Wednesday, 2008-08-27

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paulproteusnkinkade, ps_mem.py01:01
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oshaniI have a question related to attribution: suppose I embed someone's Flickr photo which is licensed under CC_BY in my blog. So, how exactly am I supposed to attribute the original creator of the photo?15:18
nathanyhey oshani15:20
nathanyyou need to include the creator's name (or flickr username), URL to the photo, and ideally license name/URL15:20
nathanyyou can shorten that some by saying "photo by John, CC BY 2.0" (with "John" and "CC BY 2.0" linked appropriately)15:21
oshaniso, is this supposed to be a rough requirement or is it written down somewhere? (a pointer would be appreciated)15:22
nathanythe legal code of the license says you need to include those 4 items15:22
oshanioh okay.. gotcha15:22
nathanythere's not a written down statement that says how to include them specifically15:22
oshaniwell, I am interested in developing an open source software which notifies the original owner if someone has violated these license terms some where on the web; hence the interest in knowing how exactly attribution should be represented15:25
nathany<span xmlns:dc="" href="" rel="dc:type">work</span>15:31
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paulproteusMorning ankitg.16:41
Matsonhi all - wanted to point out some anti-CC activity gaining steam;  was wondering if CC had a position on it that was public.  it is called ACTA and it is the latest RIAA attempts to enforce strong copyright online.16:41
ankitgpaulproteus: Morning ... almost fell asleep ...16:41
paulproteusYeah, I sort of wish we met earlier for your sake.16:42
paulproteusAnyway, what's up?16:43
paulproteusDo you want to do that code review now?  (Would you rather later today, like in seven hours or so?)16:43
paulproteusI'd prefer you work on running your code on an larger scale via EC2 stuff and see about the cc-devel/techblog update I asked of you.16:44
paulproteusI know you're super tired, so if going to sleep and talking in seven hours or something is what you want, we can do that.16:44
ankitgnah, I'll have class later ... lets get this done ... as to what's up, I am just trying to figure out what "bundling" means in 'Amazonian' ...16:46
* paulproteus nods16:47
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ankitgBTW, any idea with what's up with non-amazon AMIs ... a bit confused with that whole concept ... ?16:56
paulproteusankitg, I think the idea is, anyone can upload a system image to S3 and suggest you run it in an EC2 virtual machine.16:58
ankitgnoted ...17:00
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* ankitg has an EC2 Gentoo machine with PhP and MySQL ... totally neat ... continues to install S3Sync ...17:10
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* ankitg is unable to SSH into this EC2 machine ... keeps asking for the password for the SSH key ... which of course doesn't exist ... sudo chown doesn't seem to resolve the issue (as suggested) either ... hrmph ...17:21
paulproteusankitg, Did you set a password?17:23
ankitgnope ... but wait ... wouldn't it be the same as the password to the key sent to me by nathan ... as this is the key we are using ...17:24
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ankitgpaulproteus: ^ ^17:26
paulproteusI mean, when you did your install and got your root shell, did you be sure to set a password for the user(s) you want to log in as?17:27
paulproteusankitg, I don't see why you think the password on some new virtual machine you created and some old password would be related.17:28
paulproteusMaybe I don't understand the way your virtual machine got set up, though.17:28
ankitgpaulproteus: the instance is started using the same keypair from amazon web services that Nathan sent .. using this command :: ec2-run-instances ami-2f5fba46 -k pstam-keypair ... and the password being asked for is for the stated keypair ... which I am now assuming would be the password given by Nathan ...17:30
paulproteusOh, sure, that makes sense.17:31
paulproteusCan you give me a screenshot of the failing password entry or a way to get the same error as you?17:31
ftobiahey is acawiki up and publicly accessible yet?17:32
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ankitgpaulproteus: check email ... sent all requested info ...17:42
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paulproteusStill waiting for delivery of that mail for some reason.17:48
paulproteusMaybe you can write your cc-devel update while you wait for me?17:48
