Wednesday, 2008-03-12

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BjornWhe, anybody here involved with CC LiveContent DVD 2.0?09:22
tvolhey BjornW09:29
BjornWhe tvol: We're in the midst of promoting the cclivecontent dvd in NL and I wanted to ask if the cover-art is also available online?09:30
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tvolahh! yes i remember you asked about it last week. Bovinity is working on getting it up. i'll ping him again09:34
mitsuhikohi all09:34
mitsuhikoanyone using that goddamn ccRel?09:34
mitsuhikoif yes, how to specify that the current document is some cc license but not link to the cc page of that license but a local page that further explains it09:35
tvolactually BjornW i think i have cover art...will put on wiki. Bovinity has the DVD artwork and packaging graphics that we'll put up09:35
tvolhey BjornW09:35
BjornWtvol: nice :)09:37
BjornWtvol: I'm seeding right now09:37
tvolsweet thanks BjornW!09:37
BjornWwe will send out a press release to the Dutch news outlets to give to whole thing even more swing :)09:37
BjornWtvol: are there any pictures of people handing the dvd out at SXSW?09:38
tvolBjornW--no, the printer was late and the discs are not at sxsw :(09:42
BjornWtvol: lame doesn't come close to this. It completely sucks09:43
rejonyah, bjornw: good to make sure to throw up all the paths too for ppl. to file bugs, help out, etc09:43
tvolgood evening korean rejon09:43
BjornWyou guys, put so much effort into it...09:43
rejonits ok, we will get lots of mileage out of it09:44
rejonsxsw is only a small set of nerds09:44
rejonjen sounded like it was ok and the crowd wasn't so good this year09:45
rejonyo yo tvol09:45
tvolword rejon09:45
BjornWrejon: well, the music part would have been cool to connect with cc?09:45
rejoni'm not bummed...i just found a good way to put a gun to my head to get the opencontent specs stuff done09:45
rejona meeting with asus next week about it09:45
rejonbjornw: yah, cc folk aren't even there for music...already heading back09:45
BjornWrejon: aha09:46
rejonroom service!!09:46
mitsuhikoso. fixed by writing a custom dtd09:52
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rejontvol: case studies stuff looks good...and yes, SMW does melt the brain, right?10:38
rejonin formatting these, should definitely take some queues from cc au booklet10:38
rejonnot all the design stuff, but with the fields and same sections10:38
rejonthere is a lot that can be done with templates10:38
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paulproteusrejon, You take "cues" that way.11:01
BjornWguys, is ccpublisher still being maintained?11:03
nathanyBjornW: nope11:03
BjornWnathany: why not, if I may ask?11:04
nathanycombination of things --11:04
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nathanyprimarily that the need is greatly reduced; when we started working on it, publishing video on the web was hard11:04
nathanylots of sites out there now that make it easier, and IA has an improved interface as well11:05
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BjornWnathany: ah, so lots of sites use plain http for large uploads or have created their own solutions?11:05
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nathanythe secondary reason just that we're trying to put our resources where they'll be the most useful11:06
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BjornWnathany: I understand the second reason. Been there ;)11:06
nathanyBjornW: some sites use http (ie, YouTube comes to mind), and i've seen lots of javascript/applet upload helpers, too11:07
nathanyso the goal is to push these sites that are specializing in hosting video to support CC licensing11:07
BjornWnathany: ok. Out of curiosity: are these applets actually using FTP instead of HTTP?11:08
paulproteusnathany, BTW, re: exempi: current solution: Say Exempi can't support LL_PREDICATE_ANY but just the predicates we do know about and that are already registered with namespaces.11:08
BjornWnathany: Yeah, all sites should allow their users to make their own decision regarding rights11:09
nathanyi don't have lots of insight, but i'd be somewhat surprised if they used FTP (although I don't have anything but a gut feeling to back that up)11:09
nathanyif someone wanted to pick up ccPublisher, that'd be awesome, but there's some considerable technical debt in the code right now11:09
