Monday, 2008-09-01

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* ankitg must've dozed off for a bit ... thanks paulproteus for the email, I'll try that from school, looks elegant. I need to go get ready for class soon ... 01:37
paulproteusankitg, Howdy.01:38
* ankitg just woke up and is now compiling the hw assignment for his class later ... (re howdy)01:42
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SixofourSo, in the united states, all i have to do is say my music is CC and that covers it?02:29
SixofourNo paper work etc?02:30
paulproteusSixofour, That's right!02:38
paulproteus(I'm not a lawyer, blah blah.)02:38
Sixofouri kinda just rhew the CC tag on my myspace page [the only non CC host i use]..i figure its enough.02:39
SixofourI'm at a loss, is there any place for CC Musicians to gather and what not? Kinda hard to find others who have the same ideas when it comes to music.02:44
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ankitgpaulproteus: you wouldn't possibly be still around ... ?06:41
paulproteusankitg, Yes.06:44
paulproteusankitg, You'll still be around in 30 minutes?06:47
paulproteusI'll be back in that much time.  If you're not, I'll reply to you by email instead.06:47
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ankitgsure, 30 mins works for me.06:48
ankitgpaulproteus: thanks, see you in 30.06:48
paulproteusankitg, I'm here for 10 minutes first maybe.06:48
paulproteusLet me read your mail carefully.06:48
ankitgokie ...06:48
paulproteusI don't quite understand what you're trying to do.06:49
* ankitg is still in class though ... mibbit-ing06:49
* paulproteus nods06:49
paulproteusNo, dude.06:49
paulproteusDon't use ">>" in Python.06:49
paulproteusJust use print.06:49
paulproteusAnd then on the command line:06:49
paulproteuspython > something06:49
ankitgah ... I see ...06:49
paulproteusThe idea is, > and >> in the shell let you use your existing program unmodified.06:49
ankitggot it ...06:50
paulproteusMake sense?  If so I will vanish for 30m.06:50
paulproteusGreat. (-:06:50
ankitgone more small thing ...06:50
ankitg./HTTPStreaming.rb:34:in `write': No space left on device - /root/data/var/log/apache/a3/ (Errno::ENOSPC) :P :D06:50
ankitgI'll fix that ... not the biggest problem ...06:52
ankitgthanks ... see you later =)06:52
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paulproteusrehi, ankitg07:13
paulproteusankitg, Yeah, don't waste your time downloading all the data from S3.07:17
paulproteusJust download what you need, delete it, and then download the next chunk.07:18
paulproteusI was saying this a few days ago, too.07:18
paulproteusBTW I appreciate your labs email post.07:18
paulproteusI mean, blog post.07:18
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ankitgpaulproteus: rehi08:22
ankitgwas moving out of class to elsewhere in school ...08:22
* ankitg goes about editing the scripts ...08:23
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rick_2047does anyone know a good cyberpucnk music album which is realeased under cc09:28
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paulproteusankitg, (morning)17:22
ankitgpaulproteus: night ... 1:30ish ... 8:30 class ...17:23
* paulproteus nods17:24
ankitgoh, another labs post up now ... will update GIT when I am "more awake" ...17:25
paulproteusankitg, You could have either (a) used the program pv to give you a progress bar, or (b) printed your progress output to stderr.17:26
paulproteusI don't think your bandwidth to EC2 is actually free.17:26
ankitgwill look into it ... thanks17:26
paulproteusThe SCP, that is.17:26
ankitgoh ... I knew they had to have it covered ... it seemed to simple ...17:27
paulproteusBut you don't need a progress bar; you need the stats questions answered.17:28
ankitgtrue ... just that the scripts take a while to get done and it'd be nice to know how far in we are ... good to have, not essential.17:29
paulproteusYou can use stderr for that; that's the best plan.17:30
paulproteusimport sys17:30
paulproteusprint 'HELLO THERE!' >> sys.stderr17:30
paulproteusThat will print something to the terminal even when you redirect stdout in the shell.17:30
ankitgnoted with thanks. (-:17:31
paulproteus(And it won't get sent to the file you redirected stdout to.)17:31
paulproteusankitg, You can also tell s3cmd to use an output file of "-", which makes it use standard output.17:36
paulproteusAnd then your Python code can read from standard input, and then you don't have to store the whole file.17:37
paulproteusThat will help you avoid ENOSPC.17:37
paulproteus25h before my evaluation is due.17:37
ankitgthat is an option I'll keep in mind ... but I shouldn't need to go there ...17:42
paulproteusIt's really the best way to handle log file processing - all you care about is a few lines at once anyway, so there's no reason to waste time downloading the whole file before you start processing it.17:44
paulproteus(I've been down this road quite a few times before....)17:45
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paulproteusHowdy ftobia!22:41
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ftobiapaulproteus: a late howdy to you!23:08
paulproteusHow's the east coast?23:09
paulproteusBTW, my ThinkPad now hangs when I move it.23:09
ftobiaeast coast is good. not as good as the west coast.23:09
ftobiaand that sucks.23:09
paulproteusAww, sorry to hear that!23:10
ftobiait's acceptable. mainly troy is much less cool than san fran23:11
ftobiaschool is also decent.23:12
paulproteusI can believe that.23:12
paulproteusre: ThinkPad: It's mostly okay, now I have to figure out what new ThinkPad to buy. (-;23:13
ftobiayeah tell me about it. i'm not sure i like the bigger thinkpads, though the displays are very nice23:15
paulproteusI'm waffling (with high frequency) between the T400 and the X300.23:15
paulproteusA #joiitoan let me use his Lenovo employee discount (EPP) so the X300 is almost a plausible price.23:16
paulproteusInstead of doing useful things, I'm trying to find a different location for SF-LUG.23:17
ftobiai regularly chose non-useful things to do, rather than useful things23:18
ftobiabrb, booting to windows.23:18
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paulproteusLike booting into Windows.23:18
paulproteusSomeone should set ftobia up with nkinkade's VMWare.23:19
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paulproteusftobia, There's a nice VMWare thing you can do that lets you use the (non-free but free-of-charge) VMWare virtualizer to let you run you machine's XP install while booted into Linux.23:37
paulproteusPresumably it would work for some Free virtualizers too, like Virtual Box.23:37
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paulproteusftobia1, Hi?23:38
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