Wednesday, 2008-08-13

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lawgonanyone around?04:14
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lawgonlooks like this channel is dead08:39
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Steren@all sf staff (nathany) I'm going to see my parents at their hotel at Powell street, I'll be back in less than 1 hour16:19
cchelpbot`Steren: Error: "all" is not a valid command.16:19
nathanySteren: no problem16:20
mecredisapparently the cchelpbot is not happy with that Steren16:20
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nathanycurrybot: list17:15
currybot(1) ALOO SHALGAM (Fresh turnips and russets cooked together in garam masala)17:15
currybot(2) MAKHANWALI TARKARI (Several fresh vegetables cooked in a butter-flavored curry)17:15
currybot(3) AAM KA MURGA (Boneless chicken cubes cooked in curry flavored fresh mango)17:15
currybot(4) PATHANI MEATBALL (Meatball cooked in a yogurt, garlic, ginger and onion gravy)17:15
nathanycurrybot: 217:15
currybotMAKHANWALI TARKARI (Several fresh vegetables cooked in a butter-flavored curry) This dish is from East India. The different vegetables like red creamer, eggplant, cauliflower,. mushrooms, bell peppers, and blue lake beans are prepared with ginger, garlic, fresh and vine ripened tomatoes17:15
nathanycurrybot: 317:15
currybotAAM KA MURGA (Boneless chicken cubes cooked in curry flavored fresh mango) The purred fresh mango is the main ingredient of this curry. At first the boneless chicken is sautéed with ginger, garlic, onions, green chilies, tomatoes, and a blend of masala. The gravy is prepared with fresh made puree of raw mangoes, red onions, ginger, garlic and vine ripened tomatoes. Then the chicken is added to it and stirred until cooked.17:15
currybot$ 5.0017:15
* shannonlucas only lurks in #cc for the curry recipes17:16
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Mihai`nkinkade about the posting comments18:15
Mihai`i cleared cache+deleted all cookies. still nothing18:15
nkinkadeMihai`: What are you seeing.  That image didn't give me much of a clue.18:17
Mihai`the same you saw in the screenshot :)18:18
Mihai`i`m trying to post while i`m logg in18:19
nkinkadeMihai`: Do you have javascript disabled or hindered in any way?18:19
Mihai`that was the problem18:20
Mihai`i logged off, and i was able to post a comment ....18:20
Mihai`i presumed that i can post while i`m logged in18:21
nkinkadeI approved your comment.  But it does seem like you should have been able to comment while logged in.18:21
nkinkadeI think that was a safe presumption.18:21
Mihai`well its good i can post.18:21
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ftobianathany: do you still want both types of icons as ?license foaf:Image ?icon in the license rdf?18:41
ftobiaas opposed to just one of them, or distinguishing them somehow.18:41
nathanyyou'll have to do traversal to get the one you want18:41
ftobiaand a separate images.rdf for the metadata18:41
nathany?l foaf:Icon ?i18:41
nathany?i exif:Width "88".18:42
ftobiaso foaf:Icon for both.18:42
nathanyyes (whatever the email said :) )18:44
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* hdworak waves20:12
hdworakftobia: I did license = cc.license.selectors.choose('standard').by_uri(uri) and then help(license) - I can see permits and requires available - but where is prohibits?20:12
hdworakas in
hdworak<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: 'License' object has no attribute 'prohibits'20:18
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ftobiahdworak: one sec.20:32
ftobiahdworak: i don't think there's any "prohibits" in the RDF20:36
hdworakthere are20:36
ftobiathen i must not have exposed them.20:36
hdworak$ grep -cin -e 'prohibits' `find . -name '*rdf'`20:36
hdworakthis is a severe lacking for my software :(20:37
ftobiahang on.20:37
hdworakwhat I want to do is to explain the users the basic rights of the license, before redirecting them to cc's Web site20:37
