18:45
rejon_officeits more of discussion while others talk18:45
bovinitywow, they made mixter look nice.18:46
mlinksvawhat, the mozilla website isn't the pinnacle of design?18:49
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e-starmlinksva: ahhh, the overmixter part18:57
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paulproteusOh, hey you all.19:33
paulproteusmlinksva, You know, back in 1999, when I was writing my first personal website at, I used for layout ideas...19:34
mlinksvapaulproteus, so did, in 200419:51
paulproteusmlinksva, Oh, good point.19:52
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rejon_officebovinity: did you go ahead and add thinh and rebecca to wp?23:54
rejon_officecould you create for tessi, catharina, daniela, heather23:57

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