Monday, 2008-04-28

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jengkoilanybody here?05:56
ankitgjengkoil, you looking for someone in particular, or just anybody?06:15
jengkoildo you have credit card number?06:16
ankitgkindly email for further information on that topic06:17
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kristallpiratwth was that?06:41
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ankit_cc_sgno idea06:47
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paulproteusnathany, Morning from LAX!11:22
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nathanymorning paulproteus11:22
paulproteusPrince was AMAZING.11:22
paulproteusI had no idea.11:22
paulproteusMmm, cheeseburger for breakfast.11:26
kristallpiratgood appetite11:27
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nathanypaulproteus: are you going to be in the office today (just curious)11:37
paulproteusI'm not sure, maybe.11:37
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paulproteusMy flight leaves LAX at 11:30, and I want to go home first, so if so around two.11:38
paulproteusI'm considering it - if you have a reason I should want to, let me know. (-:11:38
nathanypaulproteus: no reason in particular, just curiosity :)11:39
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nkinkadenathany: anything interesting with imap?13:55
nkinkadeI'm doing some spot checking at everything I have checked so far seems identical between the two accounts.13:55
nathanynkinkade: yeah, i think so13:55
nkinkadeOkay, then I'll just hold off on doing anything until I hear from you.13:56
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nkinkadenathany: re: the email to info earlier.  I just saw this in the license "'Adaptation' means a work based upon the Work, or upon the Work and other pre-existing works,  such as a translation ..."15:53
nkinkadelooks like maybe a translation does qualify as a derivative work (?)15:53
nathanyi suppose15:53
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nkinkadeI mention it here to see if offhand you have an idea, but if not then I'll delve into it.17:03
nkinkadeThere are two archive links showing that are broken from /video/17:03
nkinkadeI'm guessing that some function searches for posts in the video cat, and then creates a month sorted list.  Seems that it's pulling some things that don't exist.17:07
Bovinitysounds reasonable17:07
Bovinity and/or likely17:07
Bovinitysome commoners may be mis categorised17:08
nkinkadeBut if they were miscategorized then the links should still work, right?17:09
Bovinityright.. and the only commoner for april 2008 is, which is categorised fine17:09
nkinkadeSo it seems that it's likely that the sql statement might need revision or review.  I'll take a look at that right now.17:11
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nkinkadeBovinity: I see what is happening now.  WP doesn't seem to be making a distinction in this case between a category and a tag.17:38
nkinkadeThose ones that are showing up are tagged as "Video" and it's pulling those as well.17:38
paulproteusI thought in all cases since WP 2.4 or something category == tag.17:38
nkinkadeI'm not sure how WP handles categories and tags.17:38
paulproteusAnd I thought that before that they were separate.17:38
nkinkadepaulproteus: It would appear that way, to my surprise.17:38
Bovinitythey have a set of taxonomy tables17:39
nkinkadeAnd now it's causing problems.17:39
Bovinityso now there's very little to differentiate them17:39
paulproteusfrom drupal import taxonomy17:39
Bovinityit's quite irritating17:39
nkinkadeSo, are you saying that there may be no easy way around this?17:39
nkinkadeDo you know if there is a way to distinguish between tags and categories at all?17:39
nkinkadeIf not then we're out of luck, maybe.17:39
Bovinitythere should be.17:39
paulproteusIsn't there an API call that makes this easier?17:40
Bovinitybut knowing WP.. it's goign to be painful17:40
paulproteusRather than doing raw SQL?17:40
nkinkadeI think it can be done via the wp_term_taxonomy table.17:40
Bovinitythe easiest thing to do is not use tags, at all17:40
nkinkadeAh yes, simply wp_term_taxonomy.taxonomy = "category";17:41
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nkinkadeWhich reduces us this very trivial and intuitive bit of SQL:17:43
nkinkadeSELECT YEAR(wp_posts.post_date) AS year, MONTH(wp_posts.post_date) AS month, count(wp_posts.ID) AS posts, wp_posts.post_status, wp_terms.slug AS catname FROM wp_posts INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships ON wp_posts.ID = wp_term_relationships.object_id INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy ON wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = wp_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id INNER JOIN wp_terms on wp_term_taxonomy.term_id = wp_terms.term_id WHERE wp_te17:43