nathanypaulproteus: sigh, i suppose so11:09
BjornWnathany: ok, thanks. I'm currently doing some R&D regarding uploading large files for Simuze. We want to get higher quality than just mp311:10
paulproteusBjornW, BTW, does Simuze have Vorbis files available?11:10
paulproteus/other non-patented formats for us sucky Americans with our dumb laws?11:11
nathanyin theory ccPublisher is semi-pluggable -- ie, you could write a storage provider that went to Simuze instead of ccpublisIA11:11
nathanyer, IA11:11
nathanyi've actually written a few different providers in the past -- one for IA, one for OurMedia (which just extended the IA one) and the "self hosted" option (which was just a stub)11:12
BjornWpaulproteus: no free formats yet. That's why I'm looking into ways to upload large (approx 50MB per file) files. We want to add FLAC and Vorbis to our system11:12
BjornWnathany: is it stable enough to start building plugins for?11:12
paulproteusBjornW, Cool (-:11:12
nathanyBjornW: for some definition of "stable"11:13
BjornWnathany: ;)11:13
nathanythe problem is that it's received almost zero testing with recent versions of wxPython11:13
nathanyand in retrospect, I think the extension model is overly complex11:13
BjornWnathany: aha...isn't Jamendo using it  as well?11:13
nathanyif i were working with it today, i'd probably start by yanking out massive pieces of code11:13
BjornWnathany: everyday we learn :)11:13
nathanyoh yeah, i forgot about the Jamloader...11:13
nathanyi did that one, too :)11:14
nathanyi'm not sure they're still using it11:14
BjornWnathany: I though so ;)11:14
BjornWnathany: I'll check ;)11:14
nathanyBjornW: yeah, i'd be interested in knowing11:14
BjornWnathany: gimme a few minutes and I'll let you know11:15
nathanyi wish i had a day just to hack at it11:15
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BjornWnathany: they use sfwupload and jamloader11:24
BjornWnathany: a user can choose11:24
nathanyBjornW: so both?11:24
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nathanyBjornW: does simuze have an FTP server that they'd be doing the upload to?11:24
BjornWnathany: yes, we do use FTP11:24
BjornWnathany: however this seems to 'much' for a lot of people ;)11:25
BjornWnathany: too geeky I mean11:25
nathanywell if you're interested in using ccPublisher as a basis, let me know and I'll see if I can dust off a block of time to see how it builds under modern versions11:25
nathanyBjornW: makes sense11:25
BjornWnathany: yeah, in retrospect it does11:25
paulproteusBjornW, Have you seen e.g. ?11:34
BjornWpaulproteus: no I haven't, but  I dig jQuery :) I'll have a look. Jamendo seems to have chosen: swfupload, which is also interesting11:35
paulproteusDon't tell anyone I said this, but I think IA should probably do something similar.11:36
BjornWpaulproteus: haha, let me guess they use a Java Applet?11:37
paulproteusI don't even remember, but people I talk to frequently tell me that the interface makes them sad.11:38
BjornWpaulproteus: yeah, I think the whole archive could use some designer (both visually as in interaction) love...11:39
paulproteusDesigner, as in Tommy Hilfiger!11:39
BjornWpaulproteus: Btw I wanted to ask you if it is possible to I10n the Live Content 2.0 DVD11:39
BjornWpaulproteus: yeah, as if :D11:39
rejonyah, i just want webdav on IA11:43
rejonthen we could have ccpub. in nautilus11:44
rejonyou could write a gvfs backend for IA i guess too11:44
rejonah man11:44
BjornWrejon: yeah, have you ever used Serpentine with XSPF? That rocks!11:49
BjornWrejon: you point Serpentine to an XSPF file and it grabs the files, renders them accordingly and burns an audio cd11:49
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paulproteusrejon, Four years ago I wrote a some_web_service2webdav gateway in Python.12:02
paulproteusThen they tried to kick me off the school network.12:02
paulproteusAnd revoke my JHU email account, and so forth.12:02
paulproteusBut anyway, 'twould be pretty easy to run a site or something.12:04
paulproteusBjornW, What is XSPF normally for?12:04
BjornWpaulproteus: its meant to be a playlist format. It can contain all sorts of media and is not restricted to say music12:05
paulproteusDo you know if it implements everything CUE sheets do?12:06
BjornWpaulproteus: It's quite easy to use and understand and you can extend it :)12:06
