Tuesday, 2008-09-02

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paulproteusftobia, Hi?01:37
paulproteusftobia, Whatevs, I sent you email.02:09
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paulproteusankitg, Yo.06:49
ankitgpaulproteus: Yo (night) ...06:49
* ankitg just got out of class ... grabbing curry ...06:50
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paulproteusankitg, Hey, IMHO - you should probably still plan to re-read the files to generate the final stats.16:03
paulproteusThe more intermediate stages you have saved to disk, the better, in my experience.16:03
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paulproteusThen you can easily fix independent broken scripts in the data processing pipeline.16:03
paulproteusankitg, One more thing about your blog post too - you don't show any actual, normal real-life public URLs.16:04
paulproteusThere were some in the data, so please find them and write about at least one!16:04
ankitgpaulproteus: I'll look into it ... no problems with NDA putting up a URL?16:10
paulproteusYou could creatively change the URL I guess.16:10
paulproteusAnd point out that it's been changed.16:10
paulproteusBut I say all this because none of what you posted about even is supposed to be a valid URL.16:10
paulproteusAnd that doesn't reflect the presence of many valid URLs of real web pages that are in the data.16:11
paulproteusAKA, come on, you should be *bragging* at this point that you found some data! (-:16:11
ankitgok ...16:12
ankitgso how about we give some free publicity to "http://blog.aikawa.com.ar/"? =)16:18
paulproteusSure, sounds good to me.16:25
ankitgupdated ... better now?16:26
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paulproteus        if (!head) {18:13
paulproteus            // the jokes just write themselves18:13
paulproteusI love reading my comments.  I think I'm hilarious.18:13
mlinksva# put this in your pipe and smoke it18:16
nathanycurrybot: list18:22
paulproteusTypo watch: September 2, 200818:22
paulproteus        if (typeof jason !== 'string') {18:22
paulproteusshould have been18:22
paulproteus        if (typeof json !== 'string') {18:22
nathanynkinkade: FYI, i'm using port 7999 on a9 for FCGI18:27
nathanybound only to localhost18:27
paulproteusF CGI18:28
nkinkadenathany: FCGI or SCGI?18:28
paulproteusS CGI doesn't make as good a sentence.  Has to be F CGI.18:28
nkinkadeWhat package did you use in Debian?18:28
paulproteusnathany, Are you the reason that http://support.creativecommons.org/widget uses lists not strings for e.g. var cc_widget_text = ["I"," ","❤"," ","C","C"]; ?18:28
paulproteusI'm trying to understand that.18:28
paulproteusI think I will just use strings in the current rev of the widget.18:29
nathanynkinkade: libapache2-fastcgi-module (or something like that)18:29
nathanypaulproteus: no idea18:29
paulproteusDon't use Apache2's FCGI; it's dead upstream.18:29
paulproteusUse Chinese FCGI.18:29
mlinksvadid someone add my happy birthday gnu post to featured commoners?18:30
mlinksvaor did i misclick?18:30
paulproteushttp://fastcgi.coremail.cn/ == http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=libapache2-mod-fcgid18:30
mlinksvagoing to remove it unless someone has a good reason for it to be in FC18:30
Bovinitymlinksva: from the revision list, it looks like a misclick18:31
mlinksvaBovinity: ah yeah, forgot about that, sorry for asking a stupid question instead of looking18:32
paulproteusIf "SCGI" is well-maintained and well-documented, by all means use that.18:36
paulproteusMy advice is strictly, "If you want FastCGI, don't use the Apache-brand one, use the Chinese one."18:37
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nkinkadenathany: Is it safe to reboot a9?  Or are you working there right nowf?18:55
nathanyi'm on there now18:56
nathanyone second18:56
nathanynkinkade: ok18:56
nathanygo ahead18:56
Bovinitycurrybot: list18:57
Bovinitycurrybot: :(18:57
currybotBovinity: mmm... curry...18:57
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nkinkadenathany: Is it my imagination or does the string deed.use_this_license need to be added to the master PO file for cc_org?18:58
