Monday, 2008-05-19

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Bernstein229is anyone on?02:25
isforinsectsSort of02:26
Bernstein229I have a question about how the licences work02:26
parkerhigginsi'm here too.  maybe i can help?02:27
isforinsectsI = volunteer.  And nothing I say should be constituted as legal advice, blah blah blah.02:27
isforinsectsAsk away02:27
Bernstein229if you want to use the licence02:27
Bernstein229on a website02:27
Bernstein229for music02:27
Bernstein229or anything02:27
parkerhigginsoh yeah, ianal tinla02:27
Bernstein229do you just put the licence02:27
Bernstein229ont he website02:27
Bernstein229and it applies02:27
Bernstein229to everything?02:27
isforinsectsNo, you can specify what exactly a license applies to.02:28
Bernstein229but you just link to the licence on the website02:28
isforinsectsPut a link to the license and explain what it applies to, yeah, that's about all that you need.02:28
Bernstein229I compose some music02:29
Bernstein229on my computer02:29
Bernstein229and I was thinking02:29
Bernstein229of makeing a website of them02:29
Bernstein229and using creative commons02:29
isforinsectsSure.  I've seen blog-format websites like that.02:29
Bernstein229thanks for the information02:30
Bernstein229I might register on the forums02:30
Bernstein229I mean02:30
parkerhigginsBernstein229: if you're worried about licensing more than you intend, you can include language along the lines of "music licensed under [cc]"02:32
parkerhigginsi've seen that done02:32
Bernstein229thx for the help02:33
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paulproteusHey now everybody now.12:00
paulproteusnkinkade, SYN12:03
nkinkadeHi, paulproteus12:04
paulproteusActually, let me delay that for a sec.12:04
paulproteusBut good morning. (-:12:04
paulproteusnkinkade, What was the ssh-vulnkey command you used to generate that email?12:04
nkinkadeI cut and pasted the relevant items, but it was $ sudo ssh-vulnkey -a12:04
paulproteussudo ssh-vulnkey -a # seems to do it12:04
* paulproteus nods12:04
paulproteusWhen I said before that I had removed the keys from my $HOME, I thought that was because that was all the places I had left keys.  Sorry about that.12:06
paulproteusFWIW, the gitosis keydir won't be searched by ssh-vulnkey.12:06
paulproteusBut ~svn/.ssh/ would be.12:06
paulproteusI'm looking at those two right now.12:06
paulproteus(man ssh-vulnkey - it only checks $HOME/~.ssh/id* )12:08
paulproteusI'm going to move ~svn/.ssh/id_dsa* to ~svn/.ssh/evil/ since it's also compromised.12:09
paulproteus(And generated a new RSA key for svn@a6.)12:09
nkinkadessh-vulnkey doesn't search the gitosis keydir, but it does search the $GITOSIS_HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys.12:10
paulproteusGood point.12:11
paulproteusThere, git and svn handled.12:14
paulproteusSorry about me being a moron in the above and weekend discussion of ssh-vulnkey.12:14
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nkinkadepaulproteus: You weren't being a moron.  It took me a while to figure out where ssh-vulnkey was getting all the keys, though I could have figured it out by looking in /etc/passwd.  I think it's a slight flaw in ssh-vulnkey that it often doesn't produce the full path to the file where it found the vulnerable key.12:19
paulproteusIt never does, as far as I can tell.12:20
paulproteusIt only produces the comment section of the key.12:20
paulproteusWhich is sometimes a pathname.12:20
paulproteusI think you should /usr/bin/reportbug and file a Debian bug against ssh-vulnkey and see if they'll add that. (-:12:20
nkinkadeIt seems to in the case of actual key files such as id_dsa and, for example.12:20
paulproteusOh, interesting.12:20
paulproteusAlso fwiw, it's Perl, so you might do well to hack it and submit a patch with that bug. (-;12:20
paulproteusWait, never mind, the current one isn't Perl.12:21
paulproteusThe demo app last Tuesday was in Perl.12:21
nkinkadeIt sure would be handy, and I imagine that it would be trivial to implement.  Yeah, it's an ELF binary, but I bet it would be easy enough to implement that even I, who doesn't know the first thing about C, could probably implement it.12:22
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nathanypaulproteus: SYN12:25
paulproteusnathany, GOODMORNING12:26
nathanygit question (of course)12:26
nathanydoing "git pull" on a repository gives me the following message12:26
nathanyYou asked me to pull without telling me which branch you12:26
nathanywant to merge with, and 'branch.master.merge' in12:26
nathanyyour configuration file does not tell me either.  Please12:26
nathanyname which branch you want to merge on the command line and12:26
