Monday, 2008-06-16

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hdworakhi, CharelB07:31
hdworakwhat's up?07:31
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* greg-g yawns08:41
tvol_morning greg-g08:42
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greg-gheya tvol_08:44
greg-gand yes, it is early out here, have an interview to do at 7am08:45
tvol_geez crazy where is the interviewee?08:46
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greg-gover the phone, he is in the UK though08:46
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paulproteusnathany - let's talk priorities for today if you have a sec.09:36
* paulproteus checks out teamspace tasks09:36
nathanypaulproteus: sure09:37
nathanydo you want to tell me what you think they are and i'll correct, or vice versa?09:37
paulproteusI was thinking I'd tell you; gimme a few minutes to figure out what I think they are. (-:09:38
nathanyok, just alert my irc client when you're ready09:38
paulproteusAlso, whaddya say to the early morning bakery drive Wed?  I'd be happy to buy for everyone, and we (== I) could call ahead with an order so they'd be ready when we get there.09:39
nathanyi think i'm "no" on a bakery drive; goog is going to have breakfast for us and I'm loathe to introduce anything else into that day's schedule09:41
paulproteusDuly noted, I'll make a run on that bakery another time.09:42
nathanysound great09:43
paulproteus is done.  There are more Fedora liblicense issues to work out, and dgilmore did say he would sponsor me.09:43
paulproteusSo if I can catch him, then today seems a good day to handle those, and also Herder's JS suggestion UI, and if that gets done, Herder's auth.09:44
paulproteusThe EOG and Rhythmbox plugins can wait.09:44
paulproteusI might do well to diagnose some liblicense build failures on Ubuntu - there's something weird about the packages that prevents a clean build on Ubuntu, and it would be probably good to push them into a repository for us crazy Ubuntu users.09:45
paulproteusI can block out not more than an hour for that.09:45
paulproteusnathany, ^^ is my thinking for today - liblicense Ubuntu packages, liblicense Fedora packages, Herder suggestion JS UI, Herder auth (hopefully).09:46
paulproteus is done for me, at least09:46
paulproteusI'll mark as "low priority today, high priority Tuesday" figuring out the stats issues ML and Giorgos have been talking about.09:48
nathanypaulproteus: that seems mostly sane; i'd probably order them fedora, herder JS, ubuntu, herder auth09:49
nathanysince we have external people blocking on fedora09:49
paulproteusDuly noted.09:50
nathanyand i'd appreciate it if you made stats super-high priority tomorrow (ie, if things don't get done today from this list, slip them to post-tech-summit)09:50
nathanywhen are you heading back?09:50
paulproteusTuesday night, arriving 9 PM.09:50
paulproteusI can do that re: stats.09:50
nathanysounds great09:51
nathanysuper great, even ;)09:51
greg-g"super green!"09:51
nathanypaulproteus: btw, why "liblicense2"?09:52
paulproteusnathany, ABI versioning.09:52
paulproteusI've already changed the ABI from 0 to 1 to 2 in the past, like, six months.09:52
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paulproteusBefore I took over, there was no SONAME metadata at all, so there was no promise that if you linked against liblicense you wouldn't later get a version that caused random segfaults.09:53
nathanymaybe i'm just now aware of debian naming guidelines... i figured the "foo[n]" name would match "foo[n]-dev"09:53
nathanyoh, i see liblicense-dev depends on liblicense209:53
paulproteusNah, the idea is that at build time, any version might do; but at runtime, you will segfault unless you get one that guarantees a stable ABI.09:54
paulproteusAt least, at build time, you will know if a version *won't* do; and the build will fail.09:54
paulproteusWhereas runtime segfaults for your users is a drag.09:54
nathanyright on09:55
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rejongreg-g: 5 min come over plz :)12:16
paulproteusHey, it's mecredis_x60s in the office!12:17
paulproteusHow are you, gentleman?12:17
mecredis_x60sits 'off and running by itself12:17
greg-grejon: you in the small room?12:17
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paulproteusmecredis_x60s, Any further HOPE thought?12:24
mecredis_x60swell it seems like they have these workshop things12:24
mecredis_x60swe could do a general CC one12:25
mecredis_x60sor something more sinister?12:28
paulproteusI was thinking more like a lecture: "It's fun to steal / but sharing is daring - a five-year retrospective on Creative Commons, and why hackers should care"12:29
paulproteusWith one of the early points being, "Sure, it's fun to hack binaries, but you can do a lot more if you have the source code"12:29
paulproteusAdmittedly, it could easily be Far Too Late for that.12:30
mecredis_x60sbut what differentiates that from a GPL lecture12:30
mecredis_x60sI think people *get* the GPL12:30
mecredis_x60sand sadly, some at HOPE are kind of indifferent12:30
mecredis_x60sI did a "hacking culture" talk there a while ago12:31
paulproteusWell, two things if we wanted: (a) details on using CC licenses, and how that differs from FSF licenses (attribution? anti-drm clause?!), and (b) details on good current places to get+share CC content, and a big ol' metrics graph.12:32
paulproteusWhat was your hacking culture talk like?12:32
paulproteusI also secretly think that this HOPE will be filled with lame wannabes who know comparatively little about CC (among other things).12:34