ftobiatell you what. when do you want it by?20:39
ftobiabetter question: when do you need it by?20:40
hdworakhold on, I'll find the quote from "fast and furious" to answer that20:40
hdworakjust a sec20:40
hdworak"When do you need this stuff by?"20:41
hdworak"Tomorrow, today, now."20:41
ftobiahdworak: are you pulling straight from git, or are you using the package on pypi?20:43
hdworakif it's not possible, I shall explain the cc's players that prohibitions are not listed as yet because of the limitation of the library - I think they'll be okay with that20:44
hdworaksince if I display requires and permits, it's easy to add the displaying of prohibits, too20:44
ftobiai can promise it'll make it into v0.02 that i'll upload by the end of the week.20:44
hdworakupload = git or pypi?20:45
ftobiapypi by the end of the week. git sooner.20:45
ftobiaand i'll ping you when it happens.20:45
hdworakspendid. stay beautiful!20:45
hdworakand, of course, I am sorry for the rush, I should have had a look at your lib long time before instead of postponing everything for the last week20:46
hdworakanother idea, though, would be to scrap the deeds :)20:47
hdworakwith the BeautifulSoup; that would save me the need of human-readable comments on the license20:48
hdworakpaulproteus: is that a bad idea at all?20:50
hdworakfor instance, copying "<div id="deed-main-content">" contents from
hdworakftobia: what is current_version and superseded (is the latter a Boolean value)?20:54
ftobiaread the comments of ILicense for the specifics. the latter is a boolean i think, and current_version is a License20:56
hdworakftobia: thanks, I haven't stumbled upon that file before20:59
ftobiayeah i think the interfaces should be exposed better, but they define what the classes should be21:02
hdworaknow everything is understood :)21:02
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ftobianathany: if is the exif namespace, do i use a "/" or a "#" at the end of it?21:12
nathanyftobia: #21:13
paulproteushdworak, You're okay and no longer need me to help you?21:43
paulproteushdworak, Do whatever you need to re: scraping if I don't answer in time, and we can clean things up later.21:44
paulproteusIf I have bad latency, you should do something that yields reasonable output.21:44
paulproteusI can't blame you for doing something that works but is different than what I'd do if I never told you not to.21:44
hdworakso far, I decided to stick w/ cc.license21:45
Sterennathany: for acawiki, is it required to have openID identification ? If so, we have to create a mysql table for it. If not, i just remove the extension definition21:45
hdworak(I'm gonna push at the end of tonight's programming)21:45
paulproteushdworak, I'm going to do other stuff for an hour or so, and then probably have dinner and fall asleep.21:46
paulproteushdworak, That looks good, yay.21:46
nathanySteren: not required21:46
paulproteusnkinkade, SYN21:46
hdworakI'm okay, but don't put it that way ("no longer need me to help you") - you're one of the brightest features of this GSoC programme21:47
paulproteusnkinkade, I will do the mail setup on the backup machine right now.21:47
paulproteushdworak, Sorry - I just mean "need" for this second!21:47
hdworakok, cool :)21:47
nathanyhdworak: i know i'm super late, just reviewing the log21:47
nathanyi wouldn't bother spending any time explaining the license21:47
nkinkadepaulproteus: I was just adding a line in /etc/inetd.conf, but I'll leave it at that.21:47
nathanythat's what the deeds are for :)21:47
nathanyjust my $0.0221:47
paulproteusnkinkade, If you want, you can follow :// yourself.21:48
paulproteus rather.21:48
paulproteusOtherwise I can do it this very moment.21:48
hdworaknathany: I've asked Asheesh about that a month ago or so and he said that it would be cool to provide a summary instead of redirecting to a deed21:48
nkinkadepaulproteus: Sure.  I'll just continue with what I was doing, and if I can't get it work then I'll ping you.21:48
paulproteusnkinkade, Cool.21:48