paulproteusI'm wondering if in addition to replacing m3u it would be able to replace cue/toc.12:06
BjornWpaulproteus: AFAIK CUE is merely a TOC?12:06
paulproteusThat's what I recall, yeah.12:07
BjornWpaulproteus: anyway, I think it can replace it and even provide some more interesting options. Especially using the extension options12:08
BjornWpaulproteus:  we did this with Simuze for our player12:08
paulproteusCool. (-:12:08
paulproteusWhat sort of interesting options?12:08
BjornWpaulproteus: In our case we added the license info per track which would load the different icons in the player12:08
paulproteusw00t (-:12:08
BjornWpaulproteus: however you could do much more interesting stuff12:09
BjornWpaulproteus: such as syncing audio with images or fade in/outs12:09
BjornWpaulproteus: It's quite a well-thought spec, thanks to Lucas Gonze among others12:10
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paulproteusrejon, What's the progress on the 202?13:50
paulproteusnathany, re: name+status for re-pootle:13:51
paulproteus(a) What is the status?13:51
paulproteus(b) I don't mind the name Herder.13:52
paulproteusIt's Herbert's ty designation.13:52
nathanyi'm  working on fixing up authentication now, think i just figured out the last piece13:52
nathanyoh, right13:52
paulproteusWe could even take some CC-licensed photos of a (different?) Herder and make them the logo.13:52
nathanyYeah, I thought about Madeline (my dog) for a moment, rejected it, was contemplating BowWowWow (ie, the 80's band responsible for "i want candy")13:52
paulproteusI agree, Madeline is a terrible name.13:53
paulproteusIt's spelled Madeleine.13:53
nathanyfor software, right? ;)13:53
nathanynot for my dog :)13:53
paulproteusI object to your spelling, let me be perfectly clear.13:53
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paulproteusHerder almost means something here, that's the nice thing.13:53
nathanyright... BowWowWow is just a clever pun13:53
nathany(er, semi-clever?)13:53
paulproteusIt's a clever pun?13:53
paulproteusI thought it was just a rock bad reference.13:54
paulproteusband, even.13:54
nathanysort of a stream of consciousness13:54
paulproteusMan, what a great typo.13:54
nathany"Pootle" sounds like "Poodle" which goes "Bow Wow" which is similar to the band name13:54
nathanyHerbert is fine with me :)13:54
paulproteusPomeranian still has "po" as a leading substring.13:55
nathanytrue, but we're no longer operating on po files13:55
nathanyi'm going to try and get authentication at least minimally working (although w/o a web ui for mgmt)13:55
nathanydo the rename13:55
nathanyand pass off to you by EOB today13:55
paulproteusNot Herbert.13:55
nathanyHerder it is13:55
paulproteusre: search-dot: Should I just comment out the drop-down and deploy it?13:57
nathanysounds good13:57
paulproteusAlso I checked Freshmeat, and the name is clear there at least:
nathanynote that in the case of this handoff, EOB should be interpreted as "before i go to bed"13:59
paulproteusEnd Of Bed14:00
paulproteusStart Of Bed?14:00
nathanySOB, i suppose ;)14:09
nathanypaulproteus: ^^14:09
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tvolpaulproteus: ping14:28
paulproteustvol, pong14:28
tvolword. question on the templates in smw. the case studies written up by the cc au crew have lots of free text....can this be included in the template or only semantic properties go there?14:29
tvolfor ex:
tvoltheres a lot more semi-structured text that can go along with what's already there14:30
tvolbut how to best enter it and then display it14:30
tvolpaulproteus: ^^14:31
paulproteustvol, One thing you could do is set the form to have a default value of "== Section one == (newline) == Section two ==".14:34
paulproteusIf you want to use form fields for the text, that's okay with me.14:35
paulproteusJust don't make them semantic properties, I'd say.14:35
tvolok cool14:35
paulproteusThat is, don't create a Property:Whatever, just create a new section of the *template*, and then have the form map that template section into a "Text" type field.14:35
paulproteusLet me know if any of the above isn't clear.14:35
paulproteusIt's dense.14:35
paulproteusLike me.14:35
paulproteusnathany, I think I figured out why I'm happy to take this Herder project.14:42
nathanypaulproteus: why's that?14:42
paulproteusIt'll be nice to actually work on some code that's new and fresh (and probably started right).14:42