mecredis_x60smy hacking culture talk was just the same ole12:36
mecredis_x60sbut yeah, if we go a little more tech centric and focus on the licenses12:37
paulproteusIs it "culture of hackers" or "attacking culture with hacks"?12:37
mecredis_x60shaha, yeah, the latter12:37
paulproteusOkay, great (-:12:37
paulproteusbiella could do the former. (-;12:37
mecredis_x60sso maybe you could get into the tech details12:38
mecredis_x60sI can talk the cultural projects12:38
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paulproteusSo long as we think we can fill the time. (-:12:40
mecredis_x60sI mean I'm happy to do a workshop12:42
mecredis_x60sit's probably more laid back, requires less prep, and is easier to fill time with12:42
paulproteusI guess I'm a little confused as to what a workshop means.12:43
paulproteusBut I would be happy to share in that, especially if it wasn't on Saturday (when I might skip out to Coney Island for that music festival).12:44
mecredis_x60syeah, they kind of have a brief description12:45
mecredis_x60sbut my guess is that we'll get a couple people interested in CC licenses12:46
mecredis_x60sand some random folk12:46
mecredis_x60sand just jam12:46
paulproteusParty time.12:46
paulproteusI like.12:46
mecredis_x60sI'll drop them a line12:46
mecredis_x60sand CC you12:46
paulproteusGreat, and feel free to mention that I volunteered for an EFF patent busting project in 2008 and was involved in OPG v. Diebold in '04. (-:12:47
paulproteus(tech paper on pending me getting around to co-writing it)12:47
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paulproteus(but it's the tech work for
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mecredis_x60spaulproteus: what's your title?12:49
paulproteusSoftware Engineer, I think.12:50
paulproteusI think my card and the website disagree on this issue.12:50
paulproteusMaybe I should just get nathany to change my title to "hack".12:50
nathanywhat does the website say?12:50
nathanyshould be Software Engineer12:51
paulproteusSoftware Developer I've seen around.12:51
paulproteushttp:// says "developer"12:51
paulproteusI'd edit it, but I live in fear of messing up the formatting in WordPress on that page.12:51
bovinitydidn't you break it once before? :P12:52
nathany*that* can be your title -- "breaker of shiny things"12:52
paulproteusThat hurts.12:52
paulproteusBecause it's true.12:52
nathany(i kid because i love)12:52
paulproteus(yes, but love whom?)12:53
nathanyuh... everyone?12:53
paulproteusGood answer.12:54
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bovinitydamn, another pot?12:56
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bovinitypaulproteus: you're an engineer now.12:58
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bovinitymecredis_x60s: you're a Culture Program Associate, too12:59
paulproteusIf only it were always that easy.12:59
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paulproteusThat's some serious rain.13:01
paulproteusSquirrels running for cover.13:01
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paulproteusIn June!?13:07
nathanywelcome to the midwest13:07
bovinitySF has the cold and miserable.13:07
paulproteusBig balls of ice.13:07
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bovinitypaulproteus: what is it with you and bakeries? ;)13:14
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paulproteusmecredis_x60s, Don't do it!14:12
paulproteusEat quiche!14:12
paulproteusAlso, wow bovinity.14:12
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bovinitypaulproteus: hmm?15:04
paulproteusbovinity, "wow" re: Playing God15:04
bovinityah, yeah15:04
paulproteusThis time zone thing is really throwing me off.15:05
mecredis_x60syeah, master becomes slave15:05
nkinkadenathany: paulproteus:  I just moved to a8 and changed DNS.  In the meantime, there is a ProxyPass rule on a5 and also an entry in /etc/hosts so that it thinks is a8 until it's own DNS converges.15:06
nkinkadeI just mention this so that if something strange happens you'll know what to attribute it to.15:06
paulproteusnkinkade, Yeah, it'll be attributed to me. (-;15:06
nkinkadeThe one thing I don't yet understand is why there is an average of 500KB/sec going out on a5 and only around 50KB/sec on a8.15:07
nathanybovinity: mecredis_x60s:
nkinkadeI can't imagine that the other sites hosted on a5 would be generating 450KB/s of traffic.15:08
nathanygreg-g: ^^15:08
nathany(the link i pasted to you tube)15:08
bovinityholy crap, saved by the bell brokeback,
paulproteusnkinkade, reloaded apache...?  (does access.log/varnish indicate it's serving out those images?)15:09
paulproteusBTW, is nicer than straight-up tcpdump, I've discovered.15:10
bovinity"last night at the movies, you went too far"15:11
nkinkadepaulproteus: Yeah, the log is filling up on a8 at about the same rate as on a5.15:11
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nkinkadeI tried to fetch this image yonkinkade.png from and it showed up in the logs on a8.15:11
paulproteusre: yokinkade15:12
paulproteusre: yoNkinkade15:12
nkinkademaybe that should have been
nkinkadeBut I'm still confused about the discrepancy in traffic volume, but maybe not enough to really delve into it as long as images are getting served up.15:13
nkinkadeAlso, a nice little Firefox plugin called Show IP tells me that the IP address of images I fetch frim is the IP of a8.15:14
paulproteusnkinkade, bovinity, especially:
nkinkadeOh, wait.  Duh.  The discrepancy must be Varnish serving up most everything from cache, so the requests never hit the ProxyPass rule in Apache.15:17
bovinitynathany: which reminds me..
