Monday, 2008-06-30

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jibotSteren is sitting next to greg-g and from Nancy09:25
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jibotdavidstrauss is "P" and not "P"10:01
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jibotSteren is sitting next to greg-g and from Nancy10:28
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jibotftobia is the other tech intern at Creative Commons and head of RPI Free Culture11:05
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jibotbrianrowe is at Seattle University School of Law, class of 200911:29
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jibotcurrybot is currytastic and <3 fair use11:36
currybotjibot: mmm... curry...11:36
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paulproteusSteren, Liked how I gave you some extra work by email? (-;11:39
SterenI'm reading that :)11:40
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jibotBovinity is brilliant11:41
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paulproteusnkinkade, So about this dyndns account expiration warning...12:00
nkinkadepaulproteus: I took care of it.12:00
nkinkadeWe get that every month or two.12:00
nkinkadeSomething to do with the free version of the dyndns service.12:01
paulproteusSounds like something a cron job could take care of.12:01
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nkinkadeFeel free to write a cron job. :-)12:01
nkinkadeDoes the router even have a cron daemon?12:01
paulproteusOh my.12:01
paulproteusIf not, ipkg install cron ...12:01
nkinkadeIt does.12:02
paulproteusYou know, that thing is pretty sweet.12:02
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nkinkadeI'm pretty impressed with it, too.  Amazing how much functionality they have crammed into just a few megabytes.12:03
paulproteusI am, too.12:03
paulproteusIt's a stark contrast to the world I'm used to, where a few megs or hundred megs of bloat is not a big deal.12:03
nkinkadeI wonder what dd-wrt is likef?12:03
Bovinityddwrt is quite nice12:04
nkinkadeBovinity: Have you also used OperWRT?12:04
paulproteusI know pretty much nothing about dd-wrt.12:04
nkinkadeAh.  Maybe I'll grub around to find out what are some of the relative benefits of one over the other.12:04
paulproteusMy vague understanding is that dd-wrt has a useful web interface but none of this ipkg joy.12:04
Bovinityyeah, ddwrt lacks on the nifty packaging side of things12:05
paulproteusSo it's good if you want a wireless router, not a teensy TINY Linux machine. (-;12:05
Bovinityi was under the impression ddwrt was under more active development than o-wrt12:05
paulproteuso-wrt benefits from the big-ish OpenEmbedded community.12:05
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paulproteusThe OpenEmbedded infrastructure is shared by OpenMoko, OpenWRT, and a bunch of other embedded projects.12:06
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Bovinityah, how times change12:07
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jibotmlinksva is Mike Linksvayer and from Creative Commons12:19
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tim_hwangpaulproteus: do you happen to know the deets on the commons research event?12:22
tim_hwangjust slamming otu the metrics press release now12:22
paulproteustim_hwang, It's organized by Giorgos, and they have a mailing list.12:22
paulproteusI'm not sure of much beyond that.12:22
tim_hwanggot it, thanks12:22
paulproteusI think the idea is to gather more papers like the one he wrote last year on measuring the size of the commons.12:23
paulproteusI'm under the impression he's switched what university he's at, and further that if he had more chances to "Publish" research on CC stuff he and other academics would be in better shape.12:23
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paulproteusnkinkade, Would you reboot my poor machine again?12:35
nkinkadepaulproteus: Sure.12:35
nkinkadepaulproteus: It should be reachable in the next minute or so.12:37
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jibotrejon is a killer MC from staten island and is the 10th member of the wutang clan and
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ftobiacurrybot: list13:17
currybot(1) PUNJABI CHANNA PANEER (Garbanzo beans and cottage cheese cubes cooked together)13:17