paulproteusThen I will try to figure out when the formal Debconf dinner is.21:48
nkinkadepaulproteus: Just to be sure.  It's not something that would take more than a couple minutes, right?21:48
nathanyfair enough21:48
paulproteusnkinkade, Yes, ca. 3-5min.21:49
nkinkadeSeemed pretty straight forward.21:49
nkinkadeCool.  Thanks.21:49
paulproteusI'd also appreciate suggestions for how to improve that page, if you have them.21:49
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nkinkadepaulproteus: At the very least it looks like you'll have to add the SSH public key to rose for me.21:50
nkinkadeI'll give that to you in a second.  Oh wait, I could just nick the one from your desktop.21:51
nkinkadeUnless you were opposed to that.21:51
ftobiahdworak: i added your change into git, in case you're interested in grabbing the newest code.21:51
hdworakftobia: awesome21:52
* hdworak is pulling21:52
Sterennathany: it's necessary to have image resizing for acawiki, is there imagemagik or libGD installed on a8 ? because currently thumbnailing doesn't work21:57
nathanySteren: i'll check21:57
nathanySteren: does is just need imagemagick?21:58
Sterennathany: ^^21:58
nathanyinstalling now21:58
nathanySteren: you should have imagemagick now21:59
Sterennathany: great I'll configure MW22:00
hdworakftobia: I'm running the git version now22:02
hdworakftobia: and w/o changing anything in the code, I get
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hdworak$ export | grep -c RDF22:03
ftobiahow are you running your python instance?22:03
paulproteusnkinkade, Get root on my desktop and copy it out of the tunnelclient user's $HOME.22:04
hdworakI'm running the Pylons development server22:04
ftobiaoh, did you "git submodule init" and "git submodule update"?22:04
ftobiaif nothing is in the license.rdf dir, that's what you need to do22:04
nkinkadepaulproteus: I already got it out the key out.  I'm not getting some errors from Postfix.22:04
paulproteusGood!  Keep not getting errors!22:04
nkinkadeA status deferred ... lost connection with localhost.22:04
ftobiaadditionally the version of license.rdf might break that code right now, which we need to talk to paulproteus about.22:05
paulproteusnkinkade, Try 'telnet localhost 125'.22:05
paulproteusDo you eventually get an SMTP banner?22:05
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paulproteusIf not, something is clearly wrong.22:05
nkinkadepaulproteus: Oooops.   I meant to say I'm getting errors, but I guess you figured that. :-)22:05
nkinkadeHost key verification failed.22:05
paulproteusnkinkade, /me blinks22:06
paulproteusWell fix it, Dear Liza.22:06
nkinkadeYou are using id_rsa, right?22:06
paulproteusDude, host key verification.22:06
nkinkadeThat's the one your doc mentions.22:06
nkinkadeOh, sorry.22:06
hdworakftobia: git submodule update yields an error:
hdworakftobia: is paulproteus your supervisor at cc?22:07
hdworakI'm still getting the assertion error22:07
ftobiado you have write access to git?22:08
hdworakI did buildout, too, but that didn't help22:08
hdworakftobia: I believe so, but to my projects22:09
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ftobiapaulproteus would know better than me22:10
hdworakftobia: what's your value of RDF_PATH ?22:10
hdworakmaybe I'll set it up for the time being22:10
nathanyhdworak: ftobia: looks like the sub-module is set to use ssh access to the repository22:10
nathanyshould be using read-only access for sub-modules so that anonymous or checkouts with different access permissions work correct22:11
ftobiaRDF_PATH gets dynamically created somehow. it depends on a lot of things.22:11
ftobiait's probably not that that's wrong.22:11
nathanyalthough it looks weird that you were prompted to accept the RSA fingerprint of the server, hdworak22:12
nathanyhaven't you been pushing to that server?22:12
ftobiayeah that's what made me think the read/write permissions were wrong.22:12
hdworakI have to repos there, pushed yesterday or so22:12
nkinkadenathany: You by chance doing anything with the scraper on a5?22:12
nathanynkinkade: yes22:12
nathanyupgrading now22:12
nathanydowntime to be expected for a few minutes22:13
nathanysorry, should have told you22:13
nathanyhdworak: well that's weird; i don't understand why you would be prompted to accept the fingerprint for the server if you've been accessing it previously22:14
hdworakI pulled in the anonymous way22:14
hdworak$git clone git://
hdworakI've added the directory to the PYTHONPATH22:15
hdworakthen $git submodule init yielded no problems22:15
hdworakand the rest is history22:15
hdworakpaulproteus: *bump*22:20
paulproteushdworak, Hi.22:20
hdworakhi, what's up?22:20
paulproteusI'm losing state.22:20
hdworakI'm stuck22:20
paulproteusTell me how.22:20
paulproteusFeel free to paste old talk in, but I'm not going to scroll to find it because I also owe ftobia some svn<->git importing stuff I'm going to work on in parallel.22:20
paulproteusOr chat via Jabber with friends in SF.22:21
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hdworakftobia pushed a sexy patch to cc.license.git; I've pulled; it complains about RDF_PATH missing; I did git submodule init - nothing changed; I've tried git submodule update - it has asked me for a password to the cc's git server22:22
ftobiacoincidentally, the svn2git stuff will indirectly serve hdworak's purposes as well22:22
ftobiahdworak: what are the contents of license.rdf in your cc.license directory?22:22
hdworakthe problem is: I do not know what to do now; ftobia says manually setting RDF_PATH is a bad idea22:22
hdworakftobia: it is an empty directory22:23
nathanyin that case it didn't really pull correcly22:24
ftobiathe RDF_PATH error is a red herring. if license.rdf pulled correctly, it would go away.22:24
hdworakok, I'm gonna pull again, to /tmp22:25
hdworakI'll check the contents of license.rdf then22:25
hdworakthe directory is empty22:25
hdworakthen I do "buildout" - nothing happens (in terms of license.rdf)22:26
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hdworakftobia: can I obtain the contents of license.rdf somewhere (even to manually upload it)22:31
ftobiayeah it's its own git module22:31
hdworakwhen I go to;a=tree22:32
ftobiai'd recommend figuring out why "git submodule update" fails22:32
hdworakI cannot mouseover license.rdf22:32
ftobiayeah it's its own git module. ^^22:32
hdworakftobia: git clone git:// ?22:33
hdworakthat should have a slash instead of the colon22:34
hdworaknow it works22:34
hdworakResolving deltas seems to stuck22:35
hdworakok ,passed22:36
hdworakI'm still getting the assertion error22:37
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ftobiaRDF_PATH doesn't exist?22:38
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hdworakassert os.path.exists(RDF_PATH)22:39
hdworakI'm going to buildout license.rdf22:39
hdworakwhoa, got like 1000 errors22:39
hdworakfrom lxml22:39
hdworakError: Couldn't install: lxml 1.3.622:39
ftobiai really think it's better to just get the submodule update to work.22:40
ftobiayou'll run into version issues if you do things manually.22:40
hdworakok, I just don't know how to continue22:40
hdworaknow it's like that:
hdworakI'll rm -rf everything and try again22:43
ftobiayeah "git clone" "git submodule init" "git submodule update"22:44
hdworakok, here's the output:
hdworakI'm doing clone with a slash instead of a colon at the end22:45
hdworakas per
ftobiayeah that checks it out read-only. if you have write access, you can get it read/write.22:46
hdworakbut shouldn't is work for read-only users, too?22:46
hdworakI do not think I have the write access to your repository22:46
hdworakI'll try again with a colon, though22:46
ftobiaprobably. i don't know why it wouldn't work with just read only.22:47
hdworakok, this is simple:22:47
hdworakHouston, we've got a problem :)22:49
ftobiai'm not sure. paulproteus would know better than i22:49
* paulproteus blinks22:49
hdworakok, I've run out of ideas here22:51
hdworakthis is a blocker for me22:51
hdworak1. submodule update fails and RDF_PATH cannot be found; 2. pulling license.rdf and building it - 1000 errors in lxml22:52
Sterennathany: I still don't understand very well how semantic drilldown works, can you give me a url of the CC wiki fully using it to have a real example.22:57
nkinkadepaulproteus: I seem to be running into some issues with getting the mail setup going on the backup machine.  Would you be able to take a look at things when you have a moment?22:57
paulproteusnkinkade, Sure, give me ca. 45s.22:58
nkinkadeI think I've followed the directions, but I'm not able to get an SSH connection.22:58
hdworakftobia: in this situation, I have to go back to the pypi version in order to continue my work22:58
hdworakI appreciate your support, though22:58
nathanySteren: here it is browsing the Organization category:
paulproteusnkinkade, Hi.22:59
nathanylook at the source for to see the filter assignments22:59
paulproteusnkinkade, Lemme ssh in and take a looksie.22:59
nkinkadepaulproteus: Hi.22:59
nkinkadeCool.  Thanks.22:59
nathanyand then see for a filter definition23:00
nathanySteren: ^^23:00
Sterenyep I understand better now23:00
paulproteusRemind me the IP, nkinkade?23:00
Sterennathany: thanks23:00
paulproteusbackup.local seems to not resolve for me on my desktop.23:00
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paulproteusnkinkade, Why are there two kinds of keys in ~tunnelclient/.ssh/ ?23:03
paulproteustunnelclient@backup:~$ ssh tunnelendpoint@rose.makesad.us23:03
paulproteusThat works.23:03
paulproteusSo let's see about the inetd.23:03
paulproteustelnet localhost 12523:03
paulproteusThat works okay.23:03
paulproteusI just ran "mailq -q" and we'll see what that does.23:04
paulproteusThat flushes the queue.23:04
paulproteusSeems to be sending mail.23:04
paulproteusSo basically, everything works now, but it didn't when you initially tried to use /usr/sbin/sendmail (or whatever) to send mail to nkinkade at gmail.23:04
nkinkadepaulproteus: I just tar-gzipped the .ssh dir for tunnelclient on your desktop.23:04
paulproteusnkinkade, Zing!23:04
nkinkadepaulproteus: Wow.  I had tried becoming tunnelclient on backup and running the exact command you specified, but it hung somewhere in the area of looking at what local keys it had.23:06
paulproteusI think one of those keys might be ssh-vulnkey suckitude keys.23:06
paulproteusmailq on backup didn't send two of the messages.23:06
paulproteusOnly two of four went.23:06
* paulproteus tries mailq -q again23:06
paulproteusNow the queue is empty.23:06
nkinkadepaulproteus: One correction to your doc.  at the point where it says: [me@laptop] $ ssh tunnelendpoint@server23:07
nkinkadeShouldn't that be: [tunnelclient@laptop] $ ssh tunnelendpoint@server23:07
paulproteusnkinkade, Yes!23:07
* paulproteus fixes23:07
paulproteusnkinkade, In the grim future of, you'll be able to git clone my text files and submit patches.23:07
nkinkadeI figured that out, but it threw me for a minute, and then when things didn't work .. that's when I can here looking for you. :-)23:08
Bovinityin the grim future of there is only wardriving?23:08
hdworakit would be nice to use RDFa for representing the license information in the validator, however, Genshi will not support the required document type until the next release (I've asked on #python-genshi)23:08
paulproteusBovinity, Gosh, I hope that's not the case.23:08
nkinkadepaulproteus: By the time you get back I should have GSM multiplexing working on my Freerunner so that I can use the phone and GPRS simultaneously.23:19
paulproteusBovinity, waterballooning23:19
paulproteusnkinkade, Awesome!23:19
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paulproteusftobia, Okay, uh, everyone's leaving.23:32
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paulproteusftobia, I'll do this git-svn push first-thing on return.23:33
paulproteusftobia, Okay, I'm going to overwrite the git license.rdf with the current svn.23:43
paulproteusOkay, master is doing that.23:43
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