Thursday, 2008-09-04

nkinkadeFrom the CiviMail setup directions: "for all debian/ubuntu-like distributions, you will probably be best served by doing an install of the packages that your OS thinks are best likely to meet the dependencies of the inscrutable amavsid .deb file"00:01
nkinkadeApparently .deb files are inscrutable.00:02
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nkinkadepaulproteus: Are packages of the form <something>-perl always perl modules, to your knowledge.00:11
nkinkadeThat was easy.00:11
paulproteusIt's libsomething-perl, though, that's the real pattern to match.00:11
paulproteuslibyour-mom-perl would be Your::Mom.00:12
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nathanynkinkade: i assume paulproteus is gone (since he appears away)?00:36
nathanynkinkade: also, i just "approved" the ssl cert issuance00:37
nkinkadenathany: He's here.00:37
paulproteusnathany, Hi00:37
nathanyjust saw your email, wondered if irc was ~= in person00:38
nkinkadepaulproteus appears many things that he isn't.00:38
nkinkadeJust kidding.00:38
paulproteusMaybe, but I'm going to run home now instead!00:39
nkinkadeAnd he is many things that he doesn't appear to be, conversely. :-)00:40
nathanypaulproteus: ok00:40
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nathanyBovinity: sweet01:01
nathanyI'll update the deployment tomorrow01:02
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hdworakhi :)07:55
hdworakI've spotted that the file uploads to Google can't contain any work done after Aug 18th, so I've just uploaded what we had back then07:55
hdworakpaulproteus: ^^^07:55
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nathanypaulproteus: SYN15:17
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paulproteusnathany, ACK16:44
nathanypaulproteus: nevermind; i just decided to ask forgiveness instead of permission (well, presumably, once i push the branch)16:46
paulproteusSounds good to me. (-:16:46
nathanypaulproteus: btw, how do you feel generally about Domains and Languages just implementing the Python container protocol instead of special properties?16:53
paulproteus"Python container protocol"?16:53
paulproteusOh, like a list?16:53
nathany__len__, __get__, __iter__, etc16:53
nathanyor dict16:53
paulproteusI have no strong feelings; if it seems appropriate, then let's use it.16:54
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paulproteusnathany, So SYN re: websetup17:04
nathanyer, yes17:05
* paulproteus 's eyes widen17:05
Bovinityit's the devils music, makes you shout.17:05
nathanypaulproteus: if you were in the office you too could enjoy the local network streaming of the All Skate mix17:06
* paulproteus skates in17:06
paulproteusnathany, The latest in master (oops, meant that to be in a branch) has setup_config() take more arguments and prompt you if you don't pass it in a bureaucrat_username or bureaucrat_password.17:08
paulproteusI don't see how to pass it in one.  The test runner should pass one in so it can be non-interactive.17:08
paulproteusIt looks to me like it's never directly called, but called indirectly via some paster thing.17:08
paulproteusDo you see what I'm trying to do, and do you have any suggestion as to how to?17:09
nathanyi do17:09
* paulproteus nods17:09
nathanyperhaps your test.ini could define default values to use?17:10
nathanyso you check if they're defined in the configuration, if they're not, you prompt17:10
nathanyit feels like test-time configuration data to me17:10
paulproteusI was thinking:17:11
paulproteustest parses the ini17:11
paulproteustest behind the ini file's back adds the values to the config object17:11
paulproteustest proceeds with websetup, which notices the data in the config object17:11
nathanybut doesn't testing already get it's own ini file?17:11
paulproteusI guess I can see how that could go in the conf file too.17:11
paulproteusYeah, it does, I just don't like the idea of using a non-randomly-generated password.  But I can just add a stanza in the test ini saying, like:17:12
paulproteustest_mode = true17:12
paulproteusand dispatch based on that anyway.17:12
nathanywait, it's a test17:12
paulproteusThat makes enough sense.17:12
nathanywho cares if it's random?17:12
nathanyanyway, sounds like you've got it figured out17:13
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Bovinityman, this playlist just keeps getting better.17:25
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nathanypaulproteus: so i'm writing the script to convert to a PO file17:26
nathanydoes it make sense to put the Herder -> Babel conversion in herder.lib.babel, or as a method on the herder.Domain?17:26
nathany(ie, Domain.get_catalog())17:27