ankitg... sent to ... checking the right mail ID?17:49
paulproteusasheesh at CC.17:50
paulproteusIt all filters into the same box.17:50
ankitgyep ... says sent ...17:50
* ankitg nods17:50
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paulproteusI still really don't have it, curiously.17:57
paulproteusI'll be back online in 10m or so.17:57
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paulproteusankitg, Maybe you can talk me through it though.17:58
paulproteusOr, heck, just pastebin the email.17:58
paulproteusThis is something we should work out before you abruptly fall asleep.17:58
ankitgpastebin-ing ... suggestions for image pastebins?18:00
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paulproteusankitg, Maybe you can pastebin the email.  tty in 10m.18:01
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ankitgI am / was paste-binning the email :: ... the email had an image too so I asked, anyways ...18:04
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* paulproteus reads18:10
paulproteusWhere does the file pk-46P77QAZHWDMG2LVO7YGGZP7P4F4YOGE.pem come from?18:11
paulproteusSorry to be such an EC2 n00b with you...18:11
ankitgpaulproteus: that came from Nathan ... and the password being asked for, is for this file ...18:13
mecredisoh ec218:14
paulproteusankitg, Got 'em.18:16
paulproteuscurrybot, list18:17
currybot(1) PUNJABI ALOO BENGAN (Fresh eggplant and russets cooked in red onions, tomatoes and roasted cumin gravy)18:17
currybot(2) MADRASI SUBZI (Mix vegetables cooked in coconut, curry leaves, and mustard seeds flavor sauce)18:17
currybot(3) KAJU KI MURGI (Boneless free-range chicken cooked in cashew paste, coconut, saffron, and tomato curry)18:17
paulproteusankitg, How do I generate ~/.ec2/id_rsa-pstam-keypair exactly?18:21
paulproteusAnd where do I get the programs ec2-* ?18:21
ankitgokie ... let me generate a step by step ... gimme a min ...18:22
paulproteusOkay, I can find the programs.18:22
paulproteusBut the SSH key is still a mystery.18:22
paulproteusBasically, ankitg, here's the thing:18:22
paulproteusIs it SSH or EC2's tools asking you for the password?18:22
ankitgAFAIK, the SSH to the AMI instance asks for a password ...18:23
paulproteusRight - probably/perhaps because you're not asking SSH to use the private key whose public form you added to the EC2 guest.18:24
paulproteusOr because you never added the SSH public key to the EC2 guest at all.18:24
paulproteusAKA, have you ever used SSH public key authentication?18:24
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ankitgcommand A) ec2-add-keypair pstam-keypair ... this outputs the RSA key ...18:26
paulproteusIt would help me a lot if I could read what you were reading.18:26
ankitgcommand B) vi ~/.ec2/id_rsa-pstam-keypair ... where this is pasted and saved18:26
paulproteusPresumably you didn't make these commands up out of nowhere. (-:18:26
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ankitgheh ... let me get to command D) ... and then lets see if it makes sense ...18:27
* paulproteus reads ec2-add-keypair pstam-keypair for lack of a better idea18:27
ankitgCommand C) sudo chmod 600 id_rsa-pstam-keypair18:28
ankitgand finally Command D) ec2-run-instances ami-6138dd08 -k pstam-keypair18:28
paulproteusOh, okay.18:29
ankitgso as I see this, it is running an instance of ami-6... with the RSA keypair provided by nathan ... so I'd need that password ... as far as i could tell ...18:29
ankitg*s / could / can18:30
paulproteusWell, it looks like you generate a fresh RSA keypair in A.18:30
ankitgin that case it should ask me for a password when the key is generated ... but it doesn't ... so it should be empty . blank ... O_o18:31
* paulproteus nods18:31
ankitgbut that fails ...18:31
paulproteusI see why you're confused.18:32
paulproteusOkay, so command D it looks like should just start the image.18:32
paulproteusBut not SSH in.18:32
paulproteusHow are you trying to SSH in?18:33
ankitgah yes ... ssh -i id_rsa-pstam-keypair .... so this root should have a password maybe ... but what!?18:33
paulproteusI'm reading
paulproteusankitg, Are you passing ssh the *full* filesystem path to that file?18:34
paulproteus~/.ec2/id_rsa_whatever ?18:34
paulproteusOr let me put it this way:18:34
paulproteusls id_rsa-pstam-keypair18:34
paulproteusDoes that say command not found?18:34
paulproteusIf so, you have to pass in the right file...18:34
ankitgnice try but, not the problem .. the file is there ... I did a cd in the beginning ...18:35
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paulproteusAre you falling asleep yet?18:36
