Friday, 2007-02-23

rejon_officebovinity: do ppl. get emails of being added00:01
rejon_officeprolly something a bit more than the wordpress add00:02
rejon_officeesp. for how they can change pass00:02
rejon_office(you prolly already did ;)00:02
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bovinityrejon_office: where's the party meeting?00:33
rejon_officeis that downstairs?00:35
rejon_officei ca't remember00:35
rejon_officebovinity: do you want me to email the ppl. about the wordpress, or will you?00:35
bovinityrejon_office: ok, we doing it here in shambala00:36
rejon_officewhere is that?00:37
rejon_officebig room00:37
bovinityyeah, where we were this morning00:38
paulproteusSo if someone asks me to look over his application for the CC tech internship as a friend, not as a CC dude, that's an okay thing for me to do, right?00:43
paulproteusIt's not like I'm part of the prize selection committee as far as I know anyway.00:43
mlinksvapaulproteus, go ahead00:44
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paulproteusThanks, Mia!01:48
paulproteusAnd everyone else!01:49
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WillySillyhi paulproteus02:01
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paulproteusWillySilly, Yo.02:06
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oday_hi, i'm working on freemusic.freeculutre with paulproteus and could use some help if anyone is around08:01
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paulproteuse-star, BTW, URL uploads work now.22:27
paulproteusNot anonymously but yes when you are logged in.22:28
paulproteusAlso, I totally meant to say this in #freeculture.22:28
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rejon_officepaulproteus: cool...lets try to get in your changes after I tag the 4.0 release22:45
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e-starpaulproteus: great23:46
e-starpaulproteus: no worries23:46
e-starrejon_office: would someone at cc be interested and/or willing to have a quick look at our press release?23:47
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e-starrejo1 too23:47
paulproteuse-star, You could try IMing mlinksva.23:56
paulproteus(AIM: mlinksva)23:56
paulproteusAlso mlinksva, if I shouldn't have said that, let me know. (-:23:56
e-starpaulproteus: well who deals more w/ press stuff?23:58
paulproteuse-star, mlinksva can surely point you the right way if he replies. (-;23:59
paulproteusHe's done most of the blogging lately, at least.23:59
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