Thursday, 2008-06-05

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ereslibrehi there. is there a liblicense dev irc channel ?06:41
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hdworakereslibre: most likely this is the one07:36
ereslibrehdworak: ok :)07:36
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tvolereslibre i think this is the only cc irc channel07:56
ereslibretvol: yep, seems like so =)07:56
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hdworakpaulproteus: are you still supporting embedding licenses using RDF in comments?08:16
hdworak - this page says it's available in multiple languages, but when I click "Euskara" it's still in English08:18
hdworakdeprecated means (RDF inside comments):
hdworak - the same, it says it returns an RDF in comment08:22
hdworakdo you think that using this API could be helpful for the validator?08:22
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hdworakwas OWL ever used for CC licenses?09:00
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hdworakthere are a few more tricks here09:04
hdworaklike manually extending the DTD or using the object element with data: URI (lol?)09:05
hdworakwere MIME types application/n3 and application/ntriples ever used for cc licenses?09:06
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paulproteushdworak, I think we always used RDF/XML, not n3.12:27
hdworakgood day12:30
paulproteusRDF in comments is Seriously Deprecated.12:30
paulproteusI'm pretty sure we've mentioned that before.12:31
hdworakthousand times :)12:32
hdworakthough we're gonna validate it and inform about deprecation12:32
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paulproteusBTW I'm not feeling very well today so I might disappear at any moment.12:32
hdworakI'm sorry about that12:32
paulproteusBut I'll try to stay around as long as I can.12:33
paulproteusSuch is life.12:33
hdworakBTW do you work remotely?12:33
hdworakor you're at the office in SF?12:33
paulproteusI'm in the office most days, but often I work from my home in SF.12:33
hdworakso office ain't in SF?12:34
paulproteusIt is.12:34
hdworak171 Second St, Suite 30012:34
hdworakjust curious12:35
hdworakdo you see the comments/questions I've written before?12:36
paulproteusAPI 1.0 is old-school.  I think the current API version is 1.5.12:37
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paulproteusI don't think OWL was ever used...12:37
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paulproteusI think that answers the questions I see in scrollback.12:38
hdworakif RDF comments are deprecated12:38
hdworak - the same, it says it returns an RDF in comment12:38
hdworakdo you think that using this API could be helpful for the validator?12:38
paulproteusHah, oops.12:39
bovinityccgpl hasn't been updated in a long time12:39
paulproteusI don't know what you mean by "using this API" being helpful for the validator.12:39
paulproteusYeah, the CC software licenses haven't been updated with the same zeal as the CC media licenses.12:39
hdworakwhatever that is12:39
paulproteushdworak, I know what the API is.12:39
paulproteusI don't see how it could be relevant.12:39
hdworaklol :)12:39
paulproteusI suppose that's a "No", but if you see a way it could be then I'm listening.12:39
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hdworakI've no doubt you know what an API is12:40
hdworakI thought you didn't know I'm talking the API of CC in particular12:40
paulproteusI know *this* API, I'm saying.12:40
* paulproteus nods12:40
hdworakall right, thank you12:41
paulproteusSure thing12:41
hdworakI think the right thing to start from are the tests12:57
paulproteusI agree.12:57
hdworakI mean to gather samples of all the methods that need to be parsed12:57
paulproteusI think the best way to write your app, actually, is to write a Python module that you can write tests for outside the scope of the web interface.12:57
paulproteusThen just make the web interface a thin shim over that Python module.12:57
hdworaktoday I've been collecting the code of your deprecated methods12:57
hdworakthat's a cool idea12:58
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hdworakok, this is important stuff, I know I've asked before, but I need to by sure about this13:37
hdworakonce we extract the RDF, whether from external <link>, data: URL, directly from HEAD, directly from BODY, from a comment - it was always the same RDF - when it comes to how it could look like (structure, elements used, expressiveness)?13:39
hdworak= cc never had means to express license in substantially different RDFs?13:39
hdworakit was always the same kind of RDF, just encoded differently13:40
paulproteusRight, I'm pretty sure that's correct.13:40
hdworakok, and what are other distinct methods here13:40