nathanyit's your imagination18:58
nathany(i haven't looked, but i'm 99% sure that's the case)18:58
paulproteusBovinity, I did something fruity to
paulproteusIn IE only.18:58
nkinkadenathany: Then why does "grep -rl 'use_this_license' ./i18n/trunk return nothing?18:59
paulproteusBut otherwise it seems okay.18:59
nathanynkinkade: because the string used to have different text18:59
nathanyoh, maybe i renamed it18:59
nathanyok, nevermind18:59
paulproteusIt's vertically offset by a few pixels in a direction where the other one wasn't.18:59
nkinkadenathany: That's the key that cc.engine is looking for.18:59
nkinkadeAt least the branches/production.18:59
nathanyit used to be deed.learn19:00
paulproteusBovinity, You can read the source of that page to see the new usage method.19:00
nathanyso yes, needs to be added19:00
nathanythanks for catching that19:00
Bovinitypaulproteus: ya, looking at it19:00
Bovinitypaulproteus: cleaner, for sure19:00
nkinkadenathany: In that case, I'll add it, and run sync ... so no need to reply to that email you were copied on to Bogdan.19:00
paulproteusYou say that because you haven't read the JS!19:00
Bovinitythe JS is marginally less retarded19:01
Bovinityif only because i forget how retarded the original was19:01
paulproteusI can't seem to spot any difference in the DOM between the new and the old one.19:02
paulproteusSo I see no reason IE wouldn't apply the styles the same way.19:02
paulproteusBut I'm checking the DOM here in Fx, so lemme go run Firebug Lite on IE.19:02
nkinkadenathany: Quick question ... should I just edit deed.learn and make it the new deed.use_this_license, or should I delete it, or leave it alone?19:02
paulproteusnathany, I'll join y'all for curry.19:02
nathanynkinkade: you can delete it19:02
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paulproteusI want to properly commit a change to a file in the production branch of ccwordpress.  What is the right way to do this?20:27
paulproteusMake it in trunk, then run svnmerge.py?20:27
Bovinityrun svnmerge in the production branch20:28
* paulproteus makes it in trunk first20:28
paulproteussvnmerge avail takes a while.  I'm going to go wash some dishes.20:31
paulproteusGood heavens.20:37
paulproteusI wonder how this looks in IE 6 also.20:39
paulproteusBovinity, You have Safari?  Can you check out ?20:39
Bovinitylookin good20:40
paulproteusOh, well, svn property conflicts due to my working copy being out of date.20:40
paulproteusThe "strings as list" thing is totally weird.20:42
paulproteusHow can no one know where that came from?20:43
Bovinitywas there code to concatenate them?20:43
paulproteusLemme see.20:43
paulproteusWell, I don't really care.20:43
paulproteusBovinity, You know "A Century of Fakers" by Belle and Sebastian?20:45
* paulproteus frowns.20:45
Bovinitypossibly shockingly20:45
paulproteusI'm pretty surprised, I admit.20:45
paulproteusMaybe I should do some DAAP thing.20:45
nkinkadenathany: Got one second?21:06
nathanyyes, one moment21:07
nkinkadenathany: I'm going to briefly turn off Apache on a9, then turn on Varnish, then turn back on Apache, but on port 8080.21:22
nathanynkinkade: no problem21:22
paulproteusBovinity, Does say "I really heart CC" for you in Safari?21:28
Bovinityit really does!21:28
paulproteusIt really almost works in IE.21:29
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paulproteusIt really works in IE.21:43
paulproteusnathany, I believe the widget is done and just needs to be documented at support-dot-cc (since that's sort of official and public, should I hold off actually writing that?).21:44
nathanyi don't understand where you intend to document on support.cc21:44
nathanyyou mean on the wiki?21:45
nathanyor maybe i don't understand what you mean by "document"21:45
paulproteushttp://support.creativecommons.org/widget says how to embed it in your site.21:45
nkinkadenathany: paulproteus: Are we going to standup today?21:45
nathanynkinkade: yes21:45
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