currybot(2) SUBZI LAJAWAB (Fresh Vegetables cooked in gravy of garlic, ginger, tomatoes, and spinach)13:17
currybot(3) ADRAKI CHICKEN (Boneless chicken cubes cooked with lemon, tamarind, curry leaves, garlic, and ginger flavored curry souce)13:17
paulproteusSweet, more paneer.13:17
Bovinitythey must have a cottage cheese surplus13:18
paulproteus(cottage cheese (surplus)) or (cottage (cheese surplus))13:18
rohitjwow, reminds me of my last dinner :P13:24
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paulproteusnkinkade, Other than the office and a5,6,7,8, what IPs do we have?13:36
paulproteusI guess a3 I know about, although it's on its way out.13:36
nkinkadeDon't forget a4.13:36
nkinkadeWell, that is neurocommons.13:36
paulproteusAnd a4 is staying around, right?13:37
nkinkadeActually, that's an older server. is
nkinkadea4 will stay around as long as CC has CC Mixter, I believe.13:37
paulproteusI don't think I have an account norbert, so that's fine.13:37
paulproteusWould you adduser me on a4 and pref. give me sudo also?13:39
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paulproteusI think I'm going to stop using Tor for IP addresses for the stats stuff and just use our machines.13:40
paulproteusOn the downside, this will mean logging thousands of SSH connections between the machines.13:43
paulproteus(I mean, downside for you reading the logs.)13:43
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nkinkadepaulproteus: What logs are you talking about.13:45
paulproteusThe SSH login logs.13:45
paulproteusBut never mind.13:45
paulproteusI'll find a way that just uses fewer logins.13:46
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paulproteusSo you won't see massive log pollution from this.13:46
paulproteusHmm, or maybe I can avoid doing all this now that restarting the Tor daemon fixed things?13:46
paulproteusAnyway, la di da.13:46
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nkinkadeI don't think it should matter that you make 1000s of connections, as the log I see daily aggregates attempt from the same IP address and/or user.13:49
nkinkadepaulproteus: Try your new a4 account.13:49
paulproteusnkinkade, Oh, that's good at least.13:49
nkinkadeIt looks something like this:13:50
nkinkade66.135.32.165 ( 48 times13:50
nkinkadeFor the SSH log info that I see.13:50
* paulproteus grins13:51
paulproteusI look forward to that becoming 1480 times.13:51
nkinkadeSo your activity might had 2 bytes to the size of my emails I see.13:53
ftobiacurrybot: 113:53
currybotPUNJABI CHANNA PANEER (Garbanzo beans and cottage cheese cubes cooked together) Channa Paneer is the specialty of northern part of India especially Punjab. In this dish garbanzo beans are soaked in salt water overnight and then cottage cheese is added while cooking in red onion, ginger, garlic &tomato gravy.13:53
paulproteusActually, as many as 10 bytes, since I'll do it across a bunch of servers.13:53
nkinkadeBy the way, were you able to figure out what happened to rose this weekend?13:53
paulproteusNo, I just got the dude to reboot it.13:53
paulproteusBut at least I have IPMI working, so I can figure it out remotely on the serial console at my leisure.13:53
nkinkadeHow do you connect to the IPMI interface?  Through a serial port connection from some other machine in that rack?13:56
nkinkadeThe wiki page for IPMI says that it's even possible to connect when the host machine is powered off, which astounded me.13:56
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paulproteusNo, via the Internet!13:58
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Sterencurrybot : curry time !14:01
currybotSteren: mmm... curry...14:01
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Sterenmmm... curry...14:04
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DanL-anyone want to help me with a trademark question?14:07
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ftobiawho's getting curry?14:19
ftobia<-- getting curry.14:20
ftobiaDanL-: in general, don't ask to ask, just ask.14:20
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Bovinityyes, feel free, and i'm sure someone will be able to assist with non-legal advice :)14:23
DanL-it actually is non-legal advice14:24
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DanL-I'm trying to find examples where a putative IP owner actually sued a website for use of allegedly infringing logos14:25
