Friday, 2007-04-27

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meandtheshellhi folks - so this is a developers only channel right? If I wanted to ask for an advice which license to choose for a website covering its content and the software its made of (XHTML, CSS, pyhthon, elisp, ...) that would be wrong to ask here - yes?09:14
meandtheshelloops - I already asked :)09:14
paulproteusHey meandtheshell.09:16
paulproteusI'd consider your question but instead I'm falling asleep. (-:09:16
meandtheshellpaulproteus: hey - lol - a know face ...09:17
meandtheshellhow's everything going? What local time is it at your place?09:17
meandtheshellpaulproteus: oh - that's late/early - 9am here09:19
paulproteusI'll be back in about 20m; going to walk to campus to see if I can snag a wifi card.09:20
meandtheshellbä - 11am09:20
meandtheshellok - no problem09:20
meandtheshellI'll brunch in the meanwhile ...09:20
* meandtheshell should adjust his PC clock to local time which is GMT +2 :)09:21
paulproteusSo tired, going to walk but don't know how much longer I'll be awake.09:22
meandtheshellno problem - we can also catch up after you got your sleep :)09:23
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meandtheshellFYI - I've chosen for the content of my website10:34
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cchelpbotNew news from User:NathanYergler <>14:59
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cchelpbotNew news from Day 1 <>16:53
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cchelpbotNew news from User:Mike Linksvayer <>17:47
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cchelpbotNew news from IRC <>18:32
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cchelpbotNew news from Another great Steve Jurvetson photo reused under a CC license <>19:24
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cchelpbotNew news from Chicago Sun-Times on Flickr <>19:44
cchelpbotNew news from Creative Commons at Maker Faire <>20:14
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