paulproteusnkinkade, D'oh.  Smartie pants Varnish.15:18
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greg-gpaulproteus: I'm assuming the repo doesn't have amd64 builds huh?16:08
greg-g<insert plug for Launchpad's PPAs here>16:12
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greg-gsidenote: getting the gpg key error from the repo reminded me, KEY SIGNING PARTY! ;)16:24
nkinkadepaulproteus: I realized at lunch in the world of Varnish, ProxyPass is irrelevant and inferior when it comes to what we've been using it form16:28
nkinkadeVarnish can be configured to use as many backends as you like, and which backend it uses can be based on virtually anything you want, including the host name the client sends.16:28
nkinkadeThe problem with ProxyPass (maybe there is a config I don't know about) is that it alters the header information, so I had to add a line to /etc/hosts so that it would set the host to  Varnish doesn't do that when it connects to a backend ... it passes the information untouched.16:30
nkinkadeThe other downside of ProxyPass is that until DNS fully converges we'll have split logs, some things logged on a5 by Varnish and some by Varnish and Apache on a8.16:31
nkinkadeMaybe that should have been a teamspace page, or an email.  /me goes back to work.16:32
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paulproteusnkinkade, Yes, I always hacked /etc/hosts that way.17:39
paulproteusWhen I did the ProxyPassing before.17:40
paulproteusgreg-g, Do Ubuntu's PPAs also build for Debian unstable?17:40
paulproteusI know fairly little about the PPAs.17:40
nkinkadeJust to test my theory I removed the entry from the hosts file and also commented out the ProxyPass rule.17:40
nkinkadeIt's still working fine, but I'm very confused about why the access.log on a5 is still growing.17:40
paulproteusDNS is changed?17:41
paulproteusWait, a5.17:41
paulproteusOh, whatevs.17:41
nkinkadeSome requests are going to a8, but Varnish is still sending some requests to the local Apache.17:41
nkinkadeI'm not sure why because I've told it to send *everything* to host to the new backend which Apache on a8.17:41
nkinkadeI was fretting over if for a few minutes, but I've moved on ... it's all working and when DNS converges there shouldn't be an issue.17:42
paulproteusI've moved on also.17:45
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greg-gpaulproteus: no, just Ubuntu, but for all architectures17:48
greg-gpaulproteus: I believe building for debian is "in the works"17:49
paulproteus"gee, thanks"17:51
paulproteusShould be easy for me to make qemu-based pbuilder.17:51
paulproteusBut I need to find a letter I misplaced for my parents.17:52
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nathanypaulproteus: git question?19:43
paulproteusnathany, Sure19:43
paulproteusThere exists #git19:44
paulproteusAlso I have my Dad's T40 open right in front of me.19:44
paulproteusGotta melt the GPU.19:44
paulproteusBut anyway go ahead.19:44
nathanybut i don't feel so bad about asking you w/o trying to find the docs19:44
* paulproteus chuckles19:44
paulproteusBTW, eg looks quite reasonable.19:44
paulproteusI'm going to migrate to it I think.19:44
paulproteuseg for subversion users is the docs that are good.19:44
nathanyso i have a repository with slides from my semtech talk19:45
paulproteus there we are.19:45
nathanyi want to create a new batch of slides for the summit, based on those19:45
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nathanyso i did git clone of the first repos19:45
nathanymade some changes, committed19:45
nathanythen tried to do git push
nathanywhich barfed19:46
nathany(i think i know the answer to this)19:46
nathanydo i just need to do a git remote add ... first?19:46
nathanyor is my approach fundamentally flawed19:46
paulproteusYou should git remote add.19:46
paulproteusAre you creating a new branch?19:46
paulproteusRight, I see now.19:47
paulproteusYes, that way is okay.19:47
nathanyi was thinking i'd basically start a new project based on the old one19:47
paulproteusBut you could always just create a local branch that has the modifications and store that in the same repo as your semtech slides as a branch.19:47
paulproteusSure, that's okay too.19:47
paulproteusI'd call it excessive.19:47
paulproteusBut I have no quarrel with it.19:47
nathanyok, i'll consider the branch approach19:47
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