nathanytry again (e.g. 'git pull <repository> <refspec>').12:26
nathanySee git-pull(1) for details on the refspec.12:26
paulproteusProbably a git-svn repository, right?12:26
paulproteusAh, excellent.12:26
paulproteusHere's my suspicion.12:27
nathanydid i forget to add the origin pointing @ gitosis?12:27
paulproteusWhen you created your current branch, you didn't tell git that which origin/* branch you wanted to track.12:27
paulproteusIf you look in .git/config, things will hopefully be clearer.12:27
nathany.git/config contains:12:27
nathany[remote "origin"]12:27
nathany        url =
nathany        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*12:27
paulproteusBut what about what I said about your current branch?12:28
nathanyi don't understand that statement12:28
paulproteusBTW, if you ask git to "git fetch ; git merge origin/master" it will merge origin/master into your current branch?12:28
paulproteusEr, the above wasn't a question but at statement.12:28
paulproteus$ git branch12:28
paulproteus(b) What's it .git/config for that branch?12:28
nathany* master12:28
nathanyi see no reference to that in .git/config12:29
nathanythis was a new repository, which is why the statement about "branch" didn't make any sense to me12:29
paulproteusFor me, I have in my .git/config for a git clone:12:29
paulproteus[branch "master"]12:29
paulproteus    remote = origin12:29
paulproteus    merge = refs/heads/master12:29
paulproteusIf origin/master is the one you want to merge in, you can "git merge origin/master", which will merge origin/master with your local changes (if any; otherwise it'll do a fast forward).12:30
paulproteusHow did you create this local git repo, by doing "git clone <something>"?12:30
nathanygit init12:30
paulproteusThen git remote add?12:30
paulproteusThen git push --all or something to origin?12:30
nathanythen (probably) git remote add origin git@YOUR_SERVER_HOSTNAME:free_monkey.git12:30
nathany(from the gitosis docs)12:30
paulproteus(/me nods)12:31
nathanyi thought i might have forgotten that line, but assume the info in .git/config implies i didn't12:31
nathany(that and the fact i've been able to push)12:31
paulproteusThe problem is that this branch "master" isn't aware of the default thing to pull from.12:31
paulproteusIt's not specified in your .git/config.12:31
paulproteusThat makes sense since when the local branch "master" was created, there was nothing to pull from!12:31
nathanyi guess i thought add the "origin" was enough12:31
nathanyadd == adding12:32
paulproteusSo if you want to merge from origin/master, you can either do the manual "git merge origin/master" every time, or you can instead specify it in the .git/config as I pasted.12:32
paulproteusEvery branch has its own awareness of which branch to pull what things from.12:32
paulproteusEr, correction:12:32
paulproteusEvery branch has its own awareness of which branch is used as the default merge operation when "git pull" is called.12:32
nathanyevery branch or every cloned repository?12:32
paulproteusEvery (local) branch.12:33
paulproteusNow, cloned repositories automatically create a local branch called "master" that is set to merge from origin/master.12:33
paulproteusThat's a "git clone" convenience.12:33
nathanyso i have to remember to edit git config in addition to running git remote origin blah, blah blah when i want to create a new repository w/storage @
nathany(or push, delete, pull, i suppose)12:34
paulproteusUnless you want to "git merge origin/master" instead of "git pull", yes.12:34
nathanywow, that's sort of a pain in the ass12:34
paulproteusI can see what you mean, but somehow I'm unfazed.12:35
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paulproteusThe fact that you have a remote doesn't mean you always want to merge your current branch with it.12:35
nathanyit makes sense, it just seems that if you assert something is your origin you're making a stronger statement than git is12:35
paulproteusOh, okay.12:35
nathanyright, but i'm calling it "origin" for a reason12:35
paulproteusConvention vs. Configuration: Round 1.023e21, FIGHT!12:35
nathanyi can totally understand the behavior, it just seems that the perfect is the enemy of the good in this case12:36
* nathany goes back to writing slides in Slidy and crying on the inside12:36
Bovinity"Slidy"? That inspires hope.12:37
paulproteusIt appears to be W3C-brand S3.12:37
Bovinityhope++ :<12:37
paulproteusIs that a moustache?12:37
nathanyit's like S5 but (iirc) has slightly cleaner markup for the slide divs12:38
paulproteusEr, yeah, S5 != S3.12:38
nathanyand doing the slide backgrounds, etc is slightly saner as well12:39
nathany(although to be honest i haven't looked at S5 in the past 6 months... i just have Slidy templates+CC now that work so I start with those)12:39
