Monday, 2008-08-25

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nkinkadenathany: In Pootle is there any mechanism for people to be able to see suggested translations?16:58
nathany(logging in to find it)16:59
nathanynkinkade: btw, did we upgrade our installation or something? it looks different now16:59
nkinkadenathany: Yes, it was upgraded to a newer version when we moved it to a new server because the old version we had was no longer available in the package management system.  We chatted about it.17:00
nkinkadeThe main difference is that the big banner that said CC is gone.17:00
nkinkadeI didn't put much effort into trying to get it back.17:01
nathanyso you just got to "show editing functions", then "view suggestions"17:01
nathany(from a language page)17:01
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nkinkadeBovinity: We never got around to chatting about CiviCRM on Friday.  Shall we do that sometime today?17:41
Bovinitynkinkade: sure. any time this afternoon.17:43
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paulproteusnathany, 2:30 stand-up is fine; I'm working from a cafe this morning.18:33
nathanypaulproteus: i assumed it was fine since i hadn't heard that you weren't going to be in ;)18:35
paulproteusSure (-:18:35
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nkinkadenathany: Can you reproduce the CiviCRM error you got the other day?18:58
nathanynkinkade: one second18:58
nathanyreproducing now19:00
nkinkadenathany: I just saw another error, you managed to reproduce it? :-)  Or did I trigger it?19:04
nathanynkinkade: i got the message, but can't consistently reproduce it19:05
nathanymlinksva: Bovinity: curry?19:06
nkinkadenathany: Well maybe you can show me what you do to even intermittently produce the problem.  It'll be a start at least.19:08
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paulproteuscurrybot, list19:09
currybot(1) ALOO PHALIAN (Fresh white potato cubes and blue lake beans cooked with ginger, garlic, and tomato gravy)19:09
currybot(2) RAJ TARKARI (Several fresh Vegetables cooked with aromatic star anise and nutmeg flavor)19:09
currybot(3) KALI MIRCHI KA MURGA (Chicken cubes cooked in curry flavored with black pepper)19:09
currybot(4) MEATBALL KADAHI (Beef Meatballs cooked with green and red bell peppers and onions)19:09
ftobiacurrybot: i miss curry.19:09
currybotftobia: mmm... curry...19:09
paulproteusHi there ftobia!19:17
ftobiahey paulproteus19:17
mecredishi guys19:18
mecredisis there a working validator?19:18 should work.19:20
paulproteusIt's not released yet; it's hdworak's so-far successful GSoC project.19:20
paulproteusWe haven't given it extensive testing, but all I've seen has been good.19:20
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ftobianathany: i'll be on the staff call wednesday. we can use that line if no one else is, otherwise i guess we'll work it out then?20:08
nathanyftobia: sounds good20:08
ftobiamy cell number is on teamspace20:08
nathanyah, right20:08
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paulproteusTee-hee re: pulling cell phone #s from Teamspace.20:37
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paulproteusnathany, Could you make me a bureaucrat on Teamspace?  I would like to grant "Bot" status to "CC Staff Call Bot".21:02
paulproteusBTW, that's a great name for the wheel group.21:03
paulproteusActually, ignore the above remark.21:03
nathanypaulproteus: done21:03
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paulproteusnkinkade, Would you mind if I set the system time zone on e.g. a6 to Pacific Time?22:39
Bovinitypaulproteus: i for one welcome our new staff list update overlords22:40
paulproteusI want to set up a cron job that runs at a particular time given Pacific Time offsets, which change from month to month (given Daylight Savings).22:40
nkinkadepaulproteus: No problem.22:40
nkinkadeI didn't actually set it to UTC.  Must have come installed that way.  In fact, just the other day I was meaning to do that, but decided to leave it as UTC, because it somehow feels better on a server, but it's all the same to me.22:41
* paulproteus nods22:42
paulproteusI agree on all counts, except for this silly cron job. (-:22:43
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paulproteusDone, BTW.22:53
paulproteusnathany, "We support both types of music, country and western."23:10
paulproteusre: "We support both kinds of version control, Subversion and git."23:10
paulproteusPop quiz, everyone!23:20
paulproteusHere is some JavaScript code.  What is the one line necessary to make it work properly in IE?23:20
paulproteusvar table=document.createElement('table');23:20'640';23:20
paulproteusvar rowclone=rowToDrag.cloneNode(true);23:20
paulproteusWait for it, wait for it...23:20
paulproteusdiv.innerHTML=div.innerHTML; //added for IE23:20
paulproteusThink about that.23:21
Bovinityie is awesome23:24
Bovinityi always forget if IE supports ELEMENT.innerHTML or .innerText :/23:25
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