paulproteus#2, I'd say, on the Domain17:27
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paulproteusre: : 0, 1 done.17:49
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nathanypaulproteus: doing git push --all is enough to push all those branches, right?17:55
paulproteusnathany, Ya17:58
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nkinkadenathany: I'm going to spend some minutes today finding out why a8 keeps having issues around midnight.  It shouldn't be too hard because it seems to happen at the around the same time.18:21
nkinkadeJust so you know that I'm not ignoring it. :-)18:21
nathanypaulproteus: i just pushed my branches18:23
nathanyalthough i realized after doing so that i haven't done any work in the events branch18:23
nathanyand "cli" already has "language-container" merged into it18:23
paulproteusOkay, cool.18:24
nathanyi'm going to hack on events for ~30 minutes, and i'd like to merge the cli branch into it as a starting point so that i have the latest model code18:25
nathanyis that completely insane?18:25
* paulproteus blinks18:25
paulproteusEh, go ahead.18:26
nathanyi know18:27
nathanyit's at least slightly insane18:27
paulproteusIt's not very "feature-branch"y, but there aren't massive integration lag times that justify waiting on feature branches until you can merge them.18:27
nathanyand it seems silly not to start with the language-container work, since that adds/moves places you'd want to dispatch events18:28
paulproteusWow, you branched from me a while ago.18:29
* paulproteus is looking at gitk --all18:29
paulproteusIf possible, I'd rather rebase your changes than just merge them.18:29
nathanyby "a while ago" you mean yesterday afternoon?18:29
paulproteusWell, yeah, I just mean in revision history time.18:29
paulproteusAs in not-zero-commits-ago.18:30
nathanywrt rebase-ing18:31
nathany1) i just merged into the events branch; i suppose i could just delete the branch and re-branch from master?18:31
nathany2) is there a simple command you want me to use to rebase cli into my new events branch?18:31
paulproteusMaybe you could git reset HEAD^1, which should undo the last commit (in your case, the merge).18:32
paulproteusAnd then you can do, while on that branch: "git rebase origin/master"18:32
paulproteus(make sure to git fetch (or git pull, which includes git fetch) first)18:32
nathanydoes reset ^n go n actions back in time?18:32
nathanywhen on which nranch?18:32
nathanyevents or language-container?18:32
paulproteusYes re: reset caret n18:33
paulproteusOh, whichever you want to rebase!18:33
paulproteusre: events or language-container18:34
nathanyyeah, i don't know18:34
paulproteuslanguage-container already merged in events, right?18:34
paulproteusOr is it the other way around?18:34
nathanycli contains language-container18:34
nathany(was merged)18:34
paulproteusRight, I see that.18:34
paulproteusThen rebase cli.18:34
paulproteusDon't bother fiddling with language-container, I'd say.18:35
nathanyok, so when you say "rebase cli" that puts it into master?18:35
paulproteusHere's what I just did:18:35
paulproteusgit checkout origin/cli18:36
paulproteusgit branch my_fruity_rebased_cli18:36
paulproteusgit checkout my_fruity_rebased_cli18:36
paulproteusgit rebase master18:36
paulproteusThat rebases the current branch to be on top of the local branch called master.18:36
nathanywhich gives you a linear history in local master18:37
nathanyremind me again why we care?18:37
paulproteusYou do that, and if you like the results, by all means push to master.18:37
paulproteusWell, we don't care *much* but this makes e.g. git bisect way easier.18:37
nathanyi was really reconsidering my belief that adopting git was a mistake when merging and branching were going well last night/tonite18:37
paulproteusIt's kind of like writing comments.18:37
paulproteusYou don't care until you want to figure out something, at which point you don't want to be utterly confused.18:38
nathanyso let's say that i don't care about master, since you asked to review the code18:38
paulproteusSounds good to me. (-;18:38
nathanyand i just want to get on with my life, stop caring about this and work on events18:38
nathany(since i've now spent more brain power on git than coding, which === FAIL)18:38
paulproteusNaturally re: FAIL18:38
paulproteusGreat, so keep working on events, and one day I will take your branch, make sure I like it, rebase it, and then you can "git merge master" and you'll be working off the current master again.18:39
nathanyright, but this is my original question -- i want to merge the CLI work into events, or start from that point18:39
nathanyyou seemed to imply merging it was not the best approach18:39