nathany(or at least young enough that you can reshape it as right ;) )14:42
paulproteusPrecisely. (-:14:42
CIA-3nkinkade * r9343 /ccwordpress/trunk/conf/creativecommons.conf: Changed some static paths to apache variables, and serve up .pl (Poland!) files in /licenses as text/html not text/x-perl.14:44
paulproteusc.f. "You forgot Poland."14:44
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paulproteusnkinkade, Have you happened to have used PHP debuggers like XDebug?16:34
paulproteusI'm in the process of setting one up on my desktop.16:35
paulproteusSweet, it's ALIVE!16:47
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nathanypaulproteus: SYN16:55
paulproteusPHP debuggers are interesting.16:55
nathanyis willguaraldi the pyblosxom guy?16:55
paulproteuswillg, even.16:55
nathanyinteresting as in frustrating?16:55
nathanyok, cool; i thought so... i think i'm meeting up with him tomorrow16:55
paulproteusNo, just regular interesting.16:55
paulproteusGood, say hi forme.16:55
nathanywill do16:56
nathanyone day i'll even get the conversion finished (it's been on my staging site for a while now)16:56
* paulproteus tries to guess...16:56
paulproteusI'm out of ideas.16:57
paulproteusIt's not even !16:57
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nkinkadepaulproteus: sorry for the delay.  no i've never used a PHP debugger.17:01
* paulproteus shrugs17:01
paulproteusNow I have, and I intend to do it quite some more.17:02
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nkinkadepaulproteus: is it good?  it must be better than just using echo.17:56
paulproteusnkinkade, Yes, but I'm waiting on an upgrade that will fix some KDE packages before I can compile this KDE-based GUI, and then we'll really see.17:58
paulproteusWhile I wait, I'm doing lliblicense changes, so I almost forgot what you were talking about.17:58
CIA-3paulproteus * r9344 /liblicense/trunk/modules/io/ (flac.c gsf.c raptor.c vorbis.c): Properly support LL_LICENSE (and only LL_LICENSE)17:59
CIA-3paulproteus * r9345 /liblicense/trunk/modules/io/ ( exempi.c sidecar_xmp.c): Reorganized XMP code18:12
CIA-3paulproteus * r9346 /liblicense/trunk/ (9 files in 2 dirs): Stop using the magic -1 and return -LL_E_MODULE_WRITE_FAIL18:24
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CIA-3paulproteus * r9347 /liblicense/trunk/modules/io/ (shared_xmp.c shared_xmp.h): These are needed now!18:27
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CIA-3nyergler * r9348 /i18nedit/trunk/ (6 files in 5 dirs):18:34
CIA-3Modified authentication to use a relational database (mapped via ORM) instead18:34
CIA-3of Pootle configuration files.18:34
CIA-3nyergler * r9349 /i18nedit/trunk/tower/model/ ( Updates to handle messages in text files.18:37
CIA-3nyergler * r9350 /i18nedit/trunk/tower/config/ Create roles for domains and languages at start up if they don't already exist.18:38
CIA-3nyergler * r9351 /i18nedit/trunk/tower/controllers/ Psuedo-ish-code for account registration.18:40
CIA-3nyergler * r9352 /i18nedit/trunk/tower/lib/ Application-specific decorator(s).18:42
CIA-3nyergler * r9353 /i18nedit/trunk/tower/lib/ Include user and role information in the context.18:42
CIA-3nyergler * r9354 /i18nedit/trunk/tower/controllers/ Use context specific permissions for admin.18:43
CIA-3nyergler * r9355 /i18nedit/trunk/tower/config/ Updates to remove ambiguity, support message views.18:44
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CIA-3nyergler * r9356 /i18nedit/trunk/tower/controllers/ Basic message controller.18:45
CIA-3nyergler * r9357 /i18nedit/trunk/tower/ (lib/ templates/base.html): Moved action calculation out of the template; just iterate over the context actions.18:46
CIA-3nyergler * r9358 /i18nedit/trunk/tower/templates/ (7 files in 3 dirs): Template updates.18:47
CIA-3nyergler * r9359 /i18nedit/trunk/tower.egg-info/ (PKG-INFO SOURCES.txt requires.txt): Regerated egg info.18:48
CIA-3nyergler * r9360 /i18nedit/trunk/scripts/ (. Simple script to split .po files into .txt files.18:49
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CIA-3nyergler * r9361 /i18nedit/trunk/ (57 files in 13 dirs): Tower is dead! Long live Herder!19:02
CIA-3nyergler * r9362 /i18nedit/trunk/herder/ (5 files in 3 dirs): We're not using Pootle conf files anymore, no need to keep jToolkit around.19:04
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