DanL-C&Ds are common14:25
DanL-but actual summons and complaint?14:25
DanL-can't find one14:25
DanL-and I mean a famous brand lawsuit, not Joe's Bait and Tackle14:26
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jibotjgay is
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greg-gpaulproteus: around?15:40
paulproteusgreg-g, yup.15:41
greg-gjust got your email15:41
Bovinitybrianrowe: ping15:41
greg-gand, if you would like, I am open for working in the same physical space (when/if you are in the E.B.)15:42
paulproteusWell I'm at my friend's house here in Broccoli.15:42
greg-gah, ok. no worries15:43
paulproteusYou wanna come here?15:43
paulproteusThat's fine with her, she says.15:43
greg-gwhere is Broccoli (or is that some slang for a neighbor I don't know?)15:43
paulproteus1349 berkeley way, berkeley, ca15:43
paulproteus1349 berkeley way, apartment # berkeley, berkeley, ca15:44
paulproteus1349 berkeley way, apartment # berkeley, berkeley, ca, United Colors of Benetton (abbreviated UCB)15:44
paulproteusAnyway, the first time I was serious about the address.15:44
paulproteusI think we'll have just had lunch by the time you get here.15:44
greg-gawesome, well, if that is cool with her and you, and there is an open seat with power, I'm good to go15:45
paulproteusCouch, but sure (-:15:45
paulproteusAnd my phone is charging off my laptop, which is to say I'll have it and it'll work.15:45
greg-gthose are fun!15:45
paulproteus(# on teamspace)15:45
greg-gright right15:45
greg-gcool, I'm thinking 30-40 minutes15:45
greg-g(arrival time)15:46
paulproteus20m after that is probably slightly better.15:46
paulproteusBut serious constraints.15:46
paulproteusBut no serious constraints, I mean.15:46
greg-gpaulproteus: then 1-1.25 hours from now is the ETA :)15:47
ftobiapaulproteus: do you think writing tests for cc.license should be on my to-do list? i vote "yes".15:47
paulproteusftobia, Yes, though keep in mind there already are some tests.15:47
paulproteusThey even all pass, as I recall.15:48
paulproteusThe tests are defining the API, which isn't fully designed.15:48
ftobiaah, they were hiding. cc/license/tests.py15:48
paulproteus./bin/nosetests I think runs them.15:49
ftobianah it's not set up. it's some zope testing something or other.15:49
paulproteusEr, okay.15:49
paulproteusFor cc.license in svn, or in git?15:49
paulproteuscc.license moved into git.15:49
ftobiacan i move them to a central location? like /tests?15:49
paulproteusThere are two implementations, and I think the cc.license in svn is abandonware.15:49
ftobiathis changes <em>everything</em>15:49
paulproteusThis is not the first time what you're doing has been tried.15:50
* paulproteus looks at viewsvn15:50
paulproteusYeah, these use the old-school data storage.15:51
paulproteusUse the new git hotness.15:51
ftobiathat did seem suspicious..15:53
ftobiado you think it's better to have tests within cc/license, or in the root? i'm initially skeptical, but keeping all the source together might be a good idea.15:55
paulproteuscc/license/tests/ I'd say.15:55
paulproteusThat way it imports as cc.license.tests.15:55
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paulproteusMan, the twisted irony.15:58
paulproteusI can hardly take it.15:58
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jibotjgay is
ftobiais RDF a home-made module, or available on pypi? i see an 'rdf' module, but i know how capitalization matters.16:00
greg-gin response to LUGRadio going offline, there is now discussion of a MiLoCo Radio beginning on twitter16:00
paulproteusftobia, ./bin/buildout etc. should work, and should make these questions answerable by your own machine.16:00
paulproteusLUGRadio went offline?16:00
greg-gthey're done, "go out on a high" kinda mentality16:00
greg-gthis year's LUGRadio Live will be the last show16:01
paulproteusOh, huh.16:01
paulproteusjonobac.on16:01 # probably possible16:01
ftobiapaulproteus: see i thought so too, but i'm getting "ImportError: No module named RDF"16:01
paulproteusftobia, Then I probably suck.16:02
paulproteusProbably the Ubuntu package python-rdflib.16:02
paulproteusActually that dependency might not be part of pypi.16:03
paulproteusNow that I think about it.16:03
* paulproteus backpedals on the blame16:03
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rejonyah, that is a good idea on killing lugradio live16:06