hdworak1) RDFa - which should yield RDF triples once parsed13:40
paulproteus1) agreed13:40
hdworak2) <meta name="DC.rights" scheme="DCTERMS.URI" content="" />13:41
paulproteus2) As far as I know, CC has never promoted that.13:41
hdworak(comes from "In META" from
paulproteus.../me reads your link, hold on13:41
hdworakyes, but it's on Wiki13:41
hdworakit's like data: URI - you never promoted that13:41
hdworakbut it's there13:41
hdworakso we count this one in13:41
paulproteusYeah - count it in, I'm not sure if the validator should say "Change to link rel='license'", or what it should say, but it should surely at least *notice* such claims.13:42
hdworakis there any 3) ?13:43
hdworak(aside from the feeds)13:43
paulproteusI dont think so.13:43
hdworak+ we do not count obscur methods that were never on Web site at any point of time, but are still possible13:44
hdworak<object data="data:application/rdf+xml;base64,PHJkZjpS13:44
hdworakokay, now I've got a complete picture13:44
hdworakat least when it comes to the input methods13:44
hdworakI'm going to write tests to each and every13:45
hdworakyielding the same RDF13:46
hdworakand write a parser (X)HTML various means->RDF13:46
hdworakand it has to yield identical results13:46
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hdworakdoes this method: <meta name="DC.rights" scheme="DCTERMS.URI" content="" /> translate to an RDF or it's completly separate?13:47
hdworak*completely separate?13:47
paulproteusI think it's like rel="license" in that it doesn't create RDF but can be GRDDL'd into RDF.13:48
hdworakyou're really into Web 3.0 at cc13:51
ajbrookshey, I tried installing liblicense on my gutsy computer and it's giving me this error message: liblicense0:14:07
ajbrooks Depends: libflac7  but it is not installable14:07
ajbrooksI did a search for "libflac7" and could find anything14:08
paulproteusajbrooks, Well, that's silly.14:08
paulproteusI can do a rebuild and make a Hardy repository.14:08
ajbrooksoh yeah hardy not gutsy14:08
ajbrooksshould I be able to find libflac7 in synaptic?14:09
paulproteusWell gimme a sec and I'll see if I can properly fix it by making a Gutsy build of the newer version of liblicense.14:09
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ajbrookshey, do cc people need to reserve avspace for the google tech summit?14:36
paulproteusBut talk to Nathan Y about whatever tech summit questions you have.14:39
ajbrookshit the v instead of space bar haha14:39
paulproteusOh - yes, you do!14:39
paulproteusThere's a 100-person ceiling due to be enforced by Google.14:40
ajbrooksah, I better sign up then14:40
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kyevanHey, is it permissable to license something under two different licenses, for example, allowing something to be used under either by-nd OR by-nc-sa?14:56
paulproteusYup, that's a common thing to do.14:59
paulproteusMore common with software licenses, but it works fine with CC licenses too.14:59
kyevanOK, cool.  I may or may not do that, but it's nice to know it's an option. :)15:03
hdworakis there any common file format for unit tests?15:12
hdworakat least for Python?15:12
hdworakor is it "anything goes"15:12
paulproteusThere is a fairly normal format.15:14
paulproteusIn your app you already have a tests directory.15:14
paulproteusCreate functions called test_* or classes called Test* with methods called test_* and they will be called.15:14
paulproteusTomorrow (or later today, depending how I feel) I'll enhance your code in git to call those tests automatically.15:14
paulproteusThere's a package called "nose" that makes running such tests easy.15:15
hdworakbut it seems the code for Web application should not have tests15:16
hdworakactually, but the code for the library that does parsing15:16
kyevanCode for ANY application should have tests, if at all possible.15:16
hdworakfor a Web application powered by a Web framework?15:16
paulproteushdworak, The web app of course should have tests.15:17
kyevanYes. You could make a mistake in any number of places.15:17
paulproteusBut you can do your non-web-app tests in the same tests/ directory for now.15:17
bovinitymodel and controller classes in a web app should have tests15:17
kyevan(Or some underlying code could be bugged.)15:17
paulproteushdworak, As I said earlier - I won't accept as "done" any code that doesn't have a test.15:17
paulproteusI will happily help you write such tests, on a day when I'm feeling better.15:18
hdworakok, then I was wrong15:18
hdworakthank you for your remarks15:19
hdworakwe'll have tests for both the library and Web app.15:19
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nkinkadepaulproteus: ?20:49
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