Thursday, 2007-04-26

cchelpbotNew news from LiveCD <>01:01
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cchelpbotNew news from CCi Affiliate Scholarship Campaign launches today <>16:40
rejon uses it17:07
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e_s_pHi, all17:17
e_s_pso, I feel like a very small-hearted person17:17
e_s_pbut for the second year in a row I've received an invitation to send my money to the iSummit17:19
e_s_pwithout any information about whether or not I should go myself17:19
e_s_p"Please give us your money so others can go to this conference... by the way, you're not invited."17:20
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rejone_s_p: you are invited17:52
e_s_prejon: yes, I know17:52
e_s_pI'm speaking more as J. Random Listmember than as Evan Prodromou17:53
rejontotally man17:54
rejonI read aloud in the office too17:54
rejonthere was a call at the beginning for larger participation, but yes, I understand what you are saying and I would strongly advise you to email lessig about it17:55
e_s_pI'm sending an email right now17:57
rejoncheck this out y'all18:02
rejonpledges towards creating content to release into the commons:
rejonb4 hand18:02
rejonthe site design could use some work, but looks like they have beaten others to implementation18:02
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cchelpbotNew news from World IP Day <>18:41
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workhorsyI was just reading the creative commons share alike 2.5 license that is used for the tango icons project. To cut to the chase, can I use the tango icons in a proprietary app (for work of course)?20:03
workhorsyand this is the tango project:
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jkroonI'm looking for ways of compressing/decomopressing text messages in the size of 1KB21:17
jkroonWould Huffman coding do the trick ?21:17
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jkroonoops.. wrong channel21:30
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cchelpbotNew news from Media Hosting Wishlist <>22:32
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