Wednesday, 2007-02-21

cchelpbotNew news from CcWiki:About <>00:22
rejon_officeyah, do it by hand00:26
rejon_officewith infinite if/then's and strcmp00:26
rejon_officeCheck out odeo's strategy for selling00:27
rejon_officeare they running their projects into the ground?00:27
rejon_officeyou decide ;)00:27
rejon_officeabandoning ship for twitter!!! What!00:27
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mlinksvai'm typing on irc02:22
mlinksvaoh sorry, meant to twitter that02:22
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cchelpbotNew news from Creative Commons Configurator for WordPress <>09:00
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cchelpbotNew news from License versions <>18:14
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rejon_officecommons are the new nodes21:46
bovinityoh no(de)21:47
rejon_officeno one got the memo22:00
rejon_officenodes are now commons22:01
bovinitycommons in a box?22:04
cchelpbotNew news from Reminder: CC Salon SF is tonight! <>22:12
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