paulproteusSELECT YOUR MOM()17:44
paulproteusit's also trunc17:44
nkinkadeWhat's also trunc?17:45
paulproteusYour SQL query is truncated.17:45
paulproteusIt stops abruptly at "ms.term_id WHERE wp_te"17:45
nkinkadeNot in my chat window.17:45
paulproteusHuh, it is for me.  That's interesting.17:45
Bovinityxchat tuncs it17:45
* paulproteus checks how cchelpbot saw it17:45
Bovinityit'll show up for you, because you wrote it17:45
nkinkadeOh, did it get truncated for everyone else, then?17:46
Bovinityserver doesn't send you your messages ;)17:46
nkinkadeWell, suffice it say that if it was too large to be sent a one whole message, that's all you need to know.17:46
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nkinkadepaulproteus: Do you have any experience with imapcopy or imapsync?18:33
nkinkadeOr actually anyone here, I mean.18:34
paulproteusnkinkade, I use offlineimap instead.18:34
paulproteusI haven't used them, but I have good things to say about offlineimap.18:35
nkinkadeBut will in syncronize between two remote machines?18:35
paulproteus"Well, it depends."18:35
paulproteusThere are two answers to that:18:35
nkinkadeAt first glance it doesn't seem like what I want.18:35
paulproteus(a) Yes - it can do plain IMAP<->IMAP sync.18:35
paulproteusI just don't trust that part of the code.18:35
nkinkadeWhy is "Well, it depends" in double quotes?18:36
nkinkadeIt seems as if imapsync was designed to do imap<->imap syncing.18:36
paulproteus(b) What I use it for is syncing IMAP to a Maildir, and then running my own IMAP server that exports Maildir.18:37
paulproteusI don't know if that counts as "remote machines".18:37
paulproteus"Well, it depends" is in scare quotes because I only really recommend (b) and I'm not sure that's what you wanted.18:39
paulproteusI've had a friend use one of those, I think imapsync, to success.18:39
paulproteusTo move his mail to my server, actually. (-:18:39
nkinkadepaulproteus: The clock on sf is all botched up again.18:58
nkinkadeThe cron jobs are kicking off at odd hours.18:58
* paulproteus installs a time syncing server18:58
paulproteusMy desktop when it boots always gets the clock wrong.18:58
nkinkadePerfect timing as far as cron is concerned, but bad timing by the human calendar and clock.18:59
paulproteusHmm, I seem to already have openntpd.18:59
paulproteuspaulproteus@sf:~ $ date18:59
paulproteusTue Apr 29 00:06:31 PDT 200818:59
nkinkadeI noticed that the other day ... there was  a boot-time error warning about that.18:59
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paulproteusI fixed it with ntpdate.18:59
nkinkadeDo you know what is causing that by any chance?18:59
paulproteusMaybe it has not *once* been shut down gracefully since I installed my time server.19:00
paulproteusSo Linux never saves the correct time to the hardware clock.19:00
nkinkadeThat may cause more problems with the backups ... not big ones, but still problems.19:00
nkinkadeWhen it goes to run again tonight it will find that there are already images for this day and it'll bail.19:00
nkinkadeWe've just got to get backups to another machine. :)19:01
paulproteusI'm cool with that.19:02
paulproteusWe can buy a Dell with FreeDOS for $300-400.19:03
paulproteusI'm not sure it's worth paying anyone any less for a computer than that.19:03
paulproteus !19:04
nkinkadeI think it would be worthwhile investment.19:06
paulproteus$281 is very nice (though doesn't include shipping).  $400 final cost is likely, plus tax.19:06
nkinkadeThen I could stop resenting you and go back to being your friend.19:06
paulproteusMaybe I'll reply to your mail with these links.19:06
* paulproteus continues to hide from the office19:07
nkinkadePlease do reply to the email and you nathany and I can sit down when you're in the office next.19:07
paulproteusDid you pick a date on our calendars?19:07
paulproteusI guess we can do this at stand-up tomorrow anyway.19:07
nkinkadeI didn't because I figured it would be a short converstaion, possible had without even getting up from our chairs, or sitting down, as the case may be.19:08
nkinkadeAh, yes, at the standup.19:08
nkinkadepaulproteus: Do you have any input on this scenario:  the CCi shared imap mailbox has some discrepancies in it .. that is, the Google migration process doesn't appear to have gone 100% smoothly.  There are now emails in the Google account that are not in the old ctyme account.  I wonder if there is a more precise way to backup the Google account, resync the old ctyme box into the Google account, and then migrate the newly added (19:26
nkinkadeGood heavens.  That was more than I meant to write.  Maybe it's best to discuss it tomorrow at the standup.19:26
paulproteusPlus it's trunc19:27
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