nathanyCC -> CSS, that is12:39
nathanywhat of it?12:40
paulproteusNothing, it just sounds reasonably nice.12:41
paulproteusNo need to get defensive!12:41
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nkinkadenathany: Can you think of a good reason why country_code for Catalonia shouldn't be es-ca, or something like that?  I feel like I had a good reason a couple months ago, but now I can't remember it.  It was why I had implemented the flag_code in the Planet configs, so that we could keep the country code as "es", but it's causing the Spanish flag to show up for Catalonia posts under Jurisdiction News.12:49
paulproteusnkinkade, FWIW, Catalonia is definitely not a flavor of Spain.13:33
paulproteusIsn't it a separate Nation without a State?13:33
paulproteusI think that's sort of like calling Palestine part of Israel.13:33
paulproteus(As I understand things.)13:33
nkinkadeIt's what is known as an "autonomous community"13:35
nkinkadeInterestingly, I was just speaking about this with a friend of mine from Spain yesterday.13:35
nkinkadeMy understanding is that it's something more akin to the what goes on in the UK ... or at least more like that than the concept of states.13:37
Bovinityi think it's similar to when Scotland was goverened by england, but was a seperate kingdom with their own parliament13:38
paulproteusnathany, Are there libraries to *generate* RDFa (pref. from C)?13:40
paulproteusI'm thinking of handling today.13:40
nathanypaulproteus: none that i'm aware of13:40
nathanywouldn't that just be an HTML generating library? :)13:41
paulproteusnathany, woo-hoo!13:41
paulproteusWell, an XHTML generating library, preferably one that's aware of RDF semantics.13:41
paulproteus(Since RDFa isn't valid HTML except in XHTML with extra XML namespaces, as I recall.)13:41
nathanyRDFa *can* be valid HTML but isn't necessarily13:42
paulproteusSure, okay.13:42
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paulproteusnathany, Can you help me figure out AuthKit?14:13
paulproteusAs far as I can see, no profile data on is stored in Herder anywhere.  Do you know the normal way to do that?14:13
Bovinitypaulproteus: he just stepped out for lunch14:13
paulproteusBovinity, Sweet. (-:14:13
nathanypaulproteus: I assume by profile data you mean... default language, etc?14:15
nathanyor real name?14:15
paulproteusI was just thinking 'real name' for a start.14:15
paulproteusI'm trying to write a /register page, you see.14:15
nathanyIIRC that's not an AuthKit thing -- you'd create a Profile (or something) model that had a foreign key to the user14:15
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nkinkadeBovinity: Is there some major diff. between magpieRSS on a6 and a7?16:22
nkinkadeThe are acting totally differently.16:22
Bovinitythere shouldn't be16:23
nkinkadeBovinity: Why is it that this line: require_once ("magpie/"); is located in the a7 config, but commented out a6?16:26
Bovinitynkinkade: it's commented ou on a6? it shouldn't be16:28
nkinkadeWhen I uncomment it I get errors about not being able to redefine some function.16:29
Bovinityah, yeah.16:29
Bovinityon a6 there's a conflict with wp-includes/rss.php, a conflict that only occurs on a6.16:29
nkinkadeBut why does it only occur on a6?16:30
Bovinitynever been able to replicate it on any other WP16:30
nkinkadeI suspect that the problems I'm having with magpie on a6 have to do with some lost functionality.16:30
nkinkade... due the fact that is not included.16:31
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nkinkadeMuch like I feel that staging has become a ghetto.16:35
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nkinkadeThe version of the offending function in rss.php on a7 is wrapped in this "if ( !function_exists('parse_w3cdtf') ) :"16:41
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Bovinitystaging is quite a ghetto16:50
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paulproteusAt least, unlike Ruby on Rails, it's safe to rm -rf staging.16:53
paulproteusOr maybe I have that backwards!16:53
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paulproteusI think that at this point, the RPM I made is not bad!17:03
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nkinkadeBovinity: paulproteus: The plugin called "Sociable" was causing a6 to auto-load rss.php.  Sociable was including wp-includes/rss-functions.php, which itself, being deprecated apparently, does nothing more than include rss.php.19:15
Bovinityah, that would explain it19:16
Bovinitywe ahd to turn sociable off on a7 due to it fucking something up19:16
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