paulproteusIt's fine for your feature branch.18:40
paulproteusJust know that I intend to squash the history into linear later, which you don't have to care about one bit.18:40
paulproteus(and, in fact, already do not care about one bit)18:40
nathanygot it18:40
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paulproteusmlinksva, on the warrant: "The officer said she could see it when they were done searching, then shooed Miller back outside."20:08
paulproteusJesus Christ.20:08
paulproteusThat's pretty Bad.20:09
mlinksvanot actually worth watching20:12
mlinksvajust std evangelical stuff20:12
paulproteusnathany, It's en not en_US that's canonical, right?20:14
nathanypaulproteus: yes20:14
nathanywe don't really do en_US20:14
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nathanyBovinity: will you have any HTML for before your departure today? (just curious)20:19
Bovinitynathany: the mock is looking more complete. i can probably get a 0.1 template before i /part20:20
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paulproteusnathany, For the Pootle auth file import, where is a sample Pootle file I can read, and do you expect that to be done over a web interface?20:31
paulproteusOr a CLI?20:31
nathanypaulproteus: i expect the pootle import to be one-off-ish20:32
nathanyso CLI at best20:32
nathany/etc/pootle/users.?? on
* paulproteus nods20:32
paulproteusnkinkade, can I rename /etc.LOL/ on a7 or something?  It interrupts my tab completion of /etc.20:33
paulproteusMaybe I'll mv it to /root/etc.old/ ?20:33
nkinkadepaulproteus: Sure.20:34
paulproteusI just did this on a7:20:34
paulproteusa7:/etc/pootle# mkdir /root/old/20:34
paulproteusa7:/etc/pootle# mv /etc.LOL/ /root/old20:34
paulproteusa7:/etc/pootle# mv /root.LOL/ /root/old20:34
paulproteusJust FYI.20:34
paulproteusnathany, We need to enqueue data validity checks somewhere in the roadmap.20:35
paulproteusMaybe we should be maintaining the roadmap on
nathanypaulproteus: wrt variable interpolation?20:36
paulproteusI was thinking HTML validation.20:36
paulproteusBut variable interpolation too.20:36
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paulproteus says milestones in it.20:40
paulproteus"# issues have their own mini mailing list (nosy list)"20:40
paulproteusI say Yes to roundup, but I hope that we can get Bovinity to spend half a day making it more colorful.20:41
paulproteus(Can we steal the Launchpad CSS or something?)20:41
paulproteus(Since it'll be Free Software in nine months or so....)20:41
Bovinityroundup is...?20:42
paulproteusA bug/"issue" tracker.20:42
nathanypaulproteus: http://cc-cto.local:8917/demo/20:42
mlinksvahttp://cc-cto.local:8917/demo/issue?@template=search needs more fields. have you considered bugzilla?20:44
mlinksvadoubly joking20:44
paulproteusJoking about joking?20:45
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Bovinitypaulproteus: you didn't make any frontend changes to the campaign widget, right?21:12
paulproteusExcept I changed that CSS file as we discussed, that's right.21:12
paulproteusRelatedly, it's safe to edit "widget" in the svn trunk and run "make" and you get widget.js, which you can demo to yourself with example.html.21:13
paulproteusnathany, Do you have any idea if this Pootle users.prefs is some standard(ish?) format?21:13
paulproteusIt doesn't look very familiar to me.21:15
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mlinksvathis comment is quite funny23:28
mlinksvai wonder if it is intentionally so23:32
paulproteusI doubt it.23:34
paulproteusIt looks like comment spam.23:34
mlinksvai didn't notice the link23:35
mlinksvai dare not click on it23:35
mlinksvathat's really too bad23:35
paulproteusmlinksva, re: CSV dumps: I had temporarily disabled the CSV dump generation to minimize server load, but I just re-enabled it.23:36
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nkinkadepaulproteus: APC seems to speed up the loading of by about 100%!23:54
paulproteus"However, it also killed my dog."23:55
nkinkadeIt's just less than 6 seconds without APC, and somewhere around 2.7 or 2.8 with APC.23:55
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nkinkadeYeah, bummer that it seems to affect login with Mediawiki sometimes.23:55
nkinkadeI'm going to leave it on, though.23:55
paulproteusnkinkade, Nice email you sent to all your peeps.23:56
nkinkadeOr maybe not, because it seems to have broken logins at the wiki immediately.23:56
nkinkadepaulproteus: I think I may have fixed the reply email issues.23:57
* paulproteus replies23:57
paulproteusIt's a shame /category/invisible/ has nothing recent.23:58

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