ankitgthe link you are reading also suggests a sudo chown in this case ... tried that with no better luck ...18:37
paulproteusI'm out of ideas.  I will try to create an image myself in the next 30-150 minutes and see if that works.18:37
paulproteusYou work on that status update note I asked you for weeks ago, and go to sleep, and we'll talk soon.  You want to pick a time?18:37
ankitgtomorrow same time?18:38
paulproteusWhat time precisely is that?18:38
ankitgwhenever you wake up and decide to log into IRC (-:18:39
paulproteusI guess I can just be on around 9 am my time (which is 2h40m before right now) and we can take it from there.18:39
paulproteusankitg, Well, I'm saying I could do earlier if you like, which is why I'm asking you for a time. (-:18:39
ankitgno issues ... whenever you're ready ... need you to be awake, I can afford to be sleepy ... you're the one with all the good ideas! (-:18:40
paulproteusSo then you should assert that I should be here earlier! (-:18:41
paulproteusI'm going to run off now; this battery is dying and I'm going to bike to the office then eat lunch.18:41
paulproteusIf you say things I'll read them when I get to the office. (-:18:41
ankitgI prefer not to IRC while sleeping (-:18:42
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Bovinitynathany: do you have any handy documentation for those YUI popup windows?20:36
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paulproteusWe may want migrate LicenseChooser.js away from our homebrew popup thing.20:40
paulproteusnathany, I'm curious if you have any thoughts on that.20:41
Bovinitypaulproteus: speaking of JS, i encountered that jurisdictions.js bug again - wherein it rewrites the page contents with the document.write()'s20:41
paulproteusAlso, Bovinity, I need to visit style issues with you.20:41
paulproteusBovinity, Yes, that needs to be fixed.  nathany, is there anything I can do to help with that?20:41
paulproteusiirc, nathany, it's waiting on ftobia's new API?20:41
nathanyi don't know what you're talking about20:42
nathanywell, i do, but i don't think we've discussed it wrt ftobia's new API20:42
* paulproteus nods20:43
paulproteusThen drop the 'iirc'.20:43
paulproteusThe whole line that starts that way, that is.20:43
nathanywell i'm sure it's still borken there20:43
nathanyheh, borken20:44
paulproteusThat's a real word <>.20:45
paulproteus (-:20:46
paulproteusI feel frustrated at these young whipper-snappers ignoring all that is good, even if it's old, in technology — and I'm only 22.20:46
paulproteusBack to sweet sweet namespaces in JS.20:47
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paulproteusBeing able to hang out with people who appreciate old, good things was one nice thing about Debconf.20:57
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mlinksvapaulproteus: did the flickr stats scraper stop running a week ago?
paulproteusmlinksva, Probably I didn't update where labs-dot points to.  Lemme check.21:00
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mia33lookin 4 cc  #s21:22
Bovinityyou, sir, fail at reading21:23
mia33fail at reading?i read very well...21:24
Bovinityapparently not21:25
Bovinitygo ahead and use your crazy awesome reading skills, and read the channel topic21:26
mia33oh, yeah.can i get your #21:27
mia3351?cool.u still need a love.real love21:28
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paulproteusreal love.21:29
is4paulproteus, ping21:32
paulproteusis4, pong21:32
is4 >> #freeculture21:32
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paulproteusnathany, I feel slightly nauseated at stopping here and just declaring victory for now, but hopefully I'll feel better about the campaign widget.22:56
nathanyi concur22:56
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K`Tetchwhich campaign, paulproteus23:50
paulproteusK`Tetch, CC is gearing up for its annual fund-raising campaign, and I'm going to work on an embeddable JS widget for people along those lines.23:51
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* K`Tetch didn't know if it was a political camapign one23:53
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K`Tetch(I'm reconsidering our obama endorsement)23:53
paulproteusK`Tetch, Oh, why is that?23:53
K`Tetchhis recent actions23:53
K`TetchFISAA, the veep23:53
paulproteusWhat's wrong with the veep?23:54
paulproteusK`Tetch, Creative Commons is a 501(c)3, so I had better not be working on a political campaign widget during CC time!23:54
K`Tetchi don't have your timesheets to hand23:55
K`Tetchi don't know what your workoing on when23:55
K`Tetchdo I? :-)23:56

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