rejongood for things to have an end16:06
paulproteusnkinkade, omg, labs/techblog looks good!16:06
paulproteusI was sort of shaken and my friend asked me, "What?" when she heard the "oh my god!".16:07
Bovinitygonna experiment wiht some branding tweaks, but otherwise16:07
ftobiapaulproteus: yeah, installing python-rdflib doesn't do it, nor including "rdflib" as a dependency (which i guess is the same package)16:07
* paulproteus searches machine to see who's responsible for /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/RDF.py16:08
paulproteusEr, not found.16:09
paulproteusThere we go.16:09
ftobiathat's schizophrenic.16:10
paulproteusI'm going to hide from IRC now.  Ping if you need me.16:11
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nkinkadepaulproteus: Which machine are you referring to when regarding python2.5?16:24
nkinkade(And I know you hold python2.5 in high regard)16:25
nkinkadeIf it happens to be be a7, then I installed it a few days ago because needs it, apparently.16:26
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greg-goff to the b'zaarkley16:36
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tim_hwang_currybot list17:03
currybot(1) PUNJABI CHANNA PANEER (Garbanzo beans and cottage cheese cubes cooked together)17:03
currybot(2) SUBZI LAJAWAB (Fresh Vegetables cooked in gravy of garlic, ginger, tomatoes, and spinach)17:03
currybot(3) ADRAKI CHICKEN (Boneless chicken cubes cooked with lemon, tamarind, curry leaves, garlic, and ginger flavored curry souce)17:03
tim_hwang_man, i missed out today17:03
tim_hwang_: (17:03
paulproteusnkinkade, I have no idea what you are talking about re: python2.5.17:04
nkinkadepaulproteus: Nevermind.  I just misread one of your earlier messages.17:05
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mlinksvarejon stabbed two vampires today17:15
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rejonand it felt good...17:16
rejonmonths waiting, stalking... ;)17:16
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paulproteusmlinksva, It's going to take, like, two to three days to figure out what is wrong with the API-based querying.17:21
paulproteusThink it's worth worrying about?17:21
paulproteusOr should I focus on stuff NY cares about first? (-:17:22
paulproteusThere's all sorts of nonsense going on here.17:22
paulproteusSample error from the logs:17:23
paulproteusinvalid literal for int(): xt/javascript">17:23
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paulproteusYahoo gave me back invalid XML, it seems. xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError instance at 0xb5a113cc17:23
paulproteusJust to name two totally weird problem.s17:23
mlinksvapaulproteus: i guess the api-based querying is not super high priority17:24
mlinksvaare the dumps linked from up to date, ie do they have the data replaced from the old tsv logs?17:25
paulproteusThe broken data is either missing or replaced by the TSV-sourced data.17:26
paulproteusI can re-run the generate-csvs script that will make sure the old CSVs are there.17:26
paulproteusDoing so right now.17:26
rejonif you can file or note what is broken, good to do...NY will get pissed you working on this ;)17:26
paulproteusI don't think we ever really talk about the API-based queries anyway.17:27
paulproteusI'll check on that in a sec.17:27
mlinksvapermission error on
paulproteusFixing it.17:28
paulproteusEr, I wonder why.17:30
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lasouris93salut y a quelqui parle francais ici ???17:33
lasouris93salut y a quelqu'un parle francais ici ???17:33
paulproteuslasouris93, Oui, qu'est-ce qui arrive ?17:33
paulproteus(qq'un *qui* parle...)17:34
lasouris93ce slon conserne quel sujet ???17:34
lasouris93ce salon conserne quel sujet ???17:34
lasouris93je cherche un salon spécial17:34
paulproteusa quel sujet?17:35
paulproteusJe veux dire - tu cherce un salon à quel sujet?17:35
lasouris93tous ce qui touche du hack ...17:35
lasouris93c'est bien vers ici17:35
paulproteusSi tu a besoin des numéros des cc, tu peux envoyer un courriel à
paulproteusMa francais n'est pas excellent - qu'est que ca veut dire, "hack"?17:37
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paulproteusSalut biloute ...17:37
lasouris93je suis news ds le truc17:37
lasouris93je souhaite apprendre17:37
biloutesalut la souris17:38
paulproteusQue veux-tu apprendre ?17:38
biloutebein aidez le les gars si vous pouvez17:38
lasouris93on pe parlé en pv17:38
paulproteusIci nous parlons des contraits Creative Commons17:38
biloutesi tu donne a ton prochain dieu te le rendra lol17:38
lasouris93c koi exactement17:38
Sterentiens on parle français ici maintenant ?17:39
paulproteusIci on discute les droits des auteurs, «copyright» aux etats-unis.17:39
lasouris93serieux ???17:39
lasouris93vs parlé de skimming ect17:39
bilouteskimming c ce qui touche au carding17:39
paulproteusSteren, Peut-être tu peut l'expliquer à notre amis nouevaux.17:39
lasouris93oui exact17:40
paulproteusbiloute, tu peux envoyer un courriel à
lasouris93explik moi17:40 explique Creative Commons17:40
lasouris93oui et ca me sert a koi d elui envoyé un email17:40
Sterenpour ce qui concerne le skimming, n'hésite pas à envoyer un mail ici :
mlinksvapaulproteus: i just sent an email about what is urgent re stats17:40
lasouris93en faite je n'ai aucun matériel j'ai des fond17:40
lasouris93et je souhaite faire un truc17:40
SterenIci on ne parle pas de carte bleue, mais de license Creative COmmons (cc)17:41
Sterendonc je suppose que vous n'êtes pas dans le bon salon17:41
paulproteusmlinksva, Merci - je le regarderai en un moment !17:41
Sterenpour les cartes bleus, voyez avec
lasouris93c ou ca17:41
lasouris93kel salon17:41
Sterenenvoyer un mail suffira17:41
lasouris93et en francais17:41
paulproteusbien sur en francais !17:41
lasouris93mais c le fbi ca lol17:41
lasouris93kel **** lol17:42
Sterenils sont international ne t'en fais pas17:42
lasouris93oui c le fbi17:42
lasouris93t vraiment une belle peau17:42
SterenBon pour résumer : vous n'êtes pas dans le salon que vous cherchez17:42
lasouris93ok mdfci17:42
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paulproteusSteren, Can you explain "mdfci"?17:43
SterenI like the idea17:43
paulproteusc le fbi lol17:43
Sterenmdfci, I think it's a typping mistalke for "merci"17:43
paulproteusbom mdfci17:44
paulproteusWe could set up as a forwarder to maybe.17:45
Bovinityi take it they weren't looking for international copyright tips. my french isn't what it used to be.17:45
paulproteusc'est le fbi, lol17:45 ?17:46
Sterenit would be great17:46
paulproteusThat occurred to me too.17:46
paulproteusBut I'm just stuck on this "lol" thing.17:46
Sterenwell "lol", it's english don't try to find a french meaning :)17:47
paulproteusI know (-:17:47
paulproteusmlinksva, Fixed re: 40317:49
paulproteusTime to regen those CSVs.17:49
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basselhello every body17:53
basselrejon hi :)17:53
basselrejon two days trying to catch u17:54
rejonI'm here17:55
rejonget me in #openclipart17:55
nkinkadepaulproteus: By the way, the stats database is all MyISAM.17:56
rejonthis channel is already noisy with tons of bots17:56
paulproteusnkinkade, Dagnabit.17:56
paulproteusThat sucks.17:56
paulproteusI can't believe it hasn't corrupted itself yet.17:56
nkinkadeHave you run into a problem with it?17:56
basselgoing there right now :)17:56
paulproteusMyISAM is the evil one, right?17:56
basselpaulproteus MyISAM is cool17:57
nkinkadeMyISAM is the default table type, so I figure it can't be that horrendous.17:57
paulproteusThis is MySQL we're talking about.17:57
nkinkadeThe default able type for MySQL, that is.17:57
paulproteusI'll leave the way it is since we do backups.17:58
basselsure it's MySQL17:58
nkinkadeIf the MySQL folks had reason to believe that it was evil then I doubt they'd make it the default.17:58
paulproteusI don't know if history agrees with your trust in their judgement.17:58
paulproteusmlinksva, You're okay with doing the estimate using the code Giorgos wanted us to not use?17:59
paulproteus(I mean, it was used last time after all.)17:59
paulproteus(And it really generated a number.)17:59
nkinkadeIn any case, from the little I understand, MyISAM does some things well, but in may instances Innodb is more appropriate.17:59
* paulproteus shrugs, agreed it's "not a big deal," except that it's still evil to not do transactions by default.18:00
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Steren > the CC channel arrives in the 4th place18:00
paulproteusIt's called the CC channel for a reason!18:00
paulproteusOh man, it shows up higher because we mention it in the topic.18:01
paulproteusThat's hilarious.18:01
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paulproteusEr, Parker, come back.18:02
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paulproteusmlinksva, Back CSVs re-generated.18:03
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paulproteusmlinksva, Harvard Graphics!18:08
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paulproteustim_hwang_, 131013118 is your new minimum estimate, if you like.18:17
paulproteusOkay, there is a template called "Coolbox" on our wiki!?18:17
rejonsome sets of boxes for putting things into to look pretty18:20
Bovinityit pains me that all these boxes are tables.18:21
rejontis a wiki...fix em bovinity!18:23
nkinkadepaulproteus: How do you feel about moving stats off of a5 soon-ish?18:25
paulproteusEr, I'd rather leave all of it there.18:25
paulproteusOH right.18:25
paulproteusDear lord.18:25
paulproteusDance dance amd64.18:25
nkinkadeI don't think it would survive a formatting of the disk.18:25
nkinkadeOr of certain filesystems, taht is.18:25
paulproteusnkinkade, Er, wait.18:25
paulproteusI never mkfs'd on the / filesystem when upgrading a8.18:25
paulproteusNor should you.18:25
* paulproteus ponders18:26
paulproteusI'd rather leave it there and miss a day's data than do the fighting necessary to move it.18:26
nkinkadeBut it seems like the machine could be down for a bit, and that it'd be safer all around to just move it.18:26
nkinkadeBut if you're fine with leaving it, then I'm fine with that.18:26
paulproteusIt should only be down for 1-4 hours.18:26
nkinkadeOkay.  We'll just leave it in place, then.18:26
* paulproteus nods.18:26
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nkinkadepaulproteus: is tilecache.(cc).org in use for anything right now (ccLearn?)18:32
paulproteusnkinkade, ccLearn, yes.18:33
paulproteusI suppose I should switch it up or something.18:33
paulproteusI'll see if I can make ccLearn stop depending on it, just one sec.18:33
nkinkadeI guess it can keep relying on it, but it'll be on a6 instead of a5.18:34
paulproteusIf you switch DNS and do the usual proxy nonsense then that's fine.18:34
mlinksvapaulproteus: I've never used Harvard Graphics.  Seemed funny at the time.18:34
paulproteusDo I need to do anything, then?18:34
paulproteusnkinkade, Basically - OK if I do nothing?18:35
paulproteusSeems to me like it will be, but maybe I misunderstand you.18:35
nkinkadepaulproteus: Yeah, no need to do anything.  Will that one require a proxypass or something similar?18:38
nkinkadeOr can it just transition naturally as DNS converges?18:38
nkinkadeI'm also thinking to not use ProxyPass, but instead setup diff. backends for Varnish, which should work fine, I think ... hope.18:39
paulproteusSure, that's okay with me to not use Apache for proxying but Varnish instead.18:40
paulproteusIn the past, when doing this for non-CC machines, Apache was all we had.18:40
paulproteusWe were poor and our shoes were made from refurbished Apache.18:41
paulproteusre: transition naturally: Sure, there are no writes to that service, so DNS-based transition is okay.18:41
paulproteusThe reason to do Proxying is for services with writes, really.18:41
paulproteusWhoa, according to this map, CC is going more places!18:45
nkinkadeWe may not need to proxy any of the sites.  Not one of those sites uses a database.18:46
nkinkadeOr at least not a MySQL database.18:46
nkinkadeSo it may be sufficient to just move the stuff, make sure they work and then cut over the DNS. Y ya!18:47
paulproteusDo they have any state at all?18:47
paulproteusI guess all in the filesystem.18:47
paulproteusAnd none of it modifiable by users on the web?18:47
mlinksvankinkade: two things about labs, or i guess just the theme -- there should be a link to cc0 under explore labs, and maybe to the developer wiki article as well.  second, individual posts don't display what categories they're in18:48
Bovinityhmm, i notice a problem with the category views... for instance.18:50
nkinkademlinksva: Okay on the CC0 thing, but there is already a tab at the top to the developer wiki.18:50
nkinkadeShould there be a link in addition to the tab?18:51
mlinksvankinkade: yr right abut the dev wiki, nevermind that comment18:51
nkinkadeBovinity: Do you already have a good idea about what is the problem with the theme for categories?18:51
Bovinitynkinkade: no, but i can look into it18:51
nkinkademlinksva: But are you okay with the cc4 theme for labs/techblog?18:52
nkinkadeI rather just did it rather than getting a consensus.18:52
nkinkadeBovinity and I were talking on Friday about how it might be better to change the background color of the header bar to distinguish it from the main CC site.18:53
nkinkadeBovinity: Any more thoughts on what color would be best?18:53
Bovinityblue's out. so, any of yellow, orange, red, brown perhaps18:54
Bovinityfavicon is wonky. and by wonky, i mean wp-mu default.18:55
nkinkadeDid there used to be a favicon for Labs?18:57
nkinkadeBovinity: Since you're an expert at image editing, would you mind just whipping something up for that header background image?18:57
nkinkadeThe last time I tried to do it you had to stand over my should and tell me what to do anyway.18:58
nkinkade(When I was making the one for neurocommons)18:58
nkinkadeI'll look into the category problem if you can handle that image.18:58
nkinkadeBovinity: Where are categories missing from at Labs and what weirdness did you notice?19:02
Bovinitynkinkade: go to that category url i pasted, you'll notice the page fails to complete loading19:03
Bovinityarbitrary category, tehy all do it19:03
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nkinkadeIt should work now.19:07
greg-griddle me this: why when I query (in the CC wiki) for Category:Incomplete I get results but not when I query for Category:Translations, they are both templates in use.  I am probably missing some obvious distinction between them.19:09
mlinksvankinkade: yeah, overall the theme is great for labs19:11
nkinkademlinksva: Do you agree that a different color in the header bar would help to visually distinguish it from the main CC site a little, since they now look not totally dissimilar?19:13
tim_hwang_paulproteus -- gah, thanks!19:13
tim_hwang_srry about the delay -- tinkering over the press release19:13
mlinksvankinkade: whatever Bovinity says re colour19:16
paulproteustim_hwang_, No worries.19:16
nkinkadeBovinity: What say you?19:16
Bovinitynkinkade: looknig at the best fit right now19:16
Bovinitynkinkade: load?19:22
nkinkadeBovinity: 40419:22
Bovinitythat's weird19:23
nkinkadeWait.  It had localhost in the address ... let me try that again.19:23
Bovinityoh, it could be my wordpress redirecting to localhost/, which is a barrel of failure19:23
nkinkadeThat must be it.19:23
Bovinityah, now try it!19:25
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ftobiankinkade: say, how long are our (the interns') email addresses going to be around?19:31
nkinkadeftobia: I'm not sure, but I would imagine that they'll go away when you leave at the end of the summer.19:32
ftobiaalright cool, thanks.19:32
nkinkadeSo it's probably a good case to not get too too many people used to writing you at that address, except for internal stuff and external where it relates only to CC.19:33
ftobiayeah definitely.19:33
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jibotdavidstrauss is "P" and not "P"19:34
nkinkadeI've got to say that the spam filtering that Google Apps does isn't as aggressive as that of CTyme.19:34
paulproteusI will quietly admit that sometimes that is a good thing.19:34
paulproteusI guess if there's a task beginning with "Undo the mess I made" that means I should do it now, not be afraid of it and put it off forever.19:37
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nkinkadeOoh, Bovinity, nice color at Labs.20:05
Bovinitydone, and fixed a couple typography issues i noticed20:06
nkinkadeAnd the categories are now shown in single post views.20:07
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greg-gasheesh is making crazy sounds over here20:13
paulproteusLook for "Taft".20:20
mlinksvapaulproteus: you need a beret20:28
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paulproteusmlinksva, For the French?20:34
paulproteusBTW, I'd be honored to receive one.20:34
greg-gsounds like a job for, Steren! "I'm from France"20:34
mlinksvapaulproteus: see the bakery frame20:37
greg-galrighty, time to mosy homeward20:39
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jibotbrianrowe is at Seattle University School of Law, class of 200920:47
mlinksvabut it